How many episodes of Detective Conan I*** are there (latest)? How many theatrical releases? How many OVAs?

Updated to 524 episodes, 13 theatrical releases, 8 OVAs, and 12 specials. Here's the list, I got it from someone else's space

Detective Conan OVA Catalog (2001 - Current)

01 Conan vs. Kaitou Kiddo vs. Iron Blade! Battle for the Treasure Sword!

02 16 Suspects

03 Conan, Heiji, and the Disappearing Teenager

04 Kaitou Kiddo and the Mother of Crystals

05 Targeting Kogoro! A Secret Investigation by the Junior Detective League

06 Tracking the Vanishing Diamond! Conan & Heiji vs. Kaitou Kiddo!

07 A Challenge Letter from Dr. Agasa! Agasa vs. Conan & Junior Detective League

08 Girls' High School Detective Suzuki Sonoko Incident Book

Detective Conan Specials Catalog (1996-Current)

01 The Wandering Scarlet Butterfly

02 Ten Planets Flying Up to the Night Sky

03 The Junior Detective League 7-Minute Special

04 Tracking the The Enigmatic Mercury Monster

05 The Women's Trio Arrives at the Crossroads of the Labyrinth

06 The Silver Wing's Journey Through Time

07 Conan Kogoro on the Horizontal Line

08 Conan 10th Anniversary Awards Presentation Ceremony

09 Challenge to Shinichi Kudo

10 Conan's Classroom for Reasoning The Mysterious Audit of the Deep Blue


11 Shinichi Kudo's Resurrection The Showdown with the Dark Organization (main storyline)

12 Shinichi Kudo: The Lost Wall and the Black Lab Incident

Detective Conan Theatrical Directory (1997-current)

01 Detonating the Skyscraper (1997)

02 Fourteenth Objective (1998)

03 End of the Century. Magician (1999)

04 The Assassin in the Pupil (2000)

05 Countdown to Heaven (2001) (main storyline)

06 The Undead of Baker Street (2002)

07 Labyrinth's Crossroads (2003) (main storyline)

08 The Magician of the Silver Wings (2004)<

09 Conspiracy on the Horizon (2005)

10 Requiem for the Detectives (2006)

11 Konoha's Coffin (2007)

12 The General Score of the Battle Cry (2008)

13 Paint it Black Stalker (2009) (main plot)

Detective Conan TV Catalog (1996) (1996-1999)


