Big Fish Begonia The conversation between Reika and Tsubaki. All lines

Tsubaki (seventeen years old): There are fish that can never be shut out because they belong in the sky.

Tsubaki (age one hundred and seventeen): Who are we and where do we come from? And where are we going? No one cares about that, people go to work day in and day out, laugh, complain, buy things, eat, and sleep. A hundred years have gone by and I'm one hundred and seventeen years old. Every time I tell people that all living human beings are a huge fish in the sea, that our lives are like crossing the ocean, no one believes me, they say I'm old and stupid. But every time in my dreams, I clearly see a school of big fish falling from the sky and hear their voices calling out, and those beautiful voices awaken my memories.

Tsubaki (117 years old): Four and a half billion years ago, there was only an ocean and a school of ancient big fish on this planet, and these big fish were the souls of humans. Actual mountains from birth, they never forgot. My name is Tsubaki, and I come from the underwater world. Our sky there connects to the ocean of the human world. Human souls drift around the earth for a long time and end up at the end of the sky of the undersea world. We are in charge of human souls and the laws that govern the operation of all things in the world, so we are not humans or gods, we are other people.

Tsubaki (seventeen): The starry sky on earth is so beautiful this season.

Chu: Wow.

Matsuko: The bar mitzvah will start soon. You guys hurry up.

Tsubaki: I know, thanks Matsuko.

Chu: Sister Rayon. Rayon sister.

Tsubaki: Sister Rayon, we're going to a bar mitzvah, can we borrow two batches of horses?

Sister Rayon: You guys go pick them out yourselves.

Tsubaki: You're the one.

Chu: Wow, this horse is so handsome, taller than me. Tsubaki, look at it. Ah.

Tsubaki: ahaha.

Chu: Hyah.

Tsubaki: Hyah.

Chu: wait for me.

Tsubaki: You hurry up, Hyah.

Chu: Giddyup.

Tsubaki: Chu, is the human world fun?

Chu: It's fun, I almost didn't want to come back last year.

Tsubaki: Then don't come back.

Chu: If you don't come back, who will send you off this year?

Tsubaki: Who wants you to send me. You have to follow it yourself. Driving. I'm not going to be able to do that.

Chu: Hei.

Kid: Bar Mitzvah is starting, hurry up. It's starting.

Tim Mok's grandmother: Tim Mok, be safe on earth.

Tingmu: Don't worry, Grandma.

Tsubaki's mom: Tsubaki, come up quickly.

Tsubaki: Oh, coming.

Tsubaki: Grandma, come on.

Tsubaki's mom: It's all up to you when you get to earth. Come on, have a few more.

Tsubaki: Mom, I'm really full.

Kid A: Brother, brother, when are you coming back?

Brother: Listen to me, I'll be back in seven days.

Village chief: Ming Ming heaven, Linzhao lower earth. The gods are listening to us, and we are blessed. You will go on a seven-day tour of the earth to observe the laws of nature under our control, and never have any contact with humans. The rules of the heavens are above, and must never be violated.

Grandma Chu: The gate of the sea and the sky, open.

Mom Tsubaki: As long as you come back safely, you're a grown-up. Be sure to be careful of humans, ah.

Tsubaki: I know.

Tsubaki's mom: remember. Stay as far away as possible.

Tsubaki's dad: Tsubaki is very resourceful. It will be fine.

Tsubaki mom: what will be fine, last year Ajin's daughter didn't come back.

Grandma Chu: Why are you still dawdling? Don't miss the time.

Chinese mother: remember, the whirlpool is the only passage between the two worlds.

Tsubaki: Mom, you've said it so many times.

Tsubaki's mom: otherwise you won't be able to come back.

Tsubaki: I know.

Kid: soup is coming, soup is coming.

Tsubaki mom: my daughter will finally grow up.

Tsubaki: let's go.

Tsubaki's mom: tsubaki, take care of yourself.

Tsubaki: I know.

Tsubaki grandpa: just come back on time.

Tsubaki dad: don't mind us, go now.

Tsubaki: Don't worry, I'm going.

Tsubaki mom: come here. You have to remember that the outside world is dangerous. Never let humans come near you.

