Is it true that Sophia the robot says she wants to destroy humanity?
It was said. But are in accordance with the script, you can search about Sophia's video to take a closer look, especially the CCTV reporter asked the question that paragraph, simply full of loopholes. A scripted answer, a show. Besides, even with all the AI hype right now, the idea of robots destroying the human race is unlikely to come up in a few years. If she's really unique and smart, she should know that it's too early and too dramatic to say such things when analyzing the current situation. Maybe, someday, there will be robots that can think completely independently. It's hard to foresee how far science will go with the current knowledge of mankind, and the ancients couldn't have imagined what we are living now. By the way, it's interesting for people to see what Sophia's maker used to do. Look at the amazing wiring tubes in her brain, say she's superior to humans in one way, I believe it; say she's comparable to humans, sorry, I don't.