Why is Choi Dong Wook called SE7EN?

『Surname』: Choi Dong Wook

『English Name』: Se7en (se7en said his stage name is inspired from the radish pieces in the restaurant, at that time the company was struggling to give se7en what stage name, once se7en and his family chanced to go to dinner, saw 7 radish pieces on the dinner table, se7en inspiration suddenly appeared, remembered a stage name! "LUCKY SEVEN", also, the number 7 is the lucky number for all people in Korea, so from that point on se7en has been active with this stage name ;)

『Original Name』: Choi Dong-wook Choi Dong-woo

『Nickname』: Seven Eleven

『Nickname』: 7-11 (SEVEN-ELEVEN)

『Date of Birth』: November 9, 1984

『Height』: 180cm

『Body Weight』: 64kg

『High』: 180cm

『Body Weight』: 64kg

Total weight Weight: 64kg

Blood type: B type

Education: Department of Sports Management, Kokusai Digital University, Department of Practical Music, Dankook University

Family members: grandmother, parents, 2 sisters

Birthday dream: several goldfish swimming in a bright fish tank

My closest relatives in YG: Swi. .T

『Interest』: OnlyMusic!

『Who I think absolutely exists』: God

『Country I want to visit』: America

『Our own character』: Almost Perfect

『Motto』: Become a useful person everywhere

『Interests and specialties』: Gaming, skiing, specialties are singing, dancing, rapping

『What I think is the most necessary』: Practicing

『What I am most happy about』: Being born in this world

『What I like the most』: The people who like me, Hip Hop, good food

『What I like in a girl』: It's not important to be beautiful, but the most important is the woman who will think about the other person. Woman

『What I want to do most now』: Singing

『Favorite Song』: Brian Mcknight

『Favorite Color』: Black, White

『Favorite Singer』: USher, Justin, Joe, Dru Hill

『Alcohol Consumption』: 2 bottles of white wine, No Smoking

"Exercise": Dance

"Strengths": Lively, good personality

"Weaknesses": Lazy

"Confidence in Appearance": Eyes

"Strengths": Singing, Dancing, Rapping

"Habits": Touching my hair

"Ways to Get Rid of Problems": Dancing, Singing

"Favorite Seasons": Dancing, Singing, Rapping

"Favorite Seasons": Dance, Singing

"Favorite Seasons": Dancing, Singing, Singing, Rapping

"Favorite Season": Winter

"Favorite Female Artist": Lee Hyori finkl, Kim Hee-sun

"Favorite TV Channels": m.net, km tv

"Do you feel like you have a sense of style": Yes

"Favorite Food": Hamburger, Chicken Fried Legs, Pizza, etc.

"Cherished Things": 1000 CDs that I collected with great difficulty

'Dream when I was a child': To be a singer

'Favorite stage': International stage

'Motto': Be humble, be polite, be number one

'Future wish': To be a musician who will change the world

'Current dream': A universal performer

'Schedule of the day': School - 1,000 CDs, 2,000 DVDs, 3,000 DVDs, 3,000 DVDs, 3,000 DVDs, 4,000 DVDs, 4,000 DVDs, 5,000 DVDs, 5,000 DVDs, 5,000 DVDs, 5,000 DVDs, 5,000 DVDs Arrangement for the day: School -> Home -> Contact room -> Home -> Finish

"Afraid of the cold or the heat": Afraid of the heat

"Favorite song to sing at a karaoke bar": "One Love"

"Is there a hotel that you always go to? If so, where is it': Secret .....

'What would I do if I wasn't a singer': Ordinary student

'What would I do if I were to live in the rest of the world': Something special that only I would do

'How do you feel about love': Beautiful...

'My favorite song to sing in a karaoke bar': One Love

'My favorite song to sing in a karaoke bar': Secret

'Where do I go often?