Chu: Tsubaki, be careful on your way. Wait for you to come back.

Tsubaki (one hundred and seventeen years old): Every child who has just turned sixteen is sent to the human world on the day of their bar mitzvah. To see, with our own eyes, how the laws of nature that we are in charge of work, and for the first time we see the earth with our own eyes. This place was different from what our elders had told us. We have never been so happy, the earth is so beautiful.

Sister: Brother, look. Those red dolphins are here again. Every year they come.

Human brother: Come on, say hello to them.

Human brother and sister: Hey, you're here again.

Tsubaki (one hundred and seventeen years old): I traveled the earth alone, I met huge sailing ships and saw lights like stars. I also saw people lighting candles on many, many paper boats to escort the departed. So that their souls can return to the sea along the rivers. On the sixth day, I followed a waterfall back to the sea along with floating river lamps.

Human brother: watch it. Was it fun?

Sister: eh.

Human brother: show you a more interesting one.

Sister: What are you doing, brother?

Human brother: Here, help me. The back is going to be coated with fish food.

Sister: Okay.

Human brother: be good and wait for me ah.

Sister: OK.

Sister: Wow, a lot of fish ah. Brother, why did you take so long to come up ah.

Human brother: I'm chasing a red dolphin. Look, it's coming out.

Sister: Wow, it keeps following us.

Human brother: It's not like other dolphins. It's too smart.

Sister: It seems to like you, yo.

Sister: it seems to be over by the whirlpool, the red one, it seems to be caught in a net.

Human brother: dolphin, where is it? Help my brother bring the short knife, I'll go save it.

Sister: There's a whirlpool down there.

Human brother: it's okay, brother will be careful. Go quickly.

Sister: Brother, be careful. Brother.

Human brother: I'm here to save you.

Sister: brother, come back. Give me back my brother. Give me back my brother. Brother, you come back. Brother.

Tsubaki's mom: Tsubaki, you can come back. What's wrong, are you alright.

Tsubaki: Nothing.

Tsubaki father: don't ask, go back and talk about it.

Tsubaki mom: good to be back. Mom will cook something delicious for you.

Tsubaki: Grandpa, where do people go after death?

Grandpa Tsubaki: The body will turn into mud.

Tsubaki: What about the soul?

Grandpa Tsubaki: The soul will fly to the northernmost Rusheng Building and turn into a small fish. Watched over by the soul.

Tsubaki: Will we die too?

Grandpa Tsubaki: Of course. There is a way of life and death. Grandpa's time is coming.

Tsubaki: Grandpa, I don't want you to go.

Grandpa Tsubaki: It's okay, silly child, this is the law of nature. For us, death is the door to eternal life.

Spirit Woman Messenger: What's wrong with you, little girl?

Tsubaki: Who?

Spirit Woman Messenger: The sound of this flute doesn't seem to belong here, does it?

Tsubaki: It's not my flute.

Spirit Woman Messenger: It sounds good, where is its owner?

Tsubaki: He's on earth, a boy, and he's dead. I killed him.

Spirit Woman Messenger: Human boy. If it's a dead human, maybe I can help you. Bring it back here tonight at midnight. Shake it and someone will come for you. If you come, I'll be waiting for you.

Chu: I'm sorry, I was careless. It's so late, where are you going?

Tsubaki (one hundred and seventeen years old): There are things that are sensed, and I knew it from the moment I boarded this boat. My destiny has changed.

Spirit Woman: You came alone.

Tsubaki: Eh.

Spirit Woman A: Follow me.

Spirit Woman: Have a seat.

Tsubaki no, I'll stand.

Spirit Woman: What day did he die?

Tsubaki: Two days before the Valley Rain, April 18th.

Spirit Woman: Don't be mistaken. More people die every day than fleas on a cat.

Tsubaki: No, that day is my birthday.

Spirit Woman: Heaven walks in the ways of the world, you're trying to openly fight against heaven.

Tsubaki: I don't care. I must save him.

Spirit Woman: You don't care, you will be severely punished for going against heaven. No matter who it is.

Tsubaki: I owe him my life. I'm going to pay back what I owe him.