001 Roller Coaster Murder Incident (main storyline)

002 Kidnapping of the Chairman's Thousand Dollar Man (main storyline)

003 Idol Chamber Murder Incident

004 Metropolis Coded Map Incident

005 The Great Shinkansen Demolition Incident (main storyline)

006 The Valentine's Day Murder Incident

007 The One Gift a Month Threat Incident

008 The Art Museum Murder Incident

009 The Tenkaichi Night Festival Murder Incident

010 The Soccer Player Intimidation Incident

011 The Piano Sonata [Moonlight] Murder Incident (1-Hour Special) (Main Storyline) <

012 Ayumi Kidnapping Incident

013 Strange Family Search Murder Incident

014 Riddling Message Sniping Incident

015 Disappearing Corpse Murder Incident

016 Antique Collector Murder Incident

017 Department Store Hostage Incident

018 June Bride Murder Incident

019 The Elevator Murder Incident

020 The Haunted House Murder Incident

021 The Drama Location Team Murder Incident

022 The Luxury Liner Serial Murder Incident (Prequel)

023 The Luxury Liner Serial Murder Incident (Poster)

024 The Beauty Who Lost Her Memory Incident

025 The True or False Hostages The Kidnapping Incident

026 The Dog John Murder Incident

027 The Kogoro Reunion Murder Incident (Prequel)

028 The Kogoro Reunion Murder Incident (Epilogue)

029 The Computer Murder Incident

030 The Alibi Murder Incident

031 The Television Murder Incident

032 Café Murder

033 Detective Group Survival

034 Hill House Bandage Freak Murder (Prequel)

035 Hill House Bandage Freak Murder (Postquel)

036 Monday Night Murder at 7:30pm

037 Cactus Flower Murder

038 Red Ghost Village Fire Festival The Murder Incident

039 The Murder of the Entrepreneur's Thousand Dollar Man (Prequel)

040 The Murder of the Entrepreneur's Thousand Dollar Man (Postquel)

041 The Cutting of the Winning Flag

042 The Murder of the Karaoke Parlor


043 The Abduction of Conan Edogawa (Main Episode)

044 The Horiota Brothers

044 The Horiata Brothers


044 The Horita Brothers Murder Incident

045 The Mask Murder Incident

046 The Snowy Mountain Lodge Murder Incident

047 The Fitness Club Murder Incident

048 The Diplomat's Murder Incident (Prequel) (Main Storyline)

049 The Diplomat's Murder Incident (Postquel) (Main Storyline)

050 The Library Murders

051 The Golf Driving Range Murders

052 The Legend of the Misty Tengu Murders (1-Hour Special)

053 The Bewitching Weapon Murders

054 The Arcade Company Murders (Main Episode)

055 The Train Trap Murders

056 The Cleanup Murder by Train Trap

056 Murder by Cleaning Cart

057 Murder by Sherlock Holmes Fan (prequel) (main storyline)

058 Murder by Sherlock Holmes Fan (postquel) (main storyline)

059 Murder by First Time Shopper

060 Murder by Illustrator

061 Murder by Ghost Ship (prequel)

062 The Ghost Ship Murders (Episode 2)

063 The Giant Monster Gomera Murders

064 The Third Fingerprint Murders

065 The Kidnapping of the Crab and the Whale

066 The Night Path Murders

067 The Stage Actress Murders

068 The Duke of Night Murders (Episode)

069 Murder of the Duke of Darkness (Doubt)

070 Murder of the Duke of Darkness (Solution)

071 Murder of the Wolf of Rice Blossom

072 Murder of the Villa of the Triplets

073 Murder of the Junior Detective Team

074 Murder of the Shinigami in the Formation

075 Conan vs. Kiddo (1-hour special)

076 Conan vs. Kiddo (1-hour special)

077 Consecutive tragic deaths in a famous house (prequel)

078 Consecutive tragic deaths in a famous house (postquel)

079 Murder of the bank robber

080 Murder of the vagrant painter

081 Kidnapping of a Popular Artiste (Prequel)

082 Kidnapping of a Popular Artiste (Prequel)

083 Murder at a General Hospital

084 Ski Chalet Murder (Prequel)

085 Ski Chalet Murder (Postpost)


086 Abduction Scene-Specific Incidents <

087 The Crane Retribution Murder Incident

088 The Villa Desula Murder Incident (Prequel)

089 The Villa Desula Murder Incident (Epilogue)

090 The Scent of a Flower Murder Incident

091 Hospitalization of a Robber

092 The Terrorist Hiking Murder Incident (Prequel)

093 The Terrorist Hiking Murder Incident (Epilogue)

094 Mountain Climbing Murder (Episode 2)

094 The Legend of the Snow Maiden Murder Incident

095 Kogoro's Dating Murder Incident

096 The Desperate Detective! Two Murders in a Row (2-Hour Special)

097 The Parting Wine Murder Incident

