Walking alone in the park, I met an old man sitting by the river fishing alone, so I could talk to him. The gray-haired old man told me, "I've been fishing all day, and I've only caught one small fish." Said, he put the fish back into the river. I was puzzled and asked, "You think the fish is too small?" The old man looked at me and laughed, "I don't care if the ground fish is so big, but I caught a day's worth of happiness!" What a wonderful philosophy of life, I suddenly realized. Since then, I have changed, I realize: the harvest is important, but the most important thing is to get the "happy" reward.
In Changsha, I am closest to my brother, who is studying abroad and comes back only once a year on vacation. The meeting is always short, there will always be a separation of the morning days, I remember every time I send my brother to the airport, I always used to cry and tugged at his hand, do not let him go, every time, my brother will caress me and said: "When will grow up?" Now that I've grown up, I no longer send him off with tears in my eyes, I will show my brother a lovely smile and say "bye-bye!
Once I cared a lot about other people's opinions, I would stubbornly argue with others' rudeness and abuse, but now? After how many years of life, I realized how ridiculous I was then. I can not pay attention to, now I have been able to those "cynicism, rude abuse", like dust, gently wiped away, walk their own way, let others say it! I feel I have become so free!
In the face of difficulties I have become stronger; and in the face of success, I have become more calm; in the face of choice I have become more decisive; in the face of ......
Life is really wonderful, if you want to know about it, then I can proudly say: "My change is the most wonderful choice of life! !"
1) Simple Joy
There was a little girl who walked from home to school every day. One morning the weather wasn't very good, the clouds were getting thicker, and by the afternoon
the wind was blowing even harder, and soon there began to be lightning, thunder, and heavy rain. The little girl's mother was very worried, and she was afraid that the little girl might
be frightened by the thunder, or even hit by it. As the thunderstorm got heavier and heavier, and the lightning pierced the sky like a sharp sword, the little girl's
mom rushed to her car to look for the little girl along her route to school, and saw her little girl walking alone on the street
and noticed that every time the lightning struck, she stopped, looked up, and smiled.
After watching for a long time, the mother could not help but call out to her child and ask her,
"What are you doing?"
She said:
"God just took my picture, so I have to smile!"
(2) Losses and Possessions
There was an entrepreneur who had an amazing career in the business world. One day when he was at the peak of his career, he accompanied his father
to an elegant restaurant where a violinist was playing. As he listened, the entrepreneur remembered that he himself had learned to play the violin, and was almost crazy about it, so he said to his father, "If I had only learned to play the violin properly, I might be playing here now. "Yes, my son," replied his father, "but then
you would not be dining here now."
We often lament lost opportunities or accomplishments,
but we often forget to give thanks for what we have.
(3) Knowing Your "Limited" Intelligence
There was a smart boy whose mother took him to the grocery store one day, and when the owner saw this cute little kid, he
opened a jar of candy and asked the little boy to take a handful of the candy himself. But the boy made no move. After several invitations
the owner himself grabbed a handful of candy and put it in his pocket. When he returned home, his mother asked the boy why he hadn't grabbed the candies himself and asked the boss to do so. The boy answered wonderfully, "Because my hands are smaller! And the boss
has bigger hands, so he must have gotten a lot more than I did!
This is a smart boy who knows his own limitations and, more importantly, who understands that others are better than he is.
It is humbling and even wiser to not rely on one's own strength in all things, and to learn to rely on others when appropriate.
(4) The Art of Listening
The famous American host "Linklater" interviewed a child one day and asked him, "What do you want to be when you grow up
". The child replied innocently, "Well...I want to be an airplane pilot! Linklater then asked, "What would you do if one day
your airplane flew over the Pacific Ocean and all the engines stalled? The kid thought for a moment, "I'd tell everyone in the plane to buckle up, and then I'd hang up my parachute and jump out. As the audience laughed
and laughed, Linklater continued to watch the kid to see if he was a smart-ass. What he didn't realize was that two tears came to the boy's eyes, which made Linklater realize that the boy's compassion was more than he could describe.
So Linklater asked him, "Why did you do it?" The child's answer revealed the sincere thoughts of a child: "
I'm going to get fuel, and I'm coming back! "I'm coming back!" .
When you hear someone speak ...... Do you really understand what he is saying? Do you understand them?