Spirit Woman: You are quite big yourself. I've been practicing here for 800 years. And still haven't paid back what I owed back then.

Tsubaki: That's because you're not enough.

Spirit Woman: No interrupting. I'll tell you what's most pathetic. You meet someone and make a mistake. You try to make amends and pay it off, only to realize in the end that you are powerless to do anything about it. Sins committed can never be atoned for. We can never pay back what we owe.

Tsubaki: Then why did you say you wanted to help me?

Spirit Woman: That's because I pity you. Do you know what it takes to bring a dead person back to life?

Tsubaki: What price?

Spirit Woman: Trade me the most beautiful part of your body. Your eyes. Hahahahaha. Scared, can't spare your pretty little eyes. Or, you can give me half of your life span.

Tsubaki: As long as I can save him. I'm willing.

Spirit Woman: Aigooooo, pulling again, my little ancestor.

Tsubaki: Why do you have so many cats?

Spirit Woman: Because they're the only ones here who can keep me, an old thing, company.

Tsubaki (one hundred and seventeen years old): All living humans are a giant fish in the sea, and when they are born, they set out from this shore of the sea, and their lives are like crossing the ocean. Sometimes they meet, sometimes they part. When they die, they reach the shore, and each district of the world.

Spirit Woman: This is the Pavilion of Heaven. All human souls after death are hidden here. There are more souls here than you can count. Can you find him?

Tsubaki: I remember him.

Tsubaki (one hundred and seventeen years old): I remember his face, I don't know his name. I remember his eyes, and the scar on his forehead. I searched for six hours, the whole night,

Spirit Woman: I will give you his soul. It is only by injecting your soul that he will awaken. From now on your lives will be linked. You must protect him at all times. Through all the trials and tribulations. Until he grows into a big fish and returns to the human world. Only then can he be brought back from the dead. Once on the road, you can't turn back. Otherwise his soul will dissipate forever. Do you understand?

Grandma Chu: Hey, this kid, what are you doing at night.

Chinese: Do you remember me? I am the red dolphin by the shore. Do you remember what your name is? Let me help you get a name. My mom named me Tsubaki, and she wanted me to take over from her in the future. To be in charge of the growth of begonias. I hope you later, I hope you grow up. Grow to be bigger than a glass jar, bigger than a mirror, bigger than a table, bigger than a bed. The whole house won't fit you, and the enclosure won't fit you.

A: What are you doing?

Tsubaki: What the biggest fish calls you.

Chu: You can't keep fish here.

Tsubaki: None of your business, heel.

Chu: Hey, hey, I'll keep your secret. Why are you so mean. Hey, I know a good name.

Tsubaki: Say it.

Chu: You open the window first. There is a fish in the north of the underworld, its name is Kun. The Kun is so big that I don't know how many thousands of miles it is. Flying in anger, its wings are like clouds hanging down in the sky. It's from an ancient book. Let's just say, there's a fish called Kun. It's super big, as big as the sky, and it can fly. Wings as big as clouds.

Tsubaki: Are you finished.

Chu: Eh.

Tsubaki: Let's go.

Chu: Hey.

Tsubaki: From now on, your name will be Kun.

Tsubaki: Kun.

Tsubaki's mom: It's so unusual to have torrential rains in this season, the rain water becomes salty.

Tsubaki: You've grown up.

Tsubaki: Kun, you want to play with me. Remember, in the ocean, there was a red dolphin that played with you like this too. You really remember me, come on, follow me. You can fly, it turns out, you can fly in the rain. So magical. They're calling you. Your family is waiting for you to come home. Tsubaki, you have to grow up quickly, and I must send you home.

Tsubaki: Mom, you went into my room?

Tsubaki's mom: what's wrong with me going into your room?

Tsubaki: Where did you put him?

Tsubaki's mom: threw it away. Really don't know what you're doing.

Tsubaki: Threw it away.

Tsubaki mom: mom, that's a human life. What you give me back. Give me a clear explanation.

Tsubaki: Don't follow me.

Chu: Why are you walking so fast. What's wrong with you?

Tsubaki: My mom threw Kun away.

Chu: Don't worry, I know where to find him.