098 The Famous Pottery Artist Murder Incident (Prequel)

099 The Famous Pottery Artist Murder Incident (Postpost)

100 The First Love Recall Incident (Prequel)

101 The First Love Recall Incident (Post)

100 The First Love Recall Incident (Post)

100 The First Love Recall Incident (Prequel)

100 The First Love Recall Incident (Post)

102 The Costume Actor Murder Incident (Prequel)

103 The Costume Actor Murder Incident (Post)

104 The Incident of the Burglary of the Group Villa (Prequel)

105 The Incident of the Burglary of the Group Villa (Post)

106 The News Photo Murder Incident

107 The Incident of the Mole Planet Man Mystery (Prequel)

108 The Mole Alien Mystery (Episode 2)

109 The Great Detective Agency Tracking Incident

110 The Cuisine Classroom Murder Incident (Episode 2)

111 The Cuisine Classroom Murder Incident (Episode 2)

112 The 7 Unusual Incidents of Teidan Elementary School

113 The White Beach Murder Incident

114 The Aerobic Aerobic Diving Murder (Prequel)

115 Aerobic Diving Murder (Post)

116 The Missing of the Speculative Novelist (Prequel)

117 The Missing of the Speculative Novelist (Post)

118 The Wave Continuum Murder (Hourly Special)

119 The Masked Superhero Murder

121 The Bathroom Chamber Incident (Prequel)

122 The Bathroom Chamber Incident (Epilogue)

123 The Weather Lady Kidnapping Incident

124 The Mysterious Interdictor Murder Incident (Prequel)

125 The Mysterious Interdictor Murder Incident (Epilogue)

126 Traveling The Traveling Theatre Company Murder Incident (Prequel)

127 The Traveling Theatre Company Murder Incident (Poster)

128 The 1 Billion Dollar Robbery Incident by the Dark Organization (Main Storyline)


129 A Woman from the Dark Organization: Murder of a University Professor (2-Hour Special) (Main Storyline)

130 The Undiscriminatory Duress Incident in the Arena (Prequel) Coercion in the Arena (Prequel) (Main Episode)

131 Coercion in the Arena (Postquel) (Main Episode)

132 Murder of a Magic Enthusiast (The Incident) (Main Episode)

133 Murder of a Magic Enthusiast (The Doubt) (Main Episode)

134 Murder of a Magic Enthusiast (The Solution) (Main Episode)

134 Murder of a Magic Enthusiast (The Solution) (

135 The Search for the Disappearing Murder Weapon

136 The Exploration of the Castle of Cyan (Prequel)

137 The Exploration of the Castle of Cyan (Postquel)

138 The Last Murder in Theaters (Prequel)

139 The Last Murder in Theaters (Postquel)

140 Ayumi's Message

140 SOS! A Message from Ayumi

141 The Secret Room Incident on the Night Before the Wedding (Prequel)

142 The Secret Room Incident on the Night Before the Wedding (Epilogue)

143 Astronomical Observations in Doubt

144 The Big Dipper No. 3 Departing from Ueno (Prequel)

145 The Big Dipper No. 3 Departing from Ueno (Epilogue)

146 The Honkou Criminal Love Story (Prequel)

147 Honkan Criminal Love Story (Post)

148 Road Tram Braking Incident

149 Amusement Park Bungee Jumping Incident

150 The Truth of the Car Bombing Incident (Prequel)

151 The Truth of the Car Bombing Incident (Post)

152 Mysterious Elderly Man Disappearance Incident

153 Sonoko's Summer Beach Adventure Story (Prequel)

154 Sonoko's Summer Beach Adventure Story (Epilogue)

155 The Key in the Water Chamber of Secrets Incident

156 Honkan Criminal Romance 2 (Prequel)

157 Honkan Criminal Romance 2 (Epilogue)

158 Silent Circle Line

159 The Legend of the Strange Five-Fold Tower (prequel)

160 The Legend of the Strange Five-Fold Tower (postquel)

161 The Killing Intent that Flowed out of Ryuusui Pavilion

162 The Flying Chamber! Kudo Shinichi's First Incident (1-Hour Special) (Main Episode)

163 The Secret of the Moon, the Stars, and the Sun (Prequel)

163 The Secret of the Moon, the Stars, and the Sun (Postquel)

165 The Disappearance of the Junior Detective League

166 The Monster of the Spider-House of Tottori (Incident)

167 The Monster of the Spider-House of Tottori (Doubt)

167 Monster in Tottori's Spider House (The Puzzle)

168 Monster in Tottori's Spider House (The Solution)

169 Venus's Kiss

170 Deadly Corner of Darkness (Prequel) (Main Storyline)

171 Deadly Corner of Darkness (Postquel) (Main Storyline)

172 Message of Resurrection of the Dead (Prequel)

173 Message of the Resurrected Dead (Post Episode)

Detective Conan TV Catalog (2000-2003)


