What is the general strength of those singing street performers?

In our way to the city, may have seen the street performers singing, some people sing better, some people sing is very general, these street performers strength generally how? I think most of them are better than the average person, but than professional singers almost details, the main reason is the following aspects.

1. Many street performers are just average people who sing better.

I have a classmate, he is only in his second year of high school, because he is learning to sing, so there are times when his teacher will take them to the street together to practice their guts, and he will go to the square to sing for other people when he is not doing anything, on the one hand, to practice his guts, and on the other hand, he can also earn a little bit of money, and the most important thing is that he himself is actually very happy. He is an ordinary street performer, just singing a little better than us, because of certain factors, so singing on the street, he does not belong to the professional singing contestants, just learned to sing, a lot of street performers are similar to him, have not systematically and professionally learned to sing, so the strength will not be very good.

2. People with really high strength are usually in professional organizations or have won awards.

There are a lot of schools for learning to sing, they learn how to sing systematically, and their singing strength is slowly improving. On top of that, there are some powerful singing contestants who have already won awards and they don't just go out on the streets and sing, it seems too degrading. There are even some singers who have already gone out and won a lot of praise for their songwriting prowess, but they won't be street performers because one concert for them is enough for them to make a lot of money. All these people with high strength will not be street performers.

All in all, most street performers are not professional singing contestants, they are just ordinary people who are a little bit better than ordinary people. The really powerful singing contestants, they usually won't go to be street performers either, so the street performers are generally better than ordinary people, but they are still close to the details than the masters.