My hometown essay Dongjiang Jinshang Sports Promenade

The Golden Bank Plaza is located in the middle of Anfu County, and it is a good place for recreation. Directly in front of the square

is a statue of a cow playing golf, which is carved in a lifelike

like way. The square is full of lights, some like a tall tree, some like a pillar

, some like a small lantern ......

The square has a lot of stores: there are clothes stores, snack stores, etc. The square has a new look every time

The square is full of lights, some like a tall tree, some like a pillar

, and others like a small lantern. The place has a new look and every

day many people go in to shop. The square sometimes has some entertainment places, there is a carousel

horse, hand rowing boat, playing gopher, a variety of ah!

The square is lively in the evening, the sound of stores, there are a lot of small friends

skating, some adults are walking. There was a steady stream of people coming and going in the square. People all

like to play in this square.

There was a stage in the middle of the square, which was specially for some people to perform. Once, some people performed a game on it, and immediately a lot of people came to watch, and the performers danced to the beautiful

music. The surface of the stage was so smooth that some of the children wrestled

on it.

The most beautiful part of the square is the two fountains at the front of the square. On Friday nights

, the water in the fountains sprays out from the ground, and there are colorful lights shining on the

springs, which make the springs turn into colorful water.

Ah, the beautiful Jinan Square, you will change with time and become more beautiful too