1. Don't listen to half of what they say.
2. And don't project your own meaning onto what others say.
(5) The Walking Revelation
God gave me a task to take a snail for a walk. I couldn't go too fast, and the snail was crawling as hard as it could, but every time it moved just a little bit.
I pushed it, I bluffed it, and it moved a little bit. I rushed it, I bluffed it, I scolded it, and the snail looked at me apologetically, as if to say, "I have done my best! I pulled, I tugged, I even tried to kick it, and the snail was hurt, and it was sweating and gasping for breath, and crawling forward.
It's strange, why would God tell me to take a snail for a walk? God! Why?" There was silence in the sky. "
Oh, well! Maybe God went snail hunting!" All right, then! Let go! What do I care if God doesn't care anyway? I let the snail crawl forward while I sulked behind. Huh? I smelled flowers. There was a garden here. I can feel a breeze blowing, so the wind is gentle in the night
. Slowly! I can hear the birds, I can hear the insects, I can see the stars in the sky. What? How is it that I have not experienced this before?
This is the first time in my life that I have experienced this.
I suddenly remembered that I was mistaken! Turns out God told the snail to lead me on a walk. Did you find your snail? Even
El go out for a walk!
(6) You can be really comfortable
Milan Kundera has a book called 'Living in Other Places', and I have a very good association with those five words, and I've always lived my life far
away, all thinking: if I had the money tomorrow I'd ...... be able to do that.
If you are not happy making less money now, even if you have more money, I guarantee you won't be happy;
If you won't be able to enjoy yourself when you're alone, even if you're married to someone else, married to a wife, and someone else is just as unhappy as you;
If you don't know how to enjoy your life now, you won't be able to enjoy it in the future either.
Some people ask what freedom means, and the so-called freedom is:
You want to refuse a person's date, there is no need for any reason, you have the right to live the life you want to live, and have the right to go to
the place you want to go.
Life is simple.
Men and women like to set a deadline in their lives, such as:
I have to get married at 25,
I have to have a baby at 26,
I have to have a boy and a girl when I'm 30, and
I have to have a house when I'm 31, and
So a lot of decisions are made very hastily.
If the person you are looking for is not the right one at the beginning, then no matter how hard you try, it will not be the right one;
Sometimes we often feel that all the problems will be gone after the marriage is over.
If there are still problems after the marriage, then we should hurry up to give birth to children.
In fact, if you don't solve the problems at this stage, they will only get bigger at the next stage;
These are the reasons why we are not looking for the right person at the beginning, and why we are not looking for the right person at the beginning. You don't have to expect too much from the future, expect too much ...... Honestly the frustration will be very deep, why don't you look at what you are doing now
Something that will make you feel comfortable and absorb a lot of things, and that's when you will feel that life is really fulfilling.
Also, a person who tries too hard at living for others to see will suffer terribly,
Today if you believe you are doing okay and don't care what others think of you, you can really be very comfortable.
The first story
Chen A-Tu is a Taiwanese farmer who has never traveled far.
Finally, he got a chance to travel abroad on a tour group. Everything abroad is very new to him, especially the fact that he is on a luxury tour, where one person stays in a standard room, which is even more new to him.
This morning, the waiter knocked on the door to send breakfast when he said loudly: "GOOD MORNING , SIR!"
Chen A Tu froze: what does this mean? In his hometown, the general meeting of strangers will ask: "Your name?" Thinking of this, Chen Ah Tu shouted, "My name is Chen Ah Tu!" As such, for three days in a row, it was the waiter who knocked on the door, and every day he said loudly, "GOOD MORNING, SIR!". And Chen Ah-Tu shouted back, "My name is Chen Ah-Tu!"
A few days down the road, he was very angry: this waiter is also too stupid, every day to ask their own name, tell him it he can not remember, really annoying! Finally, he couldn't help himself and asked the guide what "GOOD MORNING, SIR!" meant, and the guide told him the answer, "Oh my God! The guide told him the answer, "Oh my God, what a shame!"
Back in his room, Chen practiced the phrase "GOOD MORNING, SIR!" over and over again so that he could deal with the waiters in a dignified manner.
The next morning, the waiter knocked on the door as usual, and as soon as the door opened, Chen Ah-tu shouted, "GOOD MORNING, SIR!"
At the same time, the waiter shouted, "I am Chen Ah-tu!"
This story tells us that human interaction is often a battle between willpower and willpower, either you influence him or he influences you. And if we want to be successful, we must cultivate our influence; only those who are influential can be the strongest in life!!!!
