Hong Kong elderly people's living condition Travel reality

On more than one occasion during my travels in Hong Kong, I have seen elderly people riding alone in wheelchairs. The driver first parks the car, then gets down from the driver's side, opens a small ramp under the threshold, and personally pushes the elderly into the car. When the old man is settled, he then closes the ramp and starts the car. The company's website is a great place to find out more about the company's services, and it's also a great place to learn more about the company.

The whole process takes about 5 minutes, passengers are obediently waiting, and very consciously make a road, no one grabbed a seat, the team is not chaotic. All along the way, there are young people who spontaneously help the wheelchair. In Hong Kong, the old man fell down someone to help.

Hong Kong's buses are very dense, very good order, from no traffic jams, but also rarely particularly crowded, basically sitting half a car people. Buses are the main means of transportation for the elderly.

Hong Kong also has square dancing, but mostly in the surrounding area, not in the city, about because of the limited space, there is no place to dance. The neighborhood park in Kwai Chung has middle-aged and elderly people dancing every morning.

The middle-class elderly in Hong Kong like to have morning tea, which is a way of life for their retirement. The morning tea is a spectacular spectacle, with the elderly greeting each other and chatting about family trivia. The elderly are usually more respectful, dressing cleanly and talking about how much their daughter-in-law has given them another bracelet, and how their son's job in Central is going.

Of course, many of the elderly in Hong Kong are also self-supporting running around at the bottom, but they, really, work hard.

In Hong Kong, it is common to see old people pushing trolleys bundled with scraps or garbage across the street, sometimes late at night.

One night after 11pm, I saw this old man hunching over, pushing the cart with great difficulty, and the vehicles drove fast at night, so I was afraid that the old man would be in trouble, so I followed her down the street.

During a visit to a convenience store, she bought a bag of rice, hunched over, trying to hold her head up, and the clerk theorized about the price. The clerk was not very friendly to her. 8 kilograms of rice, she could not lift, the clerk did not help. One of the shoppers was ahead of her and helped her put the rice in her car.

After the intersection, she pushed very slowly, and the red light was on but not passed, I went to help her push a hand, she did not let me move the car. I said, "Grandma, I'll help you push it, it's not safe at the intersection. When she heard me speak Mandarin, she looked up at me, her eyes revealing a stubbornness that was not willing to be belittled. Afterward, she said to me in Cantonese, "I don't need your help, you're pushing too fast! Then the tiny figure hunched over and pushed the cart away.

A few trips to Hong Kong, I traveled to every district of Hong Kong, Hong Kong urban hunchback elderly quite a lot, I do not know why. On the contrary, the old people on the outlying islands, hale and hearty, straight-backed and energetic.

This is where the famous Hong Kong senior citizen Li Ka-shing's house is located, and also the famous Hong Kong rich district, Repulse Bay. Hong Kong seems to have a rather distinctive division of the population hierarchy, with the rich being very much admired, and of course, most of the rich are also worthy of admiration. Especially in Hong Kong, to be a rich person, first of all, you can be a good person, and secondly, you can make money.

Li Ka-shing once said: "I personally do not want anything in life, food and shelter are very simple, God gave me the gift, I did not want more property extravagance. If this life can do more for mankind, the nation, the country's long-lasting peace and security beneficial things, I am happy to do." To be able to say such words, one cannot realize it spiritually without reaching a certain material height.

My realization from traveling in Hong Kong: when a person is lazy, it is often because he has a backing behind him that is strong enough to support him to live. There is a home, a business, someone to cook, someone to change clothes, someone to hush up and a body of spiritual support. When you are like the little people of Hong Kong have nothing, not even a way back, you can only rely on yourself, to be very diligent and hard work with ten percent of the force, in order to be able to a healthy foothold, and three outlook on the right way to live.

Hong Kong, an island of longevity, Hong Kong people are also very pragmatic, glossy is respected, ragged nobody. I always remember ten years ago, my Hong Kong colleagues said to me: living and working in Hong Kong is as busy as fighting, so Hong Kong people will work harder than people in other places to make money and survive, and only if you keep climbing up the ladder, you will have a voice and a way out.

There is no easy word in the world of adults.

Graphic by Black Beat Red. I travel around, just to record the civilian life in various places, welcome to pay attention, follow me to see the real world.