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(24) Mencius said: "Confucius climbed the East Mountain and was small, and climbed Mount Tai and was smaller than the world. Therefore, it is difficult for people who look at the sea to find water, and those who swim at the gate of the sage can hardly speak. If you have the ability to watch water, you must watch it. The sun and moon are bright, and the light will shine. Running water is also a thing, but it is not a mirror; The ambition of a gentleman is also in the Tao, and it cannot reach the chapter. "
Mencius said: "Confucius climbed Dongshan and felt that Lu was smaller, and climbed Mount Tai and felt that the world was smaller. Therefore, it is difficult for people who have seen the sea to be attracted by other waters, and it is also difficult for people who study under saints to be attracted by other remarks. There are certain ways to see water, so you must look at its waves. There is light in the sun and the moon, and every tiny gap should be illuminated. Running water will not flow forward until it is pitted; A gentleman is interested in the Tao, and there is no equivalent, and it cannot be achieved. "
Social contact
Confucius has many activities in Taishan area. Mount Tai was the junction of Qilu and Qilu in the Spring and Autumn Period. The doors of the two countries are armed with live ammunition, and the DPRK goes to court, and there are frequent exchanges. Lu was the fief of the Duke of Zhou, and the ancestral temple of the Zhou Dynasty was set up, which could be a ritual for the emperor. Therefore, the political, cultural and legal systems of the Zhou Dynasty were well preserved in Shandong. Confucius spent most of his life in Shandong, which provided sufficient conditions for his activities around Mount Tai.
climb mountains
Confucius once climbed Mount Tai to inspect the amenorrhea system. Mount Tai is located in the east of China, called Dongyue. In primitive religious beliefs, the East is the master of life, so Mount Tai is the master of life and death, which was later extended to the meaning of "Zen generation" handed down by emperors in previous dynasties. Emperors of past dynasties, after changing dynasties and bringing peace, all should worship Mount Tai to show their destiny and obey the four seas. There is a record in Guanzi Fengchan that the seventy-two ancestors of Mount Tai Zen were sealed by the ancients. The content of closed-door meditation is to build an altar at the top of Mount Tai to worship heaven in return for merit. At the foot of Mount Tai, Fu Liangshan sacrificed to the ground in order to repay his kindness, which is called Zen. This grand and solemn retreat ceremony has a set of sacred and strict ceremonies, which is very attractive to Confucius who attaches great importance to the system of rites and music. Confucius took the Duke of Zhou as an example all his life and took it as his duty to restore the political, ritual and music system of the Zhou Dynasty. He is ready to help the monarch realize this idea at any time, so amenorrhea ceremony is an important national ceremony that must be mastered. "History of Han Poetry Biography" records: "When Confucius climbed Mount Tai, he could get more than 70 Yi Long viewers, but Wang could get it." After many field visits and repeated comparisons, it was found that the specific amenorrhea rituals in the past dynasties were very different, which provided rich materials for him to master amenorrhea etiquette. At that time, meditation and mountain worship activities were held by the monarch, and it was impolite to hold them under the princes. According to the Analects of Confucius and Eight Shu, there was a doctor in Lu who wanted to sacrifice to Mount Tai. Confucius quickly asked the housekeeper's students: Can't people stop him? Ran's answer was no, Confucius sneered, didn't Mount Tai understand etiquette and accept this irregular sacrifice?
Confucius engaged in political activities in Taishan area, the most famous of which was the Oracle bone conference in Laiwu, east of Taishan. "Historical Records Confucius Family" contains: In the tenth year of Lu (the first 500 years), Confucius was appointed as the commander-in-chief of Lu, and began to govern the country with his own political ideas, gradually becoming stable and powerful, which made Qi very uneasy. In order to conquer Lu, he adopted the advice of doctor Li Yan and others and invited them to meet in Jiagu, hoping to force Lu to yield by force. Lu promised to attend the meeting, and Confucius and Zhao accompanied him, and mobilized troops to accompany him according to the policy of "A man of insight must have a prepared soldier". Mobilize the followers of the army according to the policy of "literate people must be prepared for war". Famous politicians Yan Ying and Qi Jinggong attended the meeting together.