174 Murderous Intentions 20 Years Later Serial Killings on the Shin Foni (2-Hour Special Episode)

175 The Man Who Was Tragically Murdered Four Times

176 A Reunion with the Dark Organizations (Gray Plains Episode) ( Main Storyline)

177 Reunion with the Dark Organization (Conan Episode) (Main Storyline)

178 Reunion with the Dark Organization (Resolution Episode) (Main Storyline)

179 Café Van Break-In Incident

180 Nocturne of the Red Murderer (Prequel)

181 Nocturne of the Red Murderer (Postpost)

182 The Great Search of the Nine Gates

183 The Dangerous Prescription Note

184 The Cursed Masquerade Coldly Smiling (1-Hour Special)

185 The Famous Detective's Murdered Story (Prequel)

186 The Famous Detective's Murdered Story (Epilogue)

187 The Mysterious Sound of Guns that Echoes in the Darkness

188 Dangerous Life Resurrections Resurrection of Dangerous Life (Main Episode)

189 Resurrection of Dangerous Life: The Wounded Detective (Main Episode)

190 Resurrection of Dangerous Life: The Third Choice (Main Episode)

191 Resurrection of Dangerous Life: The Black Knights (Main Episode)

192 Resurrection of Dangerous Life: Shinichi's Back (Main Episode)

193 Resurrection of Dangerous Life: The Place of Promise (Main Episode)

193 Resurrection of Dangerous Life. Resurrection Place of Appointment (main plot)

194 Meaningful Octavo (prequel)

195 Meaningful Octavo (postquel)

196 Invisible Murder Weapon Ran's Initial Reasoning

197 Super Car Murder Incident (prequel)

198 Super Car Murder Incident (postquel)

206 Honkan Criminal Love Story 3 (Post)

207 Too Smooth Reasoning

208 Entrance to the Labyrinth The Wrath of the Giant Statue of God (Hourly Special)

209 Ryujinzan Car Crash

210 Legend of the Colorful Mansions Underwater (Prequel)

211 Legend of the Colorful Mansions Underwater (Prequel)

211 The Legend of the Colorful Mansion in the Water (Episode 2)

212 Mushrooms, Mountain Bears, and the Detective Squad (Episode 1)

213 Mushrooms, Mountain Bears, and the Detective Squad (Episode 2)

214 Mysterious Incident of the Waikoo Hotel

215 Revenge Beach (Episode 1)

216 Revenge Beach (Episode 3)

217 Secret of Megure (Episode 1)

218 The Sealed Megure's Secret (prequel)

218 Megure's Secret (prequel)


219 Famous Detectives Assemble! Kudo Shinichi vs. Kaitou Kiddo (2-hour special) (main storyline)

220 A Client Full of Lies (prequel)

221 A Client Full of Lies (postquel)

222 Mermaid's Disappearance (incident story) (main storyline)

223 Mermaid's Disappearance (deduction story) (main storyline)

224 Mermaid Disappearance (Solution) (Main Episode)

225 The Secret of Business Prosperity

226 The Trap of the Fighting Game (Prequel) (Main Episode)

227 The Trap of the Fighting Game (Postquel) (Main Episode)

228 The Pottery Classroom of the Concealed Murderous Act (Prequel)

229 The Pottery Classroom of the Concealed Murderous Act (

230 The Riddling Passenger (Prequel) (Main Episode)

231 The Riddling Passenger (Postquel) (Main Episode)

232 The Apartment Crash

233 Evidence That Cannot Be Eliminated (Prequel)

234 Evidence That Cannot Be Eliminated (Postquel)

235 The Wine Cellar Incident

236 The Wine Cellar Incident

237 The Wine Cellar Incident

238 The Wine Cellar Incident <

236 Nanki-Shirahama Mystery Tour (Prequel)

237 Nanki-Shirahama Mystery Tour (Post)

238 Osaka 3 K Incident (Prequel)

239 Osaka 3 K Incident (Post)

240 Shinkansen Escort Incident (Prequel)

241 Shinkansen Escort Incident (Post)

242 Genta's Disaster

243 Mouri Kogoro's Impostor (Prequel)

244 Mouri Kogoro's Impostor (Epilogue)

245 Gunshots at Sunflower Pavilion

246 Mystery Caught in the Net (Prequel)

247 Mystery Caught in the Net (Epilogue)

248 Healed. Alibi for the Forest

249 Secrets of the Idols (Prequel)

250 Secrets of the Idols (Post)

251 Tragedy at the OK Ranch

252 Kidnappers in the Pictures

253 Honkan Criminal Romance 4 (Prequel) (Main Episode)

254 Honkan Criminal Romance 4 (Post) (Main Episode)

255 Matsue Tamatsukuri's Fourteen Sentence Winning Streak (Prequel)

256 Matsue Tamatsukuri's Fourteen Sentence Winning Streak (Post)

257 The World's Marvelous Heavenly Punishment

258 The Man from Chicago (Prequel) (Main Episode)

259 The Man from Chicago (Post)

(Main Episode)