Story #2
Five-year-old Hank went to work in the forest with his dad, mom, and brother.
Suddenly, it started raining heavily, but they only had a poncho with them.
Dad gives the poncho to Mom, Mom gives it to her brother, and her brother gives it to Hank.
Hank asked, "Why did Dad give the poncho to Mom, and Mom gave it to his brother, and his brother gave it to me?"
Dad replied, "Because dad is stronger than mom, mom is stronger than brother, and brother is stronger than you ah, we all protect the weaker ones."
Hank looked around and ran to the side to hold the poncho out of the way above a delicate little flower fluttering in the wind and rain.
This story tells us that a truly strong man is not necessarily how powerful or how rich he is, but most importantly, how helpful he is to others! Responsibility allows us to make things complete, and love allows us to make things better!
3rd Story
A man went to buy a parrot and saw a sign on the front of a parrot that said, This parrot knows two languages and is priced at two hundred dollars.
Another parrot had a sign that said, "This parrot knows four languages and costs four hundred dollars.
The two parrots are both very cute with bright fur, so which one should I buy? The man spun around, uncertain.
Then he suddenly realized that there was another parrot with old teeth, with dull and disheveled fur, priced at 800 yuan!
The man hurriedly called the owner over, "Does this parrot speak eight languages?" The store owner said, "No."
The man then thought it was strange, "Then why is this parrot, old, ugly, and incapable, worth this amount?"
The shopkeeper replied, "Because the other two parrots call this parrot boss."
This story tells us that real leaders, who are not necessarily very capable themselves, can unite forces stronger than themselves and thus raise their own stature as long as they know how to trust, decentralize and cherish. On the contrary, many people with very strong ability but because of too much pursuit of perfection, everything, feel that what people are not as good as their own, and finally can only do the best public relations personnel, sales representatives, but can not become a good leader.
The 4th story
A small country came to China and paid tribute to three identical gold men, which shone brightly and made the emperor very happy.
But the man from this small country was unkind and gave the Chinese emperor a difficult question, asking which of the three gold men was the most valuable?
The emperor thought of many ways to ask the jeweler to come and check, weighing and seeing the workmanship ...... The results were all exactly the same.
How to do, the messenger is still waiting to go back to his king to report it, the great country, will not even this little thing can not handle it?
Finally, an old courtier said he had a way, only to see him chest holding three straws, pull out one of them, inserted into the ear of the first gold man, straw from the gold man's other ear out; inserted into the second gold man's straw from its mouth fell straight out; and the third gold man, straw into the gold man's stomach fell into.
The old minister said, "The third golden man is the most valuable!" The messenger was silent, and the answer was correct ......
This story tells us that the most valuable person is not necessarily the one who can talk the most. God gave us two ears and one mouth, originally for us to listen more and talk less. Listening well is the most basic quality of a mature person.
Story #5
A said to B, "I'm leaving this company because I hate it!"
B suggested, "I put my hands up for that! You should definitely give the company some credit! However, it's not the best time for you to leave."
A asked why, and B said, "If you leave now, the company won't lose much, you should take this opportunity of still being in the company now, and desperately try to pull some clients for yourself, and become a solo figure in the company, and then suddenly leave the company with those clients, so that the company will suffer a major loss and be very passive, and then you ......"
A think B said very reasonable, so work hard. Things went as planned, and after more than half a year of hard work, A had many loyal customers.
When we met again, B asked A, "Now is the time to 'act' quickly!"
A smiled bashfully, "The old boss has already had a long talk with me, and is going to promote me to assistant general manager, now I have no intention of leaving for the time being ......"
In fact, this is exactly B's original intention. A person working, always just for his own writing life resume. Only pay more than get, so that the boss really see your ability than the position, will give you more opportunities to create more profits for him.
The 6th story
There are three people to be put in prison for three years, the warden gave them three a person can realize the requirements.
The American, who loved cigars, asked for three boxes of cigars to go to prison; the Frenchman, who was a romantic, asked for the company of a beautiful woman; and the Jew said he wanted a telephone to communicate with the outside world.
Three years later, the first one to rush out was the American, only to see his mouth and nostrils stuffed with cigars, and he shouted, "Give me fire, give me fire!"
