:184816 264389 878346 947284 243746 968166 726746
:3446123 3442396 6667729 6437821 1996868 6366691 6719286 6887677 4698376
:64839293 74663789 49181926 69633618 33138347 68716781 48297428 23633481 44314763 47269873 83649178
:744348331 998696378 389463316 667843397 487212773 961976483 638796796 869723439 476176233 182796736 441719876 387329223
The H.O.T. step has H.O.T.'s kicking maneuver, nice!
Hate Step
: 878346 947284 264389 243746 681232 724638 641692
: 4981436 1614322 8867613 2816923 7242963 6719286 6887677
: 16364361 23982921 81848133 31214212 96983498 94697366 44312183 36234138 64839293
: 744348331 389463316 667863397 487212773 961976483 638794796 869723439 96843118
Magic God
LV6 : 464646 4383 1922 6334 9841 2342 3869 3836 8928
LV7 : 2382 2833 3468 4487 4867 4943 6679 8944 6121
LV8 : 13879 6227 1918 2671 2723 4196 8341 8672 8977 9196 4431 4431
LV9 : 9481 1184 9681 7421 8378 1119 2323 7777 6711 1116 9716 2192 1214 7469 6971 9947 2614 3798 7723
Mad God Dance
LV6 : 4458 2916 8968 834 7418 8928 2342 6822 7744 (the previous one is 4K)
LV7 : 6887 7929 2322 3442 7823 8913 8281 3148 8128 8293
LV8 : 3441 2912 4767 7233 8326 8978 9163 9164 9621 9821 1696 2322 7861 6483 4431 4431 6699
LV9 : 1827 3873 4417 4761 883 227 9488 16766 67741 23343 96843 47967 63879 48721 66784 96197 33744 8697 468111
Bobblehead Dance
: 291 7246 896 7481 689 629 649 612
: 6887 7929 4698 9414 889 8869 8768 8413 7766 6794
:2912 4767 7233 8326 8978 9163 9164 9621 9821 9322 8729 8382
:1827 3873 4417 4761 16766 6774 9684 948 479672 27184 4879
That's a horrible head shake, overall good!
8K Gorgeous Dance
:423 128 87 264 243 184 9681 7267
:617 4941 161 8867 281 743 971 6887
:3441 238 2398 81 969 312 696 138 716
:8919 918 7443 9986 3894 9498 6678 4872 9619 6387 8697 9684 167 677 9488 479672
Name of the dance: Dead Step
Dance introduction: short for Dead Step, a more bizarre set of dance steps!
Detailed steps:
L6: 36788 326229 443887 482673 637644 194448 189444
L7: 628747 3276696 4219287 7766966 7892449 ( 2843 2816 2894)
L8 : 3364494 3727344 46161718 67371466 78961742 49831814 96833636 87717686
L9: 167669123 479672873 677418873 948813833 968431187 1396332441 174812873 339924263 498129293 798817483 493787874 182796736 384314727 379418869 371967624 28891