But it's hard to say it's not a book: it's got a title - 642 Things to Write About: Creative Adventures That Don't Stop; it's got a cover: a blue pen on a yellow background with blue lines seems to be calling out to us to "write"; and it's got a waistband. "; it also has a waist cover with challenging and seductive words: "Break through the bottleneck of writing, practice writing style, and focus on collecting inspirations", "642 creative entries that are ready to be written and used at any time, and there is something to be gained if you write" , "No writing time limit, no word count requirement, no genre restrictions", look at these words, do they look like a good advertising slogan? (It just so tempted me to buy it.) It also has the stranglehold, which is boldly printed with an author's bio and a synopsis of the contents. It has all the parts a book should have, now can you say it's not a book?
The blurb at the lector's mouth has these words that are enough to entice all readers: "Quirky, fun, and practical," "Writing maze," and "The sky's the limit." How about "Any Door" ......? Aren't you particularly looking forward to flipping through it?
As soon as you open it, you'll regret it: what's all this? There is no text at all, not to mention what interesting ideas, there is just a large piece of blank, this is not to write my own book? How can you call this a "book"? I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to do that, but I think I'm going to be able to!
Gentlemen, do not be anxious, patience to read the book's preface. "Preface" said: "This book is completed in one day, only 24 hours to complete" - are not a few words, of course, write fast; "Preface" said: "This book is completed in one day, only 24 hours to complete. "It was not our own idea to write this book" - of course, who would come up with such a bad idea? Oh, of course, someone still came up with this idea: "Make up a book of 642 Things to Write About" - wait, why 642? I wonder why it's 642? The "Preface" says: "I can't do it alone", 642 things, that's not easy, of course one person can't do it, so the "Preface" says: "Wonderful ideas from 35 different writers", which is more or less the same; "Preface" also says: "You can actually use these 642 things, you can choose one of the exercises, according to the prompts to complete, or you can browse through it You can pick one of these exercises and follow the prompts to complete it, or you can browse through them to stimulate your own creativity." Haha, it's not hard to beat me. The story of each person is uncertain and can develop in countless directions.
Haha, I think I'm getting the hang of it, so let's start flipping through it first.
Turning to the first page, there are only four sentences: "What happens in a second", "The worst New Year's Eve dish you've ever tasted", "A potted plant is dying, tell it the reason for living "What's in a second", "The worst New Year's Eve dish you've ever tasted", "A dying potted plant, tell it why it's alive" and "Write your social status in 6 years" are all so irrelevant! But I'm willing to think about it. Oh, my God! I can only think of a social status 6 years from now - I'll send out a circle to celebrate my retirement. Will they be using some new social app again? No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no! But, but, but, why did I only think of the circle of friends? Why did I only think of one of those four? It seems that my thinking is a bit solidified, and I really need to work out and do some thinking gymnastics.
I seem to understand a little bit what the authors of the book intended.
Thinking back, how long has it been since I've been whimsical? It seems that since I became an adult, it seems that after I went to work, I have never had any particularly bold ideas, I have never had the idea of being different from those around me, because the world of adults, there are too many things to be afraid of, and we are always worried about being treated as a "foreigner" because "the gun hits the head out of the head"; we are always worried about being treated as a "foreigner" because "the gun hits the head out of the head". "; we are always worried that their ideas are not the same as others will meet with opposition, because "the mouths of the people", "spittle drowning people"; we are always afraid to do things that do not meet the identity, because "Adults should have the appearance of adults", "to pay attention to their own identity" ...... So, we work and live according to the pattern of all people every day, we do the same thing day after day, decades after decades. We do the same thing day after day, decades after decades, we have long forgotten that we are the unique "this one", we have long forgotten that our bodies are also flowing with passionate blood, we have long forgotten that our minds are still sleeping with countless wonderful.
From childhood, we accept the education of fixed answers, accept the routine life, accept the work arranged by parents, accept the social regulations of all, we lost the curiosity of new things, we lost the comprehension of different opinions, we lost the desire to learn about different things, and we lost the pursuit of their own independent spirit, we are a little young to become a "young man", "a young man", "a young man", "a young man", "a young man", "a young man", "a young man", "a young man", "a young man", "a young man". We have become a "young and old" conservatives, old school, no longer have the enthusiasm, no longer have the courage, no longer have the courage, no longer have the imagination, no longer have the creativity.
The creativity of the authors of this book was a wake-up call: it can't go on like this! Otherwise, you'll be raising conservatives and old schoolers like you again!
Moving on, I found that the authors' ideas were a wonderful mix of memories of the past: "Objects You've Stolen", "A Guilty Pleasure", thoughts of the future: "Describe an Electronic Device Born in the Future That You Don't Know What to Do With", descriptions of things you've never thought of or known about: "Cockroaches in the Roosevelt Hotel", "A General Manager's Personal To-Do List", and "The New York Yankees' Personal Task List", all of which are very interesting. The General Manager's Personal To-Do List," "Write a Story Based on a Prompt:" "Write a story that ends with the phrase, "This is the room where the story takes place," and topics you probably wouldn't think of: "Describe the Tree from a Leaf's Point of View," "Screw You," "Describe Someone You've Never Met. ...... All in all, I was amazed at how many ideas the authors had, and how they came up with so many strange and interesting things. It's completely out of this world and really opens up a whole can of worms! I'm starting to want to write something in this book, prompted by it.