How about the surrounding facilities of Wuhan Outlet Gateway neighborhood?

Address of Outlet Gateway neighborhood: No. 50, Panlong Avenue, Panlong City Economic Development Zone, Huangpi District (opposite to Bailian Outlets).

Transportation resources within 1KM straight line around are (Julong Avenue, Julong Avenue, Julong Avenue Gelin Garden, Julong Avenue Gelin Garden, Julong Avenue Gelin Garden, Panlong Avenue Yedian North, Panlong Avenue Yedian South, Julong Avenue Moyuan City, Julong Avenue Yedian, Julong Avenue Moyuan City, Panlong Avenue Panlong Hospital, Panlong Avenue Rhenghai Road, etc).

There are 10 educational resources within 2KM in a straight line (Chucai Newspaper Service (Panlongcheng Base), Rare Art Education, Mengbao English Paradise, Sizzling Culture Studio, Shangmei Art (Panlongcheng Store), Wuhan Liqiang 365 Academy, Wuhan 28th Street Art Gallery, Huiluxue Educational Center, Golden Dance Dance, Rehabilitation and Training Center of Wuhan No.1 Hospital Panlong Hospital District), and so on.

There are 9 medical resources in the surrounding 2KM, of which Aige Eye Hospital (Panlongcheng Outpatient Department) is 231 meters away from the district, Huangpi Renshinkang Outpatient Department is 240 meters away from the district, Huangpi Tianhe Outpatient Department is 502 meters away from the district, Tingting Stomatological Outpatient Department is 505 meters away from the district, Huangpi Renshun Comprehensive Outpatient Department is 521 meters away from the district, Huangpi Hospital (Panlongcheng Hospital) is 674 meters away from the district, Wuhan Panlongcheng Economic Development Zone (Wuhan Panlongcheng Economic Zone) is 674 meters away from the district. meters, Wuhan Panlongcheng Economic Development Zone Health Hospital is 676 meters away from the district, Huangpi District People's Hospital Panlongcheng Campus - Internal Pediatrics Building is 681 meters away from the district, and Wuhan Panlongcheng Economic Development Zone Health Hospital - Rabies Exposure Prevention and Disposal Clinic is 686 meters away from the district, which provides protection for the medical needs.

Commercial facilities around Aolehui include: (China Tobacco (Geling Garden Store), Yumeijia Mobile Phone Plaza, Kangle Supermarket (E0070 Store), Baishang Shopping Center (Leader City Store), Happiness Supermarket (Leader Xiu City Store), Liangpin Shoppe (Panglongcheng Geling Garden Store), Zhongbai Supermarket (Tianjiu Garden Store), Yedian Commercial Market, Celebrity Urban Commercial Plaza, Zhongbai Warehouse (Celebrity Urban Commercial Plaza Store)), etc.

Click to view more: Aole Hui neighborhood details