Oroqen is a people who pay attention to etiquette, honoring the old and loving the young is a belief that must be followed no matter what the occasion is. Elderly people sit in the right place, eat and drink wine, etc. The elders need to move first, and the younger generation can only be used. In addition, the "big mouth meat, big bowl of wine" is the descendants of the hunters and the bold and unrestrained.
Enthusiastic, bold Oroqen people with "Zandaren" (song) and "Ara Hey" (dance) way to welcome guests, its hospitality is known far and wide, guests and friends to visit, in addition to good wine and meat hospitality, in the parting occasion The hospitality is well known, and in addition to good wine and meat, the guests are given souvenirs on their way out.
Zandaren songs are sung by everyone in Oroqen, whether in the mountains, dense forests or in the fields and homes, which can be heard everywhere. It is interesting to note that the songs echoed in the vast mountain towns with long tunes, which are open and broad, and have a long ancient rhythm. Especially when the guests to the door, wine over a few, drunken ears, more will be sung until all night, showing the Oroqen people from the bottom of their hearts, frank and forthright sincere feelings.
Generous, sincere is also the embodiment of Oroqen folk, pack meat and return, regardless of acquaintance or not, the host will immediately cut the prey to the guests. Like meat is also a major feature of the Oroqen people, hand meat is one of their specialties, selecting fresh meat, water steaming, five minutes cooked until there is no blood can be fished out, plus the special sauce, fat and not greasy, with wine under the dish, not nasty and not fishy. The Ming Dynasty, "Eboshi" has said: "its meat are half-cooked to half-cooked hunger and nourish people also."
In addition to the hospitality and generosity of the national character, the Oroqen people are also a group of people who can sing and dance, June 18 every year is its traditional festival - Bonfire Festival, this day, the enthusiastic people sing and dance, shaking the tongduo, jumping and rotating, and show off the soul of the style of the dancers. For fire, Oroqen ancestors have an unbreakable bond with it.
The worship of fire is the same as the fear of nature, which is inseparable from Oroqen's experience of living a hunting life for generations. They take the nature, honor the nature, so the fire has a close meaning. They believe that the fire can cook roast meat, to survive, they also believe that the fire can drive away the evil spirits to remove the dirt, every year on the twenty-third of Lunar New Year's Eve, there is also the custom of sending the fire god to the sky, passing on the ancestral will, praying for blessings and welcoming the new.
Dancing and beating drums, singing on bonfire is the grandest way of celebrating for Oroqen people, when the guests are invited to gather and light bonfire together, the bonfire which means the sacred auspiciousness spreads its wings and dances around the fence, which fully demonstrates their colorful national style. And, on this major festivals and occasions, the young people of Oroqen will put on the national costumes of satin and other fabrics together with the elders, returning to the national sentiment and picking up the characteristics of the folk style left behind in the mainstream culture.