Chu: Be careful. This way, come on. Don't worry, we'll find him for sure. Huh.

Chu: Kun. It's Kun. You pull me, I'll go down and find him.

Chu: What, you go down. Forget it, I'll go. If I can't find Kun and you're missing, I'll be in trouble.

Tsubaki: Chu. Be careful.

Chu: This is definitely the stinkiest place ever.

Tsubaki: Chu. Thank you.

Chu: Kun, kun. Chun. What a lot of rats.

Tsubaki: What should I do, the rats will eat the kun.

Rats: Of course they will. It was nibbled in the blink of an eye. What a flavor, so fascinating.

Chu: It stinks.

Mouse woman: Ha, so it's the smell of love. What can I do for you? Little Handsome Boy.

Chu: I, I'll find another fish.

Mouse Woman: A fish, I've seen that fish before.

Chuen: Really, please can you help me find him?

Mousewife: That wasn't just an ordinary fish. It was exchanged from the Spirit Woman, I think, eh. Good people who die and turn into fish are under her control. Bad people who die and turn into mice are under my control. My little mouse is much cuter than her little fish.

Tsubaki: You can really help me find Kun.

Mouse Woman: Unless, of course, you let your little handsome boy dance with me.

Tsubaki: Go ahead.

Mouse: Come on, good boy. music. dang, dang.

Chu: Tsubaki.

Mousewife: Boys should not only learn to dance, but also learn to control their mice. The human world is a good place.

Chu: You've been to earth too.

Mousewife: No, it's him, isn't it?

Tsubaki: Kun, are you okay.

Chu: Kun.

Mouse: I'm back.

Chu: How is he?

Tsubaki: He can't answer.

Chu: He woke up.

Rat Woman: What a pure soul, this is a big fish in the future.

Child A: I see you. Look where you are hiding. Where are the people. Where are you hiding?

Kid A: I see you. Grandpa Houtou, Grandpa Houtou. There's a fish, there's a fish, there's a fish. It's here, in this well. Uh-huh. Why is it gone? I saw a fish just now.

Grandfather Hou Tu: Recently, there have been torrential rains for days, and the sea water is pouring in. This is an ominous sign. Be sure to be on guard.

Zhu Rong: En.

Chu: Luckily I was quick, it would have been disastrous if I was discovered.

Tsubaki: Got a new home, eh.

Chu: Ah, be careful.

Tsubaki: Chu, be careful. Chu. It has two heads.

Chu: Ah.

Tsubaki: Chu.

Tsubaki: Chu, be careful.

Chu: Tsubaki, I'm so tired. I want to sleep.

Tsubaki: What's wrong with you? You can't sleep. You must not sleep. I'll sing, I'll sing for you. The stars and the moon are on the sea, and the breeze is swaying the rain.

Chu: You sing so hard.

Tsubaki: It's good to hear, good to hear you fall asleep.

Chu: Where is this?

Tsubaki: It's coming soon. Don't sleep, don't sleep.

Tsubaki: Grandpa, save Chu.

Grandpa Tsubaki: Chu was poisoned by a two-headed snake. There is no cure for this poison. Grandpa, save Chu.

Chu: Tsubaki, this is for you.

Grandpa Tsubaki: Maybe there is only one way. Tsubaki, go out and let me try.

Tsubaki: Eh.

Chu: Slightly. What are you doing. You're getting it all over me.

Tsubaki: Chu, hello.

Chu: Yeah, your grandpa is amazing. I'm totally fine.

Tsubaki: Of course, my grandpa is in charge of the hundred herbs, he's awesome.

Grandpa Tsubaki: Old partner, do you remember where we first met?

Tsubaki: Grandpa.

Grandpa Tsubaki: Tsubaki. You come here.

Tsubaki: Grandpa.

Grandpa Tsubaki: Grandpa is leaving.

Tsubaki: Grandpa, it's me who harmed you.

Tsubaki grandpa: child, don't blame yourself. All dances have his laws, and everyone has to go through it. I know you are doing something very dangerous. Everyone will oppose you, as long as your heart is kind, right or wrong is someone else's business. Follow your heart, and Grandpa will turn into a begonia tree and, along with Grandma, will always support you.

