The voice of spring, the vocal lyrics of waltz.

Birds sing sweetly,

Hills and valleys sparkle,

Gu Yin also echoed.

Ah, wearing charming clothes in spring,

Stay with us,

We bathed in the bright sunshine,

Forget fear and sadness.

On this sunny day,

We run, laugh and play.

German lyrics

Brueux h & ampoumlent schwebt,

De Taowende flows like this;

Thain Vannigh Maidel Hoch Beleb

Hequ & ampszlig This is a field.

Frühling of holder Pracht erwacht,

Everyone is reading magazines,

Everything is over!

Schmerz will become more moderate,

Glaub Ann Gluck Kaelte ZuLuc;

I had a drink,

Ah, everything, ah, ah, ah, ah!

Da str & ampouml Alder Mountain,

His name is schweigen.

Klingen h & ampouml It's not in hell.

Southern Canada. Szlig time comes from Zweigen!

L & ampauml& ampszlig in ares don't eat supper.

schon die ersten T & ampoumlne horen,

Um die k & ml don't go to st & ml.

Schveger, all of ihr S & ampauml!

Waller Schon Clint Bald ihr South & ampszlig Uh Tons.

Ah, baldness, ah, baldness!

Ah, ah, ah!

Serenade, holder Klang, aha!

Honey, ah, ah, ah,

T & ampouml, this is a lie, ah, a compliment,

Southern Canada. Szlig and traut scheint are also a tragedy,

Ah, ah, I'm in South Ossetia. szlige Traumerein,

Ah, ah, ah, ah, coming!

Desire and desire

Uh-huh, I don't know,

Ah, when you sing so loudly,

Brave woman,

Ah, summer like World Avenue,

Ah, ah, ah

Kaum will land tonight,

Lechensan Frish Elva Hurt,

Ah, please come in,

Skaten Enshi Wendeng! Ah!

Frolings stimulated Klingon traut,

Aha, aha, aha. Szlig, uh, Lauter,

Ah, ah, ah, ah!