What is the title of the song, please?

Platinum Disco

Platinum Disco is the first title song of episode 8 of the TV anime Fake Story. The song has a strong brainwashing quality, with a moe loop that echoes the "fat sound" in your head. There is also a dance version of the song, which has been performed by many dancers.

Aradecoi, ah hey yo

Aiyoi shiョ, ah yo sho

Seeing the world of platinum

One step forward

Itsumaでも止まらない With the never-ending

Ko no ko no tokimuki de This heart throbs with the heart of a man.

Isuo ni踊ろう 一起来跳舞吧

君の背中であの日見つけた月が 那日在你背上看到的月亮

今日も ミラーポールみたいに Today it still hangs like a ball of glass in the night sky

夜空でキラリチラリ辉いてる Brightly shimmering with radiance

変わってく物変わら ない物 變莫测的东西 (和)永古不变的东西

饱きっぽい私が 我已經厌倦這些的我

初めて知った この永远を君に誓うよ With the first time I met you, I made an eternal vow

プラチナ 嬉しいのに Obviously happy

プラチナ 切なくなって But yet (Platinum)

プラチナ 切なくなって Yet (Platinum)

Platina 涙がでちゃうのは (Platinum) shed tears

Ho de どうして ディスコティック Why is this disco

あヨイショ 啊呦咻


振り向けけばいつでも Looking back at any time of the day and night

Beyond the footprints, the trail is always accompanied by the footprints.

Junto Nee Jare Ahって and you together ~ together to play

Sleep takuて sleep kunai Obviously sleepy but do not want to go to sleep

mada chiョット あと少し Not good yet still a little bit

chomadeto踊ろう Together we will dance until early morning

Mingday なんか来なくてもいいから ずっと Tomorrow and what not, even if it will never come, it does not matter. It doesn't matter if tomorrow never comes

Konana today ga続きますように 就这样,一直保持今天这样好

なんてヒラリフラリ梦の中へ gently swaying until you dream

ささやかだけど 挂け替えのない Though it's small and simple, but it's irreplaceable

歴史を重ねて (little by little) accumulating traces of history

Historyを重ねて (little by little) accumulating traces of history

There are traces of the past.

The traces of history

The smallest thing is the truth, the smallest lie becomes true when you are near me


Haいはい ディコ ディコ 好好呀好呀~ disco

Ayoshi ディコ 啊呦咻 disco

Moう一张 ディコ 再一遍 disco

Changes in the history of the world.

変わってく物 変わらない物 変わらない物 変わらない物 変わない物 変わらない物 変わらない物 變動變化的东西 (and) things that remain the same for eons of time

Full of these things I'm tired of them

Hatsumode know った この永远を 君に誓うよ With the first time I knew you, we made a pledge for eternity

Sakayakada Kako Hanging Kekai no Nai Though it's small and simple, there's no substitute for it.

History is a history that has been built up little by little

Falsehood is a reality in your neighborhood

Platina is happy to be with you

Platina is happy to be with you

Platina is happy to be with you

Platina is happy to be with you

Platina is happy to be with you

Platina is happy to be with you. ちゃうのは (Platinum) shed tears

Ho de どうして ディスコティック Why this disco

Ho de どうして ディスコティック Why this disco


Lyrics kana comment

Meet the ferry (みわた)せば一面(いちめん). 白金(はっきん)の世界(せかい)に






These are all the words of a woman's life, and I'm not sure if they're true.

Kimi ni chi kai yao

Prachina hippie (うれ) shi noi

Prachina cut (せつ)なくなって


何(なん)でどうして ディスコティック

Zhen (ふ)り向(む)けばいつでも


君(きみ)とねー じゃれあって


まだチョット あと少(すこ)し


Tomorrow's day will come and go, and we'll have to work hard to make it happen

Today's day will continue to be a great day, and we'll have to work hard to make it happen, and we'll have to work hard to make it happen, and we'll have to work hard to make it happen. ねて




うんはい ディスコ

あヨイショ ディスコ

もう一张 ディスコ

変(か)わってく物 変(か). わらない物


初(はじ)めて知(し)った この永(えいえん)を


ささやかかだけど 挂(か)け替(か)えのない


How can I get the best out of my ディスコティック

I hope you'll take it.