With the warm spring breeze, we set off. Yulin has changed a lot in recent years. There are wide roads and trains, which makes traveling very convenient. The car followed the secondary highway towards Driving north, I passed Yulin Railway Station on the way. I heard that the railway station square is the largest square in the northwest region. It is so beautiful! I was looking at the rows of tall buildings in Yulin city. Suddenly, I heard my cousin say: "Meng'er, look quickly. Zhenbeitai, how majestic it is! It is called the first beacon tower on the Great Wall and is the largest beacon tower on the Great Wall!" Before I knew it, I arrived at Hongjiannao. As soon as I got off the car, a blue lake came into my eyes. , it is so pure blue, so deep blue, and so gentle and elegant. It is purer blue than the ocean, and deeper blue than the sky. The Hongjiannao water area is vast and vast. The 67 square kilometers of water surface are spectacular. It is really The water and the sky meet! Here, you can see the vast lake, the soft beach, the quiet wilderness, the green grassland, the rising sun, the roaring waves, the drifting boats, and the dancing birds. .It has no embellishment or carving, it is a kind of rough beauty...