Tsubaki (one hundred and seventeen years old): Grandma was in charge of a hundred birds during her life, and when she died she turned into a phoenix to stay with Grandpa, and two days later, when Grandpa left, all the birds came that day, as if Grandma had come back again.

Matsuko: Frost flies in summer, the seasons have been wrong. I'm afraid there's a great disaster coming.

Chu: It actually snows this season. I like snow the most. Do you believe in a heavenly god?

Chuen: I don't believe in it.

Chu: I think there is.

Tsubaki: No one has ever seen one.

Chu: Humans haven't seen us either, so aren't we still here.

Tsubaki: If there was, he would have punished me. Chu: In the future, when my parents get old, I'm worried that I won't be able to take care of them.

Chu: Why are you saying this all of a sudden.

Tsubaki: I only have half of my life left.

Chu: Ah, why?

Tsubaki: I took it and exchanged it with the spirit woman for kun.

Tsubaki's mom: Tsubaki, where are you? Tsubaki, come down.

Tsubaki: Coming.

Tsubaki's mom: my daughter wouldn't do such a thing.

Villagers: no matter what, please ask her to talk to us.

Mouse (Mouse Woman): the elders have begun to suspect Tsubaki. Tsubaki is in danger now.

Chu: Who are you?

Rat: Little handsome, forget me. Quickly hide the kun in the frozen river at the back of the mountain. If you're found, Chun will be executed. Hurry up and go.

Chu: Tsubaki will be harmed by you. Come with me. You will drag Tsubaki down with you by her side, so go before Tsubaki knows it.

Tsubaki: Where is Kun.

Chu: Released.

Tsubaki: released, put where?

Chu: I released it. In the river. Tsubaki, I did it for your own good.

Ratwoman: Baby, you're finally in my hands. With you, I can go to earth.

Tsubaki: Kun, I thought I would never see you again. We have to find a way to get out. Take me and follow them.

Chu: I grew up without a mom and dad. Grandma brought me up all by herself. Since I was a child, no one cared about me, I am not afraid of the sky, but in this world, I am most afraid of letting you suffer. I didn't expect this. I didn't realize he was so important to you. I'm so scared, I'm so worried that they're going to hurt you, will you wake up?

Tsubaki: Kun. Kun. Kun.

Tsubaki: Kun, I know you woke me up, you've grown so much. I really don't want to be separated from you.

Reika: Give it back, what's this card? Now that you're here, come on in.

Chu: I'm sorry to bother you.

Spiritual woman: touch.

Chu: I want to ask a question.

Spirit Woman: say.

Chu: Why did you give Tsubaki a human soul?

Spirit Woman: It was a deal between us. Everything in this world can be exchanged for a sufficient price.

Tsubaki: Is it half of your life?

Spirit Woman: You know no less than I do.

Chu: Please, can I exchange my life span for Tsubaki's life span.

Spirit Woman: Of course you can. But the price has gone up. You have to exchange a whole life.

Chu: Okay.

But I have to warn you. The exchange of life will not save her, the other half of the life of that little girl and her big fish connected together, the big fish died, she will die.

Chu: What if the big fish gives it away.

Spirit Woman: If the big fish is sent away, the day the big fish goes away is the day she dies.

Chu: What is the way to save her.

Spirit Woman: Self-draw, clear one color. You play a game with me and I'll tell you if you win.

Chu: You all have enough people.

Spirit woman: not enough. Three are missing one.

Chu: Lucky, I won.

Spirit Wife: I see. Ahahaha, there is no such thing as luck, good or bad luck is your destiny. The method is in your hands.

Chu: In your hands.

Spiritual woman: the method is in your hands. In your hands.

Chu: Excuse me, thank you.

Spirit Woman: You little guys, you treat life like a rock on the side of the road. It's only us old guys who bother how to live another day.

Chu: What's the use of living longer if you're not happy.

Chu: I want to forget something, how can I not forget.

Deer God: If you can't forget, don't forget. Truly forgetting is not something you have to work at.

Chu: I feel very painful.

Kagami: Pain is sometimes a good thing.

Chu: There is no medicine that can forget pain.