After the meeting, Qi invited local songs and dances, so "Yu Yu, Yu Yu, spears and halberds, drew swords and made noise", which was intended to threaten Ding Gong. The situation was urgent, and Confucius ignored the usual ceremony and stepped up his steps. He raised his sleeves and shouted, Our two kings are meeting solemnly. Why are there such barbaric songs and dances? What should Qi do? Gong Jing was very embarrassed and motioned to step down. After a period of time, the State of Qi demanded that court music be played, so there was "advocating dwarfism before playing" to insult the public. Confucius went up the stairs again and said loudly: those who tease the princes will be beheaded according to law. Because of Confucius' solemn attitude, strict etiquette and full military preparation, Qi Jinggong felt that Lu Dinggong could not be easily taken hostage, so he ended the meeting in a hurry.
After returning home, I still felt uneasy, complaining that his lieutenants said that Confucius assisted the monarch according to etiquette, but you taught me in a deviant way, which offended Lu. What should I do? So I had to return the warm sunny days and cloudy days in Guangxi that had invaded Shandong before to show my gratitude. Now there is a Xie Guocheng site near Fujia Village, more than ten miles east of Taicheng, which was built for this purpose.
Before that, Yan Ying looked down upon Confucius very much. He once said to Qi Jinggong: "Confucianism, Confucianism, is funny and uninhibited; Proud and obedient, you can't be next; Mourning and mourning, bankruptcy and reburial, can not be vulgar; Lobbying for loans can't be for the country ... today, Confucius is full of "decorations, complicated ceremonies and detailed festivals." You can't learn from its past, and you can't examine its rituals in those days "(Historical Records Confucius Farming). This "four essentials" and "two essentials" degraded Confucius to nothing. The alliance of Oracle bones and bones fully shows Confucius' political and diplomatic talents, and also proves that Yan Zi's view of Confucius is very narrow and one-sided, underestimating this political opponent.
In the fourth year after Oracle bone inscriptions, Qi was worried that Confucius would monopolize politics and would annex Qi, so he accepted Li Mo's suggestion and gave it to Lu Jun; Eighty enchanting beauties are all good at singing decadent voices, and thirty big horses are all equipped with excellent saddles and glittering. I want to stifle lujun's will and alienate lujun from Confucius. Sure enough, "JiHuanZi traveling incognito again and again, will be. It is said that lujun's impatience and frivolity will be vividly displayed, because he works for Zhou Dao and looks at it all the time, but he is lazy in political affairs (Historical Records Confucius Family). Seeing that Lu Jun was so absurd, Confucius had to resign and left Lu with a heavy heart. On the way, I passed Kameyama Mountain, south of Mount Tai and west of Xintai, and saw the fertile Kameyama field. The victory of Oracle bones association is still there, but I was forced to go to Shandong, and my chest was depressed, so I wrote a song called Kameyama Exercise. According to Cai Yong's Cao Qin in the Eastern Han Dynasty, Confucius wrote Turtle Hill Grass. Qi people feed women's music, Ji receives it, and Lu Jun refuses to listen to the DPRK behind closed doors. Dictatorship, tyrant, doctor, sage and villain. Confucius wanted to remonstrate, but he retreated to Lu. There is Guishan in Lu, and her family is in Guishan, which is in the axe. Ji's dictatorship is like a turtle mountain covering Lu. It's too late to hurt the mausoleum of politics and morality, and the people are not in place. They want to punish Ji's family, but they can't, so they help Qin and sing a cloud: Give Lu's wish, and Kameyama will cover it up. What is Kameyama without an axe in his hand? "
Confucius returned to Shandong.
In the 11th year of Lu Aigong (484 BC), Aigong sent messengers to welcome Confucius back to Shandong to defend himself. At that time, Confucius was abroad for 14 years, with richer experience and more mature political experience. He saw that Lu was worried about the invasion of Soochow at present, and there was also a power struggle between the three masters of Ji family. Calling him back to China is really helpless and will not be really reused. Besides, I am 68 years old, and it is difficult to make great achievements under difficult circumstances. The energy of the prime of life is wasted on the run, and the mood of returning home in old age is very complicated. So, when he passed Mount Tai and looked up into the distance, he couldn't help feeling, so he wrote Autumn Pavilion to express his feelings:
Dengqiuling, Dengsakamoto.
If you look far away, kindness is around you.
I'm lost. I take care of myself.
Looking back, Fu Liang came back.
Bitter orange thorns covered the road, but there was no chance.
If there are no branches, the disease will spread.
Only sigh and cry forever.
