Cuijiazhuang Village is an administrative village under the jurisdiction of Qianying Village, xinji city, Shijiazhuang City, Hebei Province. The urban and rural classification code is 220, which is a village. The zoning code is 130 18 1 201220, and the first six digits of the resident ID number are130181. Postal code 052360, long-distance telephone area code 03 1 1, license plate number Ji A, Cuijiazhuang Village and Dongfan Village, Zhujiazhuang Village, Dong Ze North Village, Houweijiazhuang Village, Xizebei Village, Qianweijiazhuang Village, Lujiazhuang Village, Baliqiu Village, XiaoRan Zhuang Village, Dulin Village, Shahe Village, Shibei Village, etc.
There are tourist attractions such as Xinji International Leather City, Fu Lin Temple, xinji city Workers' Cultural Palace, xinji city Martyrs Cemetery, Jinjie City that Never Sleeps near Cuijiazhuang Village, and there are specialties such as Xinji fur, Xinji pear, Xinji wolfberry, Xinji salty donkey meat and Xinji braised chicken.