Why do elementary school students tear up all their books and test papers just after vacation?

I did these things when I was in elementary school, and now I look back and see a lot of ignorance, childishness.

Yeah, maybe that time is not very understanding, always think that vacation can take away everything, vacation means liberation, then we tend to liken the school is a prison, vacation means that we were released, so for the prison life need books, test papers and so on are not in need, tear it up and throw it into the air, this is the psychology of the time, that is, elementary school is not understanding of the boredom done! I'm not going to be able to do that.

Elementary school students are not very strong in self-control to a large extent. When it comes to vacation, the first thing they think of is to relax, play games, or think of going to travel there with their parents for fun, which is the mind of a child! On the contrary, in school every day do not feel free, a lot of time will be limited, can not do as you wish, do not want to be bound, so every day in school are looking forward to vacation, vacation is not so parents homework, there is no teacher always surrounded by their own, but also can sleep! Vacation is the best thing, all the books, test papers should be put aside these baggage, a good relaxation!