There's a song. It's very cheerful.

Isn't it "Half the Moon is Coming Up"

Half the moon is coming up

Ee-la-la is coming up

Shining on my girl's dressing table

Ee-la-la is coming up

Half the moon is coming up

Ee-la-la is coming up

Half the moon is coming up

Open the window, please

Ee-la-la, open it

Ee-la-la, open it

And pick a rose, please

And pick a rose for you.

Ee-la-la, open it up

Ee-la-la, open it up

And pick one of your roses

Throw it down gently

Why won't my girl come out

Please open that screen

Ee-la-la, open it up

Ee-la-la, open it up

And pick one of your roses

And pick one of your roses

Throw it down gently