Maying Village is an administrative village under the jurisdiction of Liuji Street, Xiangzhou District, Xiangyang City, Hubei Province, with an urban/rural classification code of 111, the main urban area. The zoning code is 420607002204, and the first 6 digits of the resident's ID number is 420607. The postal code is 441000, the long-distance telephone area code is 0710, and the license plate number is E. F. Maying Village is adjacent to Xuying Village, Wujing Village, Xiaowangying Village, Daqiao Village, Liuhu Community, Lianshanyuhu Community, Liuzhi Community, Zhenggang Community, Huangpo Community, Wupo Community, and Weizhuang Community.
Maying Village is near Lumen Scenic Spot, Lumen Temple, Meng Haoran's Tomb, Xiangyang Yindan Water Conservancy Scenic Spot, Chaoyang City Ruins, and other tourist attractions, and there are specialties such as Xiangyang datura, Xiangyang Black Pig, Chenghe Willow Weaving, Xianghansia, Xiangyang Black Pork and other specialties.