260 The Shaky Western Restaurant

261 Tales of the Snowy Nights (prequel)

262 Tales of the Snowy Nights (postquel)


263 Osaka Double Mystery: Nanohana Kenshi and the Castle of Taiga (2-hour special)

264 Courtroom Duel: Himi vs.

265 Duel in the Courtroom: Him vs Kogoro (Part 2)

266 The Truth about Valentine's Day (The Event)

267 The Truth about Valentine's Day (The Reasoning)

268 The Truth about Valentine's Day (The Solving)

269 Souvenir of the Crime (Prequel) (Main Episode)

270 Souvenir of the Crime (Part 2) (Main Episode)

270 Souvenir of the Crime (Post) (Main Episode) Souvenir of a Crime (Post) (Main Episode)

271 Hastily Covered Neglect (Prequel) (Main Episode)

272 Hastily Covered Neglect (Post) (Main Episode)

273 Questioning the Disappearance of the Granny

274 The Truth of the Spooky House (Prequel)

275 The Truth of the Spooky House (Post)


276 The Incident of the Missing Police Manual

277 English Teacher vs. Western Detective (Prequel) (Main Episode)

278 English Teacher vs. Western Detective (Postquel) (Main Episode)

279 The Shadows of the Labyrinth (Prequel)

280 The Shadows of the Labyrinth (Postquel)

281 The Young Witness <

282 The Mystery of Mizuru Shiitei (Prequel)

283 The Mystery of Mizuru Shiitei (Postquel)

284 Deja Vu in the Rain on China Street (Prequel) (Main Storyline)

285 Deja Vu in the Rain on China Street (Postquel) (Main Storyline)

286 The Kudo Shinichi NY Incident (Incident Episode) (Main Storyline)

287 The Shinichi Kudo NY Incident (Reasoning Episode) (Main Episode)

288 The Shinichi Kudo NY Incident (Resolution Episode) (Main Episode)

289 Mitsuhiko of the Lost Forest (Prequel)

290 Mitsuhiko of the Lost Forest (Postquel)

291 The Princess of the Lonely Island and the City of the Ryugu Shrine (Event Episode)

292 The Lonely Princess and Ryugujo (The Quest)

293 The Lonely Princess and Ryugujo (The Solution)

294 The Crushing of Love and Determination (Prequel)

295 The Crushing of Love and Determination (Epilogue)

296 The Houseboat, The Shocking Fishing

297 The Court's Showdown Ⅱ Himi vs Kujo (Prequel)

298 Duel in the Courtroom II: Himi vs. Kujo (Part 2)

299 The Closed Strait of Friendship and Murder (Prequel)

300 The Closed Strait of Friendship and Murder (Part 2)

301 The March of Malice and Sainthood (Prequel)

302 The March of Malice and Sainthood (Post)

303 Returned Victims


304 The Shaking Police Department 12 Million Hostages (2-hour special)

305 The Invisible Suspect (prequel)

306 The Invisible Suspect (postquel)

307 Testimony Without a Voice (prequel) (main storyline)

308 Testimony Without a Voice ( (Post) (Main Episode)

309 Contact with the Dark Organization (Negotiation Episode) (Main Episode)

310 Contact with the Dark Organization (Pursuit Episode) (Main Episode)

311 Contact with the Dark Organization (Duel to the Death Episode) (Main Episode)

312 Muppets Stained by Sunset (Prequel)

313 Muppets Stained by Sunset (Post)

313 Muppets Stained by Sunset (Post)

313 Muppets Stained by Sunset (Post)

313 Muppets Stained by the Setting Sun (Post Episode)

314 The Observatory with the Broken Railing

315 Where the Sun Shines

316 The Tainted Masked Hero (Pre Episode)

317 The Tainted Masked Hero (Post Episode)

318 The Lucky Cigar Box (Pre Episode)

319 The Lucky Cigar Box (Post Episode)

320 Ninjutsu's Alibi Work Method

321 The Disappearing Kidnap and Escape Vehicle (Prequel)

322 The Disappearing Kidnap and Escape Vehicle (Epilogue)

323 Hattori Heiji is at a loss (Prequel)

324 Hattori Heiji is at a loss (Epilogue)

325 Red Horse in Flames (Epilogue)

326 Red Horse in Flames (Search Episode)

327 Red Horse in Flames (Resolution Episode)

328 The Mystery of Birthday Wine

329 A Friendship Provoked (Prequel Episode) (Main Episode)

330 A Friendship Provoked (Post Episode) (Main Episode)

331 Curry Rice of Doubt (Prequel Episode) (Main Episode)

332 Curry Rice in Doubt (Episode 2) (Main Episode)

333 Her Majesty's Resemblance (Episode 1)

334 Her Majesty's Resemblance (Episode 2)

335 The Secret of the Toto Phenomenon House (Episode 1) (Main Episode)

336 The Secret of the Toto Phenomenon House (Episode 2) (Main Episode)

337 Inside the Crash

338 4 Porsches (prequel) (main storyline)

339 4 Porsches (postquel) (main storyline)

340 Hidden Secrets in the Toilet (prequel) (main storyline)

341 Hidden Secrets in the Toilet (postquel) (main storyline)

342 Hausenberg's Bride (1-hour special)

343 Trap in the Convenience Store (prequel) (main storyline)

344 Trap in the Convenience Store (postquel) (main storyline)

Detective Conan TV Catalog (2004-current)


345 Straightforward Confrontation with the Dark Organization A Double Mystery on the Night of the Full Moon ( Double Mystery on the Night of the Full Moon (2.5 Hour Special) (Main Episode)