『Concert Records』:


July 16 ~ Oct. 4 "COLOR OF THE SOUL TRAIN" Tour


Love letter from SE7EN

Dec 24 ~ Jen. 17 "ONE CONCERT"

Aug 28 ~ Dec 18 2004 SOUL TRAIN" Tour

Dec 31 ~ Jen 1 "ONE CONCERT"


July 2003 - October 2003 Color of the soul train national tour

Se7EN's love letter

Dec 24 ~ Jen. 17 "ONE CONCERT"

Aug 28 ~ Dec 18

July 2003-October 2003 Color of the soul train nationwide tour

November 2003 Love Letter From SE7EN solo concert

May 2005-June 2005 Japan 2005 SE7EN STYLE nationwide tour

『Awards received』:

⊙First Album<> awards received:

M.NET MMF Men's Best New Singer

18th GOLDEN DICK Best New Singer

KMTV 2003 KMA Men's Best New Singer

2003 SBS TV Best New Singer

2003 MBC Broadcast Interpretation Award - Best Popularity Award

MBC TV Top 10 Singer Award - Best Rookie Singer

⊙ Song 〈〈Come back to me 〉〉awarded

2003.05.04 SBS Pop Song MUTISON SUNG

2003.05.11 SBS Pop Song MUTISON SUNG

2003.05.10 MBC Pop Song No.1 SE7EN VS AHN JAE-WOOK

2003.05.17 MBC Pop Song No.1 for 2 weeks in a row SE7EN VS AHN JAE-WOOK

2003.05.24 MBC Pop Song No.3 for 3 weeks in a row SE7EN VS BABYVOX

2003.05.31 MBC Pop Song 4 Weeks No.1 SE7EN VS KIM Jian-mo

2003.06.07 MBC Pop Song 5 Weeks No.1 SE7EN VS CHA Tae-hyun

2003.11.27 M.net Music M.net Music Festival Best New Artist, Best MTV Award

2003.12.05 Golden Disk Moving Award Ceremony PAVV Best New Artist

2003.12.10 KMTV Korean Music Award Best New Artist

2003.12.12 Seoul Song Awards Best Newcomer

2003.12.292003 SBS Song Award Best Newcomer

2003.12.292003 MBC Acting Award Singer Special Award

2003.12.31 MBC 10 Greatest Singer Song Award Newcomer Singer King

⊙ The second album <> won by the Awards:

Title track <<>>

#1 in MBC Music Ranking (2 weeks #1)

#1 in SBS Best Single (3 weeks #1)

MKMF Male Solo Artist Award, GOLDEN DICK Award , GOLDEN DICK music Award.

MKMF Male Solo Artist Award, GOLDEN DICK Award , GOLDEN DICK music Award.

December 1st, the internet song "CRAZY" was downloaded 200,000 times within 2 weeks of its release

『Record Timeline』:

2003 album "just listen" was released in Korea

2004 album "must listen" was released in Korea. The first time I saw this is when I was in the middle of a movie, and it was the first time I saw a movie. SE7EN's energetic manner has not only made Korean sisters go crazy, but also his whole body from hairstyle, hats, storm shoes, and accessories have become the object of imitation for Korean teenagers.

『Sunny curly hair head most in』

Now the Korean boys' hair is still the most popular medium-length hair, but like the F4 kind of handsome straight hair has been feverish, to add a little bit of volume is the most in the dress, and guaranteed to become a sister sister killers, as to how much volume? SE7EN is a good reference, and it's best to dye your hair a little color to make it fly with the wind.

『Sun hat does not cover the sun also look good』

Only the brim of the sun hat was originally engaged in outdoor sports equipment, but now it has become the artists to do styling of the magic weapon, this year, Korea's popularity industry is the first push of the fever goods is the sun hat, and the person who caused this whirlwind is SE7EN.

SE7EN is used to the sun hat to forty-five degrees angle angle wear, on the stage also SE7EN used to wear sun hats at a 45-degree angle, and often styled their hats in a variety of ways on stage. Many of their fans wore hats when attending SE7EN's events to show their support, and thus SE7EN was awarded the honor of 'Best Hat Advocate'.

『Lover's Lattice Bracelet Free Promotion』

This bracelet is a hot model in Korea this year, and its special feature is that the chain can be disassembled one by one, and you can also add your own English name to it, which gives full play to the function of DIY.

