He ran back to the palace and ordered his ministers to arrest the three crooked tailors, but there was no sign of them, and they were gone by the time the emperor left the palace.
When he couldn't catch the crooks, the emperor took it out on the little boy, and he ordered the guards to go and arrest the little boy for telling the truth and bring him into the palace.
"I'm going to gouge his eyes out and see if he can still see what others can't!" The emperor gritted his teeth and said, "I'm going to cut out his tongue and see if he still dares to say what others won't!" The captain of the guards only said yes.
The canary, who was locked in the cage, heard this and was anxious inside; though he had been kept in the cage, he had heard what had happened outside, and the servants privately praised the boy who dared to speak the truth. But everyone knew the emperor's violent character, and no one dared to open their mouths and say a word in the face of such a furious tyrant.
The canary was jumping up and down in her cage, wondering how she could get the news out of the palace, when suddenly she saw the little hole in the corner where the curtains were blocking the window, and she called out in a loud voice: Little mouse, little mouse, come out of there!
After a while, the little mouse poked out a little head, sleepy eyes, what is it?
The canary said anxiously, go and tell the boy with the bright eyes who speaks the truth to run away to the forest, the king is going to catch him, gouge out his eyes and cut out his tongue.
As soon as the little mouse heard this, he woke up and slipped out of the room by the corner of the wall. The palace was too big, although the little mouse usually skulked around the palace, but to really run out of the palace, it still took a lot of effort to run to the door when it felt like it was about to break.
It saw the soldiers lining up as it passed the playground and picked up the pace. When it reached the palace gates, they were closed, and the walls made it feel like it couldn't see the edge, and the sound of the soldiers' neat footsteps was already coming, so what to do? What to do?
When the little mouse was in a hurry and scratching his ears, he suddenly looked up and saw a swallow, and he hurriedly waved his hands and jumped up and down and shouted, "Swallow! Swallow!
Dressed in a black and white gentleman's suit, the swallow looked down and saw the sweaty little mouse, Hello! Mr. Mouse. Swallow's gentlemanly demeanor was in full force.
The little mouse gasped and said aloud, Go tell the boy with the bright eyes who tells the truth to run away to the forest, the king is going to get him and gouge out his eyes and cut out his tongue.
The swallow saw the emperor's parade in his "new clothes", and felt that his tuxedo was the most beautiful one, so he laughed at the emperor, who loved to wear all kinds of clothes.
When it heard the words of the little mouse, it immediately put away its leisurely expression, said goodbye to the little mouse, and immediately flew high up in the sky, and when it was ready to fly over the high walls, it saw that the soldiers had already gone to the city gates, and it had to speed up!
The swallow had never felt the wind in the sky as strong as it was today, always trying to push it backwards, it kept its head down and fought
flapping its wings against the wind. It didn't care that its beloved tuxedo was being blown around by the wind, all it could think about was getting the message out as quickly as possible.
The wind was so strong that it was too difficult for the tiny swallow to cross the storm band, and with another gust of wind, the swallow's wings seemed to break, and it lost its balance, falling straight down towards the river. ......
Just when it was about to fall into the river, it used its last strength to open its wings and slid to the grass on the bank and landed on the edge of the water grass, which scared a big fish hiding in the water grass and spit out a long series of bubbles, Mr. Swallow, are you okay?
The swallow took a sip of the river water and breathed a sigh of relief, please go and tell the boy with the bright eyes who speaks the truth to run away to the forest, the king is going to catch him and gouge out his eyes and cut out his tongue.
After hearing this, the great fish looked up and saw that the soldiers were already looming over the river, and it turned quickly and swam upstream.
It had been a while since it had gotten used to lying in the shallow water and grass, occasionally swimming in the calm water, and it had been a long time since it had exercised itself against the current, and before long it began to gasp for air with its mouth wide open.
He looked back and saw that the soldiers were walking along the river at a neat pace, and picked up his own pace again, swimming across the rushing river, and jumping over the high waterfalls, and he felt his strength about to run out, when at last he saw the shadow of the village.
There happened to be an in sheepdog guarding the sheep, and the big fish eagerly jumped out of the water, sheepdog, sheepdog!
The sheepdog looked up and saw the fish leaping out of the water, it walked to the river and stretched its head out, Need my help? Big Fish.
The big fish gasped, please go and tell the boy with the bright eyes who speaks the truth to run away to the forest, the king is going to get him and gouge out his eyes and cut out his tongue.
The sheep that were grazing low down by the river also heard the words of the great fish, and they all gathered near the river, and they saw that the soldiers were nearly at the bridge, so the sheep, with a word of counsel, all bleated and walked up to the narrow bridge, while the shepherd dog turned and spread his legs and ran away to the village.
The boy was in the barn humming and milking the cows, when the sheepdog ran into the barn, pulled up his pant leg and yanked it outward, and the boy was filled with wonder, Hey, man, what's going on?
The sheepdog growled eagerly, get out of here, go to the forest, the emperor has sent soldiers to come and get you, he's going to gouge out your eyes and cut out your tongue.
The cow heard this and pushed the little boy outward with her head, Get out of here, go to the forest, there are our friends there who will protect you! The shepherd dog took the little boy and immediately ran deeper into the forest.
The soldiers finally squeezed across the small wooden bridge filled with sheep, their hats fell into the water, and their clothes and pants were torn to pieces, and when they came to the village like a bunch of defeated soldiers, there was no sign of the little boy anywhere. There was only a herd of cows with their heads down looking as if they were about to charge at any moment, frightening them into running back.
When the emperor heard that he hadn't caught the little boy, he was so angry that he rolled his eyes and died of anger. From then on, people were willing to tell the truth, and the liars had no chance to cheat.
What about the little boy? He's living freely in the forest.