1, cafe or small tea house, two people in the romantic music around the chat talk about the heart, sweet and comfortable. Or two people quietly nestled in the sofa to savor coffee and read a book.
2, go to the gym together, sweating hormones will be with the heartbeat and secretion of too much, two people exercise together, sweat together, laugh together.
3, night market stalls. Used to eating three meals a day on weekdays inherent food with the occasional wanton, go to the night market stalls to eat some barbecue, with a few bottles of beer, listen to the music, is also a good choice Oh, not only can take advantage of the hungry to eat some snacks to fill up, but also have the company of a beloved person around, why not do it? However, the night market stall side of the snack is not advisable to eat more, eat more on the body is not good, occasionally eat once or twice on the line.
4, the movie theater, dark environment, with sitting together to watch a movie ~ comedy and romance is a good choice Oh, horror films are also quite good ~, you can also choose the theater room.
5, together with the pressure of the road to stroll in the park, quiet is the time two people walked together. But you have to let her walk against the sidewalk side, and as far as possible with her pace. The initial spacing between the two to twenty centimeters is appropriate.
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6, playground, easy to make people in a state of excitement, can create a frank and open atmosphere, the body will also naturally close.
7, 3D illusion art gallery. Illusion art museum is only in recent years the rise of a kind of art exhibition, incredible visual enjoyment, there are cool dynamic 4D games, small couples to go not only fun and interesting, and girlfriends can also take a lot of pictures.
8, box theater. Box theater can also be called "private theater", but also in the last year or two popular a mode of viewing. Sometimes eat a meal really still want to go to the movies, but also want to live in the world of two couples can choose to go to the private theater to taste fresh, a warm tip, the box can be proposed to take pictures can be about a small lover, but please do not make a lot of noise, hands and feet, point to point to ~
9, pottery. Love DIY people will often go to pinch on a few objects, handicapped party is usually the first time also became the last time. Then couples may also want to take advantage of the hot one to go, do a never-ending souvenir of it to
10, studio, painting in various cities have, but in the city below the third line of learning to paint more children or art candidates, and one or two cities will often have sketching, painting group learning activities, a group of art-loving friends gathered to move their hands is also very fun, is not it.