Chinese people prefer with 6 or 8 floors, this is because the harmonics are better "six six big smooth", "eight eight big", but for the floors with a 4 is more exclusionary, because of the 4's But for the floor with 4, it is more rejected, because the harmonic sound of 4 is "death". The fact is that many people are not interested in the 13th, which is a taboo for foreigners.
Buy a house through the numbers to determine the floor good or bad, mostly due to psychological effects, there are not too many taboos buyers do not care too much about what people say, too take this seriously, for example: 4 in addition to the harmonics, but also an auspicious number, such as the musical pronunciation of the sequence "4" that is The musical sequence "4", for example, is "fa", which can be interpreted to mean prosperity, abundance, and so on.
2, equipment layer is not recommended to buy
Equipment layer is generally set up in the middle of the floor, is designed to set up the HVAC, air conditioning, water supply and drainage and electrical equipment and piping construction personnel to enter the operation of the space layer. In the equipment layer or its next floor, the noise of the equipment, mechanical vibration, etc. will bring negative impact on the living environment. When you buy a house, you must pay attention to ask, equipment layer in which layer, it is best to stay away from.
3, the upper floor of the elevated floor is not recommended to buy
Careful when choosing the upper floor of the elevated floor. Some friends will ask what is the overhead floor? Because some areas in the south of the ground floor is more humid, so many neighborhoods will be the ground floor overhead, from the second floor to live. But it is because of the existence of the elevated floor, to many owners of the space of activity, once encountered regardless of the time period in the elevated floor of the square dance of the aunt, or littering owners, home buyers will certainly be a headache.
4, no children elderly family is not recommended to buy the ground floor
We all know that there are many shortcomings of the ground floor, such as poor security, lack of light and ventilation, poor privacy, housing is more humid, more noise, etc.. Therefore, if your family does not have children elderly, then it is not recommended that you buy. If there is a special group of people must buy low-rise, then you should also consider whether the supermarket, the property is good or not, the spacing between the buildings is not big and so on.
5, do not recommend buying a high price of the top
While it is said that the top floor of the light vision and other conditions are better, but if not in the case of a particularly cheap price, I don't see you to buy the top, this is because the top floor of the prevailing summer heat, the rainy season is prone to leakage of the phenomenon. At the same time, the top floor tenants rely more on the elevator, if the power and water outages, more trouble.
For high-rise housing, 13-18 is a more suitable floor, the view and lighting conditions are better, and not too humid and noisy. Of course, due to the different needs of each person, the city is different, different economic capacity, so my advice is only being entangled in the friend reference, if you meet their favorite house, or to follow their heart to buy only good.