What are the lyrics of these two songs <Too bad he has a girlfriend><Exclusive Angel>?

It's a shame he has a girlfriend

Singer: Zhou Liqi

LRC Lyrics HOT

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Why am I bored to sleep when I meet other people

Meet him and he's always natural

Let's fantasize that we can talk about him later

Because of this, I'm not sure if he's the one who has a girlfriend or not.

To be a partner

*It's a pity that he has a lover

How else to fight for it

The contract is not allowed by the world

Often I look at other people's happiness, which makes me feel even more sad

Is it true that all the beautiful men in the world have been filled up

Where are the ones who have escaped from the net

Boys, if they have a little bit more desirability

All of them are already the husband or partner of a certain gentleman

All of them are the husband of a certain gentleman.

Still like my unmarried one

Who can I love

The only one who meets the ideal has to be seven years old

He is really a bit like me

If the others sit quietly when they are bored

Seeing him around me tonight

The topic of conversation is like a constant stream of conversation

I am afraid of what?

repeat *

But like my unmarried

Who will be divided

Who wants to go to all the proms single

Exclusive Angel

Singer: tank Album: Flower Teenage Girls TV Original

LRC Lyrics HOT

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☆Fancy Teen Girls Theme Song☆

☆Lyrics:Shi Rencheng Arranger:Lv Shaochun☆

☆Composer:tank Provided by:Zaixing☆

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I won't blame you for my disguise

I won't blame you for my disguise.

Angels on earth should hide their wings

People are stupid and reckless, but you're delicate and kind

How could I let you get hurt for me

The warmth of a small hand is thick

You've always been able to calm my restless nights

The dream that I didn't dare to think about was seen through your eyes

The dream that I saw ahead

The dream that I didn't dare to think about was seen through your eyes

I saw that it's there. p>

No one can take you away from me

You are my very own angel

Only me

No one can replace you in my heart

With an angel all to myself

Where else would I wish for anything else

A little hand with a lot of power

I'm sure I will be able to fly like you

I will be able to fly like you. p>

Wherever you want to go is where I'm headed

With me to protect your smile as bright as it is

No one can take you away from me

You're my very own angel

I'm the only one I can take

No one can take your place in my heart

With an angel all to myself

Where else would I have needed to wish

If it weren't for the small hands and big power of my own hands, I would have been able to fly like you do.

If you hadn't come along

I'd still be sleeping

Desperate to think that there's only night in my life

No one can take you away from me

You're my very own angel

My very own angel

Nobody else can take your place in my heart

Having an angel all to myself

Where else do I need to wish for anything else? Where do I need another wish
