The village has 100 households and a population of 300. Arable land area of 800 acres, villagers income to plant corn, soybean crops. Branch committee, the village committee cadres 4, the population is more concentrated, covers an area of 90 acres.
There are three wells in the village, two of which are located at the west entrance of the village, one of which provides drinking water for the whole village, with pipes directly to the yard, realizing a 24-hour water supply for the villagers. One well is located at the east entrance of the village and is used for irrigation of agricultural planting to ensure watering of agriculture in times of drought.
The village center location in 2015 built the villagers' cultural life square, the formation of square dance, rice-planting team, improve the physical quality of the villagers, enriching the spare time life.
Matun village near the Langfang Culture and Arts Center, Langfang International Convention and Exhibition Center, the former Nanzhuang dharani sutra building, Fuqiang Agricultural and Animal Husbandry Demonstration Park, Longfusi long bright lamp building and other tourist attractions, Anji melon, Meng set, Anji duck wide pear, Anji golden jujube, "Jindu" honeydew melon and other specialties.