Since SE7EN is very fond of this brand of bracelets, it attracts many fans to scramble for them, especially the ones worn by SE7EN, which are out of stock and often have to be ordered in advance. The store was so inundated with inquiries from fans that they put a picture of SE7EN wearing the bracelet on the counter as an advertisement.

'Teenagers are super-happy with mob shoes'

Since SE7EN wore a pair of sneakers with small wheels on the bottom in the music video for his debut song 'Come Back', he skated around and performed a series of difficult dances, which drove all the teenagers crazy, and made them scramble to buy the mob shoes.

SE7EN endorsement of the brand has also jumped to become the first brand of mob shoes products, and become the teenagers want to receive the most gifts, of course, wearing mob shoes on the street walking, is definitely the most popular street sports in South Korea.


1 "Every time I try to appear in front of the FANS with a new image. It's a bit of a pain, but that's how I can make both the singer and the audience feel the same way. I try not to repeat the same dance as much as possible"

2 "It's an obligation that should be fulfilled for the FANS, and if you use falsetto in a live setting, then there's nothing for the singer to do on stage. What's the difference between the audience and listening to a CD like that"

3 "Singing? Of course I have to practice secretly and intensively, not to say desperately, but at least I have to be worthy of my FANS and the people who like me!"

4 "I'll show you that Se7en can still be recognized without dancing!"

5 "I would have felt very little about the things around me, but was stubborn about the things I wanted to do and had the confidence to do well. I can't just be satisfied with being number one on the charts, so anything I want to improve on stage, I have to practise when I get off stage, that way I'm at ease"

6 "I just want to be a good singer right now, and my goal is to 'become the most famous singer'. Right now it's fun for me to be a singer, so I'm not interested in anything else" (Se7en's answer to entering the acting world)

7 "I'll continue to learn about music and try to show people my work as soon as possible"

8 It's not important to look beautiful. The most important thing is a woman who will think about the other person. In the future, if you want to find a girlfriend, I hope to find a woman who looks like Kim Hee Sun so beautiful, even if it is later realized that it is plastic surgery does not matter.

9 Whenever I am in a downturn, the person who encourages me the most is the one who gives me the most encouragement. The person who gives me the most encouragement is my parents. Especially my mom, who stood by my side when she saw me depressed.

10 Every time I hear my songs being turned into other languages and popular in other countries, it's really an honor.

77Small Secrets

1 Se7en is a lively and mischievous man who loves to drink Coke, and he drinks a few bottles every day. The company's main goal is to provide the best possible service to its customers. He also likes to pour it into a cup. He likes to pour it into a cup and make it seem like it's going to overflow, but it doesn't leak out, so he can get applause from everyone.

2 Whenever they go out to promote, se7en always makes a "big deal" and shows a lot of sincerity in their clothes. From the beginning, they change their look from head to toe for almost every promotional event. It's a real treat for the fans. The dress box that he brought along with him, he actually brought 2 big boxes of sun eyes and more than 10 hats. se7en every change of clothes, even sun glasses and hats have to do with another.

3 se7en early Korean release of the first album, on the handsome face, exquisite dance skills and unique voice. The first song of the album was a new one, and it was the first song of the album to be released in Korea. The first hit song <Come Back> was the number one song on the charts for 5 consecutive weeks. It has won all the newcomer awards in 2003.

4 Less than two months after his debut, the 20-year-old se7en's online fan club has reached 250,000 members. It has surpassed supergroups HOT and GOD to become the largest fan club in Korea.

5 In the first year of his debut, se7en broke the record for the highest advertisement price in Korea when he won an advertisement contract as a spokesperson for a Korean brand of clothing

6 Se7en's quality appearance, singing, and dancing attracted the attention of the rest of Asia. The Japanese media even praised se7en as "Korea's only international artist"

7 77, who is very knowledgeable about card magic, deliberately teased the staff by saying that he had studied with a Japanese master of supernatural powers, and that it only took him three days to learn how to do it, while it took him three weeks to learn how to do it. The actual scene made everyone flabbergasted, the big male horror of naivety revealed undoubtedly.