How to twist the buttocks in cha-cha-cha parallel steps

Drawing a circle and merging step, first to the right in front of the left leg, the center of gravity shifted to the back leg, the rhythm of 2. Then the center of gravity shifted to the front leg, the rhythm of &.

Within the first half beat of the rhythm of 3, the left leg begins to draw a circle at the side of the body, at which point the left leg is bent and the left foot is tensed on the toes, drawing the circle as far away as possible. In fact, in the second half of the beat of 2, while shifting the center of gravity, the left leg already begins to draw the circle, which extends the rhythm of drawing the circle by half a beat. At the end of the 3-& beat, the left leg reaches the left rear side of the body, the knee is bent, the toes point to the ground, and the left leg stands straight.

During the drawing of the circle, the left leg movement should be consistent and even speed, the upper body and the left leg remain motionless, while the left leg draws a large circle as much as possible, and when drawing the circle, you can press the left shoulder backward and downward, so that it is easier to balance. For the next 4:00, step back with your right leg beside your left leg and step off your right foot, completing a basic chachacha to the left.

In the hip-twisting chachacha, in 2, the right leg is withdrawn to the rear first, but the heel is not stepped down. Instead, in 3, the right leg draws a small circle around to the right front, the knee is bent, and the heel does not drop; this is a delayed step look. The drawing circle here is different from the previous one, here with the help of 2 sections.