Turns out, he forgot to ask for a fire. The next to come out was the Frenchman, and he was seen holding a child in his hand, and the beautiful woman was holding a child in her hand, and carrying a third in her belly. The last to come out was the Jew, who shook the warden's hand tightly and said, "I have been in contact with the outside world every day for the past three years, and instead of stopping, my business has grown by 200 percent, and as a token of my appreciation, I am giving you a Rolls-Royce!"
This story tells us that the choices we make determine the lives we lead. Our lives today are determined by the choices we made three years ago, and the choices we make today will determine our lives three years from now. We have to choose to be exposed to the latest information and understand the latest trends so that we can create a better future for ourselves.
The 7th story
Two men were walking in the forest when they suddenly came across a big tiger.
A hurriedly took down a pair of lighter sneakers from his back and changed into them. B got anxious and scolded, "What are you doing, you can't run away from the tiger even if you change your shoes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
A said, "As long as I can run faster than you ......"
In the twenty-first century, no sense of crisis is the biggest crisis. Especially after China's entry, telecommunications, banking, insurance, and even civil service, which we have always considered very stable and secure, will face many variables. When more tigers come, do we have our running shoes ready?
The 8th story
There was a scholar who took his third exam in Beijing and stayed in a store where he often stayed.
Two days before the exam he had three dreams: the first was that he was growing cabbages on the wall; the second was that it was raining, and he was wearing a bucket hat and an umbrella; and the third was that he was lying undressed with his beloved cousin, but with their backs to each other. These three dreams seemed to have some deep meanings, so Xiucai hurriedly found a fortune-teller to interpret his dreams the next day.
On hearing this, the fortune-teller even slapped his thigh and sighed: "You'd better go home! Think about it, high wall planting vegetables is not a waste of effort? Wear a bucket hat with an umbrella is not superfluous? Lying on the same bed with your cousin all naked but back to back, isn't that hopeless?!!!"
Xiu Cai was disheartened and went back to the store to pack his bag and prepare to go home.
The shopkeeper saw it and felt very strange, so he asked him, "Isn't the exam tomorrow, how come you are going back to your hometown today?" Xiu Cai said so and so, the shopkeeper was happy: "Yo, I can also interpret dreams, I would think, this time you must stay. Think about it, isn't growing vegetables on the wall a high seed? Wearing a hat and umbrella does not mean that this time you are prepared? Lying on the bed with your cousin naked and leaning on her back, doesn't it mean that it's time for you to turn over a new leaf?"
Xiu Cai heard, think the shopkeeper said more reasonable, so the spirit of the spirit to take the examination, actually won a tanbana.
Positive people, like the sun, shine wherever bright; negative people, like the moon, the first fifteen is not the same. Ideas determine our life, what kind of ideas, what kind of future.
The 9th story
The baby camel in the zoo asked his mother, "Mom, mom, why are our eyelashes so long?"
Mom camel: "When the wind and sand come, the long eyelashes allow us to see where we are going in a sandstorm."
The baby camel asked again, "Mommy, Mommy, why is our back so hunched, it's just ugly!"
The camel's mom: "This is called a hump, and it helps us store a lot of water and nutrients, and allows us to endure ten days of waterless and foodless conditions in the desert."
The baby camel asked again, "Mommy, Mommy, why are our paws so thick?"
Mom camel: "That keeps our heavy bodies from sinking into the soft sand, which makes it easier for us to travel long distances!"
The little camel was overjoyed, "Wow, so we are so useful! But mom, why are we still in the zoo now and not hiking in the desert?"
Born to be useful, it's a shame no one is using it now. A good mindset + a successful textbook + an unlimited stage = success. Each person's potential is unlimited, the key is to find a stage where you can realize your full potential.
The 10th story
There were seven people living together, and they had to share a big bucket of porridge every day.
The thing that killed them was - there wasn't enough porridge every day.
At first, they drew lots to decide who would share the porridge, one for each day. And so it came to pass that every week, they were full only one day, the day they divided the porridge among themselves.
Later, they elected a person of high moral character to share the porridge. Power breeds corruption, and everyone began to dig in to curry favor with him, bribe him, and make the whole little group smoky. Later, they formed a three-member porridge committee and a four-member selection committee, but they often attacked each other, and the porridge was cold in their mouths.
Finally, one person came up with the idea of taking turns to share the congee, but the person who shared the congee had to wait for the others to finish picking it out and take the last remaining bowl. In order not to eat the least, everyone tried to divide the porridge as evenly as possible, and even if it wasn't even, they had to admit it.
