Out of Darkness (Out of Darkness)
Singer: Aubrey Ashburn
DEVIL MAY CRY 4 (Devil May Cry 4)
Listen to my voice calling you
Listen to my voice calling you
Pulling you out of Darkness
Will take you out of this Darkness
Hear the Devil's cry of sin
Always turn your back on him
Hope you Never look back
With the wind you go
Even if you are about to go with the wind
Sill I dream of your spirit leading you back home
I hope your soul can take you back to your hometown
I will give my gifts to you
I will give you a gift then
Grow your garden, watch it bloom
Plant it for you and watch it bloom and bear fruit
The light in your eyes is an angel up high
Your eyes reflect the light of an angel
Fighting to ease the shadow side
It is suppressing the darkness in your heart
Hearts will grow though having to bend
The soul always grows after experiencing setbacks
Leaving behind all things in the end
And in the end it will leave nothing behind
Listen to my voice calling you
Listen to my voice calling you
Pulling you out of Darkness
Will take you out of this darkness
Hear the Devil's cry of sin
Always turn your back on him
Hope you never look .php?tid=242907amp;fpage=0amp;toread=amp;page=1