346 Searching for the Mark on the Butt (Prequel) (Main Episode)

347 Searching for the Mark on the Butt (Postquel) (Main Episode)

348 Love, Ghosts, and the Earth's Legacy (Prequel)

349 Love, Ghosts, and the Earth's Legacy (Postquel)

350 Forgotten Cell Phone (Prequel)



345 Face-off with a Dark Organization (1-Hour Special) (Main Episode)

357 The Lovers Are Just Illusions of Spring

358 Honkan Criminal Love Story 5 (Prequel)

359 Honkan Criminal Love Story 5 (Epilogue)

360 The Incredible Spring Beetle

361 The Strange Story of Teidan High School School (Prequel)

362 Teitan High School Strange Tales (Episode 2)

363 Urban Crows

364 Synchronicity Incident (Episode 1)

365 Synchronicity Incident (Episode 2)

366 Apparent Dock Tragedy (Episode 1)

367 Apparent Dock Tragedy (Episode 3)

368 The Witch's Candy House

369 The Secret of the Good Luck Man

370 The Lost and Found Game Software

371 Silent Route (Prequel)

372 Silent Route (Epilogue)

373 The Poisonous Spider's Trap

374 The Star's Signal to a Cigarette (Prequel)

375 The Star's Signal to a Cigarette (Epilogue)

375 The Star's Signal to a Cigarette (Epilogue) Secret Signals (Episode 2)

376 Time limit of 15 points!

377 Momotaro's Mystery Solving Journey (Prequel)

378 Momotaro's Mystery Solving Journey (Post)

379 Mysterious Hot Springs, Snowy Nights, and the Bathrobe Incident (Prequel)

380 Mysterious Hot Springs, Snowy Nights, and the Bathrobe Incident (Post)

381 Whose Deduction Show is It (Prequel)

382 Whose Deduction Show Is It ( (backstory)

383 The Miracle of Koshien! Never Lose to the Unseen Demon (2-hour special)


384 Targeting Mouri Kogoro

385 The Dissonance of the Stradivarius Violin (Prelude) (Main Episode)

386 The Dissonance of the Stradivarius Violin (Interlude) (Main Episode)

387 The Dissonance of the Stradivarius Violin (Epilogue) (Main Episode)

388 Drunken Kogoro in Satsuma (Prequel)

389 Drunken Kogoro in Satsuma (Postquel)

390 Honkan Criminal Romance 6 (Prequel)

391 Honkan Criminal Romance 6 (Postquel)

392 Riddle-like 20cm Height Difference

393 Suspected Abduction Incident

394 Strange House Adventure (Seal Episode) (Main Episode)

395 Strange House Adventure (Mechanism Episode) (Main Episode)

396 Strange House Adventure (Solution Episode) (Main Episode)

397 Spicy, Bitter, Sweet Soup

405 The Man Who Went to Call an Ambulance

406 Conan and Heiji's Deductive Magic (Manipulation Episode)

407 Conan and Heiji's Deductive Magic (Public House Episode)

408 Conan and Heiji's Deductive Magic (Solve Episode)

409 Simultaneous Stage Performances and Abduction Actions (Prequel)

410 Simultaneous Stage Performances and Abductions (Post)

411 The Shocking Secret Signal of the Shrine Torii (Prequel)

412 The Shocking Secret Signal of the Shrine Torii (Post)

413 The Mystery of the Complete 1/2 Crimes

414 The Junior Detective League that Follows Aobori

415 The Evil Spirit that Appears on the Day of Buddha's Demise (The Day of Buddha's Demise)

415 The Evil Spirit that appears on the The Evil Spirit Who Appeared on the Day of Buddha's Demise (The Incident)

416 The Evil Spirit Who Appeared on the Day of Buddha's Demise (The Doubtful Episode)