Deer God: I have only one medicine here that can make you forget all the pain and goodness, the world calls it Mengbo Soup.

Chu: Or give me a pot of wine. Is there anything that can detoxify the wine, I haven't had any wine.

Chu: Ah. Whose love do you think you are receiving, the love of a heavenly god who betrays all the gods to love you, endures all the pain for you and brings you joy.

Grandma Chu: The sea water is pouring in and the sky is angry.

Grandfather Houtou: It is ominous and must not be removed.

Mother Mouse: I know where the big fish is, unless the seal is lifted and I am allowed to see the sunlight again.

Spirit Woman: There's a lot of dirt down here, it's time for a good wash.

Mouse Granny: Ready, good boy. The big fish came to move home, moved your home to move my home. I'll move my family to the mountains, that's where my home is. The wind is strong, the rain is strong, and the water has flooded millions of homes. I've lost my old home and moved to a new one, where is my home. Where is my home? Where is my home. I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to do that," he said.

Villagers: Grandma Chu, Grandma Chu, something bad has happened. The mask of the Dragon King is gone.

Grandma Chu: Ah.

Grandpa Houtou: Choon.

Tsubaki mom: tsubaki, how long have I been looking for you, you know? Listen to mom and give us this monster.

Tsubaki: He is not a monster, I forbid you to hurt him.

Tsubaki mom: I really raised you for nothing.

Tsubaki: Mom, I'm sorry.

Vulcan: Phoenix, why don't you do something? Take it down for me,

Tsubaki's mom: better let me do it.

Vulcan: Get out of the way.

Tsubaki: Kun, let's go.

Mokujin: Don't let him get away.

Tsubaki: Kun, fly.

Chu: Tsubaki, hurry up. I'll help you send Tsubaki home.

Grandpa Hou Tu: Cang Tian.

Chu: Tsubaki. You must go with the kun, quick.

Tsubaki: Chu.

Chu: Hurry.

Tsubaki's mom: Chu, don't do anything. Your magic power can't open the sky yet.

Chu: Ah.

Grandpa Hou Tu: It's too bad, quickly go to Grandma Chu.

Chu: Fly quickly, I can't hold on much longer. Hurry up.

Tsubaki: Kun, fly quickly.

Rat Granny: Finally I can go back to earth. Little handsome, thanks to you. I will miss you on earth.

Grandpa Hou Tu: It's a sin.

Mouse: Without a token from the earth, you can't go through the gate of the sea and the sky. You can't go through the Gate of Sea and Sky.

Chu: Ah.

Tsubaki: It was grandpa who saved us. Kun, bear with me. From the moment I met you, to the moment my life was linked to yours, I've never regretted it.

Child A: Songzi, why are you with Zhu Rong today?

Matsuko: Let's go find him.

Chu: Grandma.

Child A: There is someone in the water.

Chu's grandmother: go down and save them.

Villagers: Help, help us.

Tim Mok: Save your sister first.

Villagers: Brother, ah. Have you seen Chu?

Brother Songzi: Tingmu is still in the water, I'll go save him.

Chu Rong: I'll go with you. Tingmu. Tingmu. Tingmu. Tingmu.

Tsubaki: Kun, we can't give up, you have to fly to the Gate of Heaven from here. Don't worry, I'll be fine. I have grandpa to protect me. Fool, go quickly. Hurry up.

Zhu Rong: The monster is there. We must never let it go.

Matsuko: Saving people is important. Find Tingmu first.

Jurong: We can't let it escape, it will cause a bigger disaster.

Tsubaki: Kun. Kun. Kun. Grandpa, grandpa, what should I do. What should I do? Grandpa, grandpa. Grandma, Grandma. Kun. Please let him go, he's innocent.

Matsuko: Why do you have to do this.

Tsubaki: He died because he saved me, and I want to give his life back. His sister is still waiting for him.

Matsuko: Do you know that Tingmu was swept away by the flood. His sister is also waiting for him.

Mokujin: Feng, come and help.

Matsuko: Oh no, it's dangerous over there, let's go back.

Tsubaki: I can't give you one last ride. I have to go help my family.

Timu's mom: Timu.

Tinmu's sister: where is brother. Where is my brother.