At the end of the day, everyone is happy and peaceful, and life gets better and better.
The same seven people, a different distribution system produces a different ethos. Therefore, if a unit has bad working habits, it must be a problem of the mechanism, it must not be completely fair, just and open, and there is no strict reward for hard work and punishment for laziness. How to develop such a system is an issue that every leader should ponder and need to consider ......
The 11th story
Anyone who has ever been to a temple knows that once you enter the temple gate, the first thing that comes to mind is the Buddha Maitreya, welcoming his guests with a smiling face, and to his north is the black-mouthed, black-faced Vedanta. But rumor has it that long ago, they were not in the same temple, but were in charge of separate temples.
Maitreya Buddha was enthusiastic and happy, so there were very many people coming, but he didn't care about anything, threw in the towel and didn't manage the accounts properly, so he still couldn't make ends meet. And although Vairocana was a good hand at managing the accounts, he was grim-faced and too serious all day long, causing fewer and fewer people to come, and finally the incense was cut off.
The Buddha found this problem when checking the incense, and put them both in the same temple, by the Mile High Buddha is responsible for the public relations, smile and welcome the guests, so the incense flourished. While Vedanta, who was iron-faced and counted every cent, was put in charge of finances and kept a strict check on them. In the two men's division of labor, the temple a thriving scene.
[color=blue]In fact, in the eyes of the master, there is no waste, just as the martial arts masters, do not need expensive sword, picking flowers and flying leaves can hurt, the key to see how to use.
The 12th story
A psychology professor visited a madhouse to learn about the state of life of crazy people. It was an eye-opening day to realize that these people were crazy and acting in unexpected ways.
Unexpectedly, when he was ready to return, he found that his car tires had been dropped." Some madman must have done it!" The professor thought this indignantly, getting his hands on the spare tire and preparing to put it on.
The situation was serious. The person who removed the tire actually removed the screws as well. The spare tire wouldn't go on without the screws!
The professor was at a loss. As he was getting anxious, a madman came bouncing by, singing an unknown joyful song on his lips. He spotted the troubled professor and stopped to ask what was happening.
The professor didn't bother with him, but told him out of politeness.
The madman laughed and said, "I have an idea!" He took a screw off the top of each tire so that he got three screws to put the spare tire on.
The professor, amazed and grateful, was curious, "May I ask how you came up with that idea?"
The madman laughed cheekily, "I'm mad, but I'm not a nerd!"
In fact, there are many people in the world who, because they find joy in their work, will always show a frenzy that is different from the norm, making it difficult to understand. Many people are laughing at them for being crazy, while others may still be laughing at him for being a nerd.
Being dumb and smart is a good gesture in China.
The 13th story
There was a master performer who, before he went on stage, was told by his disciple that his shoelace was loose. The master nodded his head in thanks and knelt down to carefully tie them. When the disciple turned around, he knelt down again to untie the laces.
A bystander saw this and asked in disbelief, "Guru, why are you loosening the laces again?" The Maestro replied, "Because I am playing the role of a tired traveler, and the long journey has loosened his shoelaces, so that I can show his tiredness and haggardness through this detail."
"Then why don't you just tell your disciples?"
"He can attentively find my shoelace loose, and enthusiastically tell me, I must protect him this enthusiastic positivity, and timely give him encouragement, as for why to untie the shoelace, in the future, there will be more chances to teach him to perform, you can talk about it next time ah."
People can only do one thing at a time, and knowing how to get to the point is a true talent.
The 14th story
There was a rich boy who especially loved dumplings and ate them every day. But he was particularly tricky and only ate the filling, and threw the skin tips at both ends into the creek behind him.
The good times didn't last long, and when he was sixteen years old, a fire burned down his whole family, and his parents died in a fit of rage. Now he was penniless and ashamed to beg for food. A neighbor's sister-in-law was very kind and gave him a bowl of noodle paste for every meal. In return, he studied hard, and when he returned three years later, he must thank his neighbor's wife.
The neighbor's wife said to him, "Don't thank me. I didn't give you anything, but I collected the tips of the dumpling skins you threw away back then, dried them in the sun and packed them in sacks, which were meant to be ready for a rainy day. It's just that you need it, so I'm giving it back to you.
