How did the mini skirt originate?

The mini-skirt was born in the mid-1960s, and its appearance caused a sensation throughout the Western world. The birth of the miniskirt was not as big as the bikini, which had the impact of an atomic bomb, but it was enough to make people at the time feel shocked. The inventor of the mini-skirt was Mary Quint, London's "Queen of Fashion". 1965, Mary Quint, who grew up on the streets of England, bravely cut the hem of the skirt to 4 inches above the knee, so that although the skirt covered the core, it allowed men's imaginations to get infinitely closer to the core. Previously one could only see women with bare thighs on the ballet stage or on the Moulin Rouge dance floor. Mary Quant invented the miniskirt from England, which soon became popular and glamorous all over the world.