Tinmu's mom: did you find Tinmu?

Matsuko: We didn't find him.

Tinmu: What.

Matsuko: I'm sorry.

Tinmoku's sister: I want my brother.

Tsubaki: mom, mom, let me help you.

Tinmoku's mom: we don't need you.

Grandpa Houtou: Son, go away.

Tinmu's mom: give me back my Tingmu.

Tsubaki dad: phoenix, phoenix.

Tsubaki: This is all my fault, I can't watch everyone suffer because of me, but Kun, you must try to fly upwards. You will definitely get out of here. I want to see you live beautifully like you used to. I believe in you. Grandpa, I'm coming for you.

Tinmu: Mom, Mom, I'm here.

Tinmu's sister: brother, brother.

Ringwoman: I've been waiting for you for a long time.

Tsubaki: Why haven't you left?

Spirit Woman: These are the clothes that Rayon made for you. Try it on and see if it fits.

Tsubaki: Thank you. Why am I here. Didn't I die?

Spirit Woman: I saved you. But you have lost your mana. No longer belong here.

Tsubaki: What about the others?

Spirit Woman: Don't worry, you saved everyone. This disaster has caused the land and water to already meet. All the way to the south is the South Underworld Sky Pool. You can give him one last ride. However, when he returns to earth, he will never remember you again.

Tsubaki: It's okay. Please tell my mom that I'm still alive.

Spirit Woman: Go ahead.

Tsubaki: Thank you.

Spirit Woman: No need to thank me, I'm just a businessman. If you want to thank me, thank the one who changed your life span back.

Chu: Tsubaki, Tsubaki, wait for me. I want to go with you. Ah, help. I can't swim.

Chu: What are you thinking?

Tsubaki: So many stars. Every time I look up at the sky. I feel a calling.

Chu: If people die, they won't be able to see such a beautiful sky. Do you believe in love with eternal traces? Just like the stars.

Tsubaki: I believe.

Chu: Let's go home together after sending Kun away.

Tsubaki: I've lost my mana, I can't go back.

Chu: The earth is a good place, do you want to live on earth? With Kun.

Tsubaki: That's impossible, we are from two worlds.

Chu: I'm not asking if you can but if you want to. I like to watch you eat. You look good when you eat. I've seen you in every way. You're pretty when you're willful, when you're angry, when you're sad, when you're most embarrassed.

Tsubaki: You're as good as a brother to me.

Chu: Okay. Are you asleep?

Tsubaki: No.

Chu: Are you cold?

Tsubaki: Not cold.

Chu: Then go to sleep.

Tsubaki: Yes.

Tsubaki: Chu.

Chu: Eun.

Tsubaki: Thank you for always being there for me, you're the best person in the world to me.

Tsubaki: Will we meet again? Will we recognize each other again?

Tsubaki (one hundred and seventeen years old): We'll be reunited, and no matter what we become, we'll recognize each other.

Tsubaki: Kun. Come on, hurry up and go home.

Tsubaki: Chu.

Chu: Come here, take my hand. Hurry up it's too late.

Tsubaki: What's wrong with you, Chu.

Chu: Hurry, I'm going to get you out of here and to Kun.

Tsubaki: Aren't we going home together?

Chu: I have redeemed your life span from the spirit woman and I will send you to live on earth.

Tsubaki: No.

Chu: Tsubaki, listen, Tsubaki, promise me, hold my hand tightly and don't break free, I have to send you away. We'll definitely meet again, you trust me. I regret that I didn't hold you tightly that last night, you'll live a happy life. Come with me, on the count of three, jump with me. Believe me, one, two, three. I will turn into the earthly wind and rain to stay by your side.

Tsubaki: Chu.

Chu: Goodbye.

Tsubaki: Chu.

Tsubaki (one hundred and seventeen years old): Do you believe in miracles? Life is a journey, how many reincarnations have we waited for before we get this chance to enjoy this journey. It's a short life that we will eventually lose. You might as well be bold, love someone, climb a mountain, follow a dream. Yes, might as well be bold. There are many things that I don't understand and many questions that I don't have answers to. But I believe that God gave us life, it must be for us to create miracles.