417 The Evil Spirit Who Appeared on the Day of Buddha's Demise (The Solution Episode)

418 Yonahanamacho Loft Houses

419 Yagi Orochi's Sword (Prequel)

420 Yagi Orochi's Sword (Postpostpostpostpostpostpostpostpost)

421 Ginkgo-colored First Love (prequel)

422 Ginkgo-colored First Love (postquel)

423 The Detective League and the Four Brothers of the Green Bug

424 MMS from the Joker


425 Black Shock! The Moment the Claws of the Dark Organization Reach Out (2.5-Hour Special) (Main Episode)

426 Love Letter to Ran

427 The Mysterious Road to School (Prequel)

428 The Mysterious Road to School (Postquel)

429 The Unreturnable Two (Prequel) (Main Episode)

430 The Unreturnable The Unreturnable Two (Episode 2) (Main Episode)

431 Criminal Love Story 7 (Prequel)

432 Criminal Love Story 7 (Episode 2)

433 Conan, the Strange Child

434 Credit for the Famous Dog Cool

435 Interviews Focusing on Detective Teams (Prequel)

436 Interview focusing on the Detective Agency (Part 2)

437 Uetochai and Shinichi's promise from 4 years ago

438 Fish mail tracking

439 And then no one needs to exist

440 Extreme Racing Show

441 The "ah" that leads to death <

442 The Man Stopped by Reinforced Steel

443 The Sighing Tide (Prequel)

444 The Sighing Tide (Epilogue)

445 The Secret of the Blue Cat of Russia

446 The Sealed Window of the Europeans (Prequel) (Main Storyline)

447 The Sealed Window of the Europeans (Epilogue) (Main Storyline)

448 The Eyes of Akira (Main Storyline)

449 Then No One Has to Exist

440 The Extreme Racing Show

441 "Ah" to Death <

448 The Akabane Incident at Meguro

449 The Love Story of the Honkan Detective A False Wedding (1-hour special)

450 Trick vs. Magic (prequel)

451 Trick vs. Magic (postquel)

452 The Weirdo of Kimbiro Theatre (1-hour special)

453 Preview of Karma & Friends

454 The Upside Down Ending (prequel)

455 The Upside Down Ending (postquel)

456 My Favorite Deduction

457 Sonoko's Red Handkerchief (prequel)

458 Sonoko's Red Handkerchief (postquel)

459 Weirdo The Man Who Followed The Rules


We are the only ones who can do this. p>460 1 Year B Class Battle

461 The Vanishing Page

462 Shadow of the Dark Organization Young Witness (Main Storyline)

463 Shadow of the Dark Organization Wonderful Illumination (Main Storyline)

464 Shadow of the Dark Organization Mysterious High Payment (Main Storyline)

465 Shadow of the Dark Organization Shadow of the Dark Organization Pearl's Meteor (main storyline)

466 The Indestructible Snowman (prequel)

467 The Indestructible Snowman (postquel)

468 Strange Incident by the Pond

469 Kaito Kiddo and the Four Famous Paintings (prequel)

470 Kaito Kiddo and the Four Famous Paintings (postquel) (main storyline) )

471 Losing control of the rental car!

472 The Adventures of Shinichi Kudo as a Teenager (prequel)

473 The Adventures of Shinichi Kudo as a Teenager (postquel)

474 The Love of Attorney Faingoli

475 The Top Prize of Doom

476 Genta's Essential Shooting (prequel)

477 Genta's Essential Shooting (postquel)

478 The Real 30 Minutes

478 The Real 30 Minutes (postquel)

480 The Real 30 Minutes (postquel) 478 The Real 30 Minutes

479 3 Days with Hattori Heiji (2-Hour Special)

