Sugar Bean Square Dance opened a flash and ran, how to solve it

Sugar Bean Square Dance runs when you open a flash, you can try the following methods to solve the problem:

* Redownload Sugar Bean Square Dance. There may be a problem with the version, you can try to update to the latest version, or uninstall and re-download and install.

* Clean up the memory. The phone has too much software, occupying too much system memory, resulting in the inability to open Sugar Bean Square Dance. You can close all the running software first, and then try to open it; or uninstall some unnecessary software to release memory space and then try to open it.

* Reset your phone. If both of the above methods are ineffective, you can consider restoring your phone to factory settings or resetting your phone.

The above steps are tried on a case-by-case basis, and if the problem is still not solved, it is recommended to contact Sugar Bean Square Dance's customer service or technical team for a more professional solution.