The big official thought for a long time, a long time 。。。。
There is a famous three-eight theory: eight hours to sleep, eight hours to work, this everyone the same. The difference between people is how they spend their spare time. Time is the most sentient and ruthless thing, each person has the same, very fair. However, those who have resources are not necessarily successful, and those who make good use of resources will be successful. Survival in the daytime and development at night are the requirements for talents in the twenty-first century.
The 15th story
Father and son lived in the mountains, and every day they had to drive oxcarts down the mountain to sell firewood. The old father was more experienced and drove the oxcart. The road was rough and had many curves, so the son, with his good eyesight, always reminded him when he was about to turn, "Dad, turn!"
On one occasion, my father didn't go down the mountain due to illness, and my son drove alone. When he got to the bend, the cow refused to turn, and the son tried every possible way to get out of the car, pushing and pulling, and enticing the cow with grass, but the cow didn't move at all.
What's going on? The son was puzzled. In the end, there is only one way, he looked around no one, close to the cow's ear and shouted: "Father, turn!"
The ox moved in response.
The ox lives by reflex, while the man lives by habit. A successful person knows how to cultivate good habits to replace bad ones, and when good habits accumulate, a good life will naturally follow.
The 16th story
Once upon a time, a reporter was writing at home when his four-year-old son clamored for his company. Annoyed, the reporter tore up the back cover of a magazine and said to his son, " First you complete the world map on this, and Daddy will play with you." After less than five minutes, his son came back to drag his hand and said, "Daddy I've finished, play with me!"
The reporter was angry: "It's understandable that children want to play, but it's not good to tell lies. How can you spell the world map so quickly!"
The son was very aggrieved: "But I really put it together!"
The reporter took a look and saw that it was true: No way? There is a prodigy in the family? He was very curious and asked, "How did you do it?"
Son said: the back of the world map is a person's head. I spelled it backwards, and as long as that person is well, the world is complete.
So be a man before you do anything. When the doer is good, his world is good.
The 17th story
A, a white-collar worker in a joint venture company, felt that he was full of ambition was not appreciated by his superiors, and often thought: If only one day I could meet the old boss, and have the opportunity to show my talent!
A colleague of A, B, had the same idea, he went a step further and went to inquire about the boss's commuting time and figured out when he would probably get into the elevator, and he went to take the elevator at that time as well, hoping that he would meet the boss and have the chance to say hello.
Their coworker, C, goes one step further. After learning more about the boss's struggles, figuring out what school he graduated from, his interpersonal style, and his concerns, crafting a few simple but powerful introductory remarks, and going to the elevator at a calculated time to say hello a few times, he finally had a long talk with the boss one day, and soon secured a better position.
Fools miss opportunities, wise men grasp them well, and successful men create them. The opportunity is only given to those who are ready, and the word "ready" is not just a word.
The 18th story
There was a doctor who was assigned to a research institute and became the most educated person.
One day he went to the small pond behind his unit to fish, and it happened that the head and deputy director were to his left and right, also fishing.
He just nodded slightly, these two undergraduates, what's there to talk about?
Not long after, the head of the Masamune put down his fishing rod, stretched, and scuffed his way across the water as fast as he could to use the restroom.
The Doctor's eyes dropped open. Floating on the water? It couldn't be? This was a pond.
Director Masashi came back from the toilet and similarly floated back over the water as if he were dabbling.
What happened? It's not like the doctoral student is in a good position to ask, being a doctoral student himself!
After a while, the deputy director also stood up, walked a few steps, and scuffed and floated across the water to use the toilet. This time the doctor is even more nearly fainted: can not be, to a place where the jianghu masters are concentrated?
The doctoral student also internal emergency. This pond has a wall on both sides, to the opposite side of the toilet must be ten minutes around the road, and back to the unit is too far, how to do?
Doctoral students are not willing to ask the two directors, after half a day, also got up to the water across: I do not believe that undergraduates can pass through the water, I doctoral students can not pass.
Only heard a thud, the doctoral student planted in the water.
The two directors pulled him out and asked him why he went into the water, and he asked, "Why can you walk across?"
The two chiefs looked at each other and smiled, "There are two rows of wooden stakes in this pond, which are just below the surface of the water due to the rain that has risen over the past two days. We all know where the stakes are so we can step over them. Why didn't you ask?"
Education represents the past, only the power of learning can represent the future. Those who respect experience can take the road less traveled. A good team should also be a learning team.