480 The Yellow Alibi

481 The Sharp Blade of the Mountain Demon Granny (Prequel)

482 The Sharp Blade of the Mountain Demon Granny (Epilogue)

483 The Disappeared Patrolman

484 The Black Photo's Where the Black Photo Goes (Prequel) (Main Episode)

485 Where the Black Photo Goes (Postquel) (Main Episode)

486 The Right-to-Left Fortune Cat

487 The Love Story of a Detective in the Main Office8 The Left Ring Finger (1-Hour Special)

488 The Devil in the Television Station (1-Hour Special)

489 Courtroom Showdown III Witness is the Prosecutor (1-hour special)

490 Hattori Heiji vs Kudo Shinichi Ski Resort Reasoning Showdown (1-hour special)

Detective Conan TV Catalog (2008-Current)


491 Clash of the Red and the Black The Beginning (main storyline)

492 Clash of the Red and the Black. Bloodlines (main storyline)

493 Clash of Reds and Blacks Blast (main storyline)

494 Clash of Reds and Blacks Stygian Earth (main storyline)

495 Clash of Reds and Blacks Lethargy (main storyline)

496 Clash of Reds and Blacks Invasion (main storyline)

497 Clash of Reds and Blacks Awakening (main storyline)

497 Clash of Reds and Blacks Awakening (main storyline)

498 Clash of Reds and Blacks Invasion (main storyline)

498 The Clash of Red and Black: Stirring Things Up (Main Storyline)

499 The Clash of Red and Black: Disguise (Main Storyline)

500 The Clash of Red and Black: Last Words (Main Storyline)

501 The Clash of Red and Black: Suspicion (Main Storyline)

502 The Clash of Red and Black: Whiteness (Main Storyline)

503 The Clash of Red and Black: Dying (Main Storyline)

504 The Clash of Red and Black. Clash of the Red and the Black: Dying (main storyline)

504 Clash of the Red and the Black: Martyrdom (main storyline)

505 Testimony of Lawyer Himeji (prequel)

506 Testimony of Lawyer Himeji (postquel)

507 Dead End of the Karaoke Room (prequel) (main storyline)

508 Dead End of the Karaoke Room (postquel)

508 Dead End of the Karaoke Room (prequel) (main storyline)

509 The Karaoke Room. (Post Episode) (Main Episode)

509 Red, White, and Yellow vs. the Detective Agency (Main Episode)

510 Conan vs. the Mystery of the Double Cipher (Main Episode)

511 Deduction vs! Shinichi vs. Okiya Subaru (main storyline)

512 Broken Constellation Chart

513 Killing Intent from the Scent of Coffee (prequel)

514 Killing Intent from the Scent of Coffee (postquel)

515 Instantaneous Motion Magic of Kaiju Kiddo (1-hour special) (main storyline)

516 Windwood and Volcano The Labyrinth of the Armored Samurai (1-hour special)

516 Windwood and Volcano The Labyrinth of the Armored Samurai (1-hour special)

516 Conan vs. 1-hour special)

517 Windwood Volcano The End of Yin and Thunder

518 Mysterious Journey to the Meiji Restoration (Exploration Episode)

519 Mysterious Journey to the Meiji Restoration (Interpretation Episode)

520 Red Wine of Whistleblowing


521 Murderer, Shinichi Kudo (1-hour special) (Mainline Drama) (1/19)

522 Shinichi's Truth is Hidden in Ran's Tears (1-Hour Special) (Main Storyline) (1/26)

522 What I Really Wanted to Ask (Main Storyline) (2/2)

523 Hatred is the Spark of Cyan (Prequel) (2/9)

524 Hatred is the Spark of Cyan (Postquel) (2/16)