This poem was handed down from generation to generation by Confucius. If so, it is the first poem dedicated to Mount Tai by Confucius and his second poem about Mount Tai after Turtle Cao. It pioneered the expression of one's ambition by lyrical praise of mountains and rivers. The metaphor of "mountain road" and "benevolence road" is used in the poem, and the image implication is very appropriate. In Lisao, "It's a long way to go, but I will go up and down", which is obviously influenced by Confucius' poems.
About Confucius
Confucius was a famous politician, thinker, educator and writer in ancient China. The connection between Mount Tai and celebrities began with Confucius. Confucius climbed Mount Tai to express his thoughts and broaden his mind; Investigate Zen and learn etiquette; Knowing people's feelings, observing current politics, activities and historical sites are very rich. The records of Mount Tai in Ming Dynasty said: "Mount Tai is the first scenic spot of Confucius." This not only expands the connotation of Taishan culture, but also makes Confucianism carry forward with the power of Taishan. At the same time, Confucius also created a precedent for celebrities to climb Mount Tai. Because of his special status and influence, later generations have followed suit. "Climbing Mount Tai to make a small world" has become an indispensable part of the lives of literati and celebrities in past dynasties, followed by a profound cultural psychology, which has spread into a long-standing cultural atmosphere and evolved into a big landscape in traditional culture.
The word (former 551-former 479) was born in Qiaoyi, Changping Township, Shandong Province in the Spring and Autumn Period. Confucius called himself "Yin people". His ancestors were Wei, Yin's brother. After Yin was destroyed, it was sealed by the King of Zhou in Song Dynasty and worshipped by Shang Dynasty. Confucius, the thirteenth ancestor of Confucius, had a surname only when his father was Jia. Kong is a senior official of Song State and a fu. Because of the chaos in the government, he was killed by the governor of Zhongzhou, and his son went to Lu, just to be an official. My great-grandfather Kong is a doctor, and his father Uncle Liang is a soldier. He is famous for his bravery. He was born in Kong Qiu with Yan Zhizhai in his later years. "Autumn begets death" (Historical Records Confucius Family). Soon after, he moved to Qufu with his mother and lived a poor life. This is what Confucius said, "I was very cheap when I was young" (The Analects of Confucius Zi Han). He said that "five out of ten is determined to learn" (the Analects of Confucius is the government), and his learning method is mainly self-study, with the spirit of being open-minded and eager to learn. As the saying goes, "I am not born knowing, I am eager to learn" (described in The Analects of Confucius) and "I entered the ancestral temple to ask everything" (Eight Letters in The Analects of Confucius). When Confucius was twelve years old, he was a minister who helped the world. At the age of 22, he was taught in Lu Li, and disciples from Shandong, such as Ceng Dian, Yan, Qin Shang and Ran Geng, all went to his home to study. Around the age of thirty, private schools flourished, and the so-called "standing at thirty". At the age of thirty-four, he accepted Lu Jun's chariots, horses, servants and financial aid. Accompanied by his uncle Nangong Shu Jing, he paid a courtesy visit to Luoyang, the capital of the Eastern Zhou Dynasty, visited the suburban community, and was admitted to Mingtang. After Confucius returned from his visit to Zhou, his private studies became more prosperous.
Lu was nine years old, and when Confucius was fifty-one, he took Confucius as his capital. Within a year, all the four directions will do, from which they will all go to Sikong, from Sikong to Dashikou "(Historical Records Confucius Family). In the tenth year of Ding Gong, Confucius and Qi Jinggong met in the valley and returned home in triumph. After returning to Lu, he helped launch the movement of "reducing the three capitals", which played a role in strengthening public office and weakening the Ji family. At this time, Qi conspired to alienate the princes and ministers of Lu, and Confucius had to lead his disciples to leave Lu at the age of 55 and began a 14-year journey around the world.
Confucius visited Zhao, Kuang, Cao, Song, Chen, Pu, Zheng, Cai, Jin and Chu, roaming the Central Plains, hoping to advocate the "civil-military way" to quell the chaos in the world. As a result, I hit a wall everywhere and suffered setbacks repeatedly, leaving little room. But he didn't seem to lose heart. Even in times of crisis, he insisted on singing and said, "You can't do what you know" (The Analects of Confucius, Xian Wen). In eleven years, Confucius returned to Shandong at the age of sixty-eight. He took Luo Xue as his career and collected and sorted out cultural classics, and taught books for his disciples, such as poetry, calligraphy, ceremony, Yue, Yi and Chunqiu, which were handed down to later generations. Confucius made great contributions to the development of ancient culture, education and learning in China. He "teaches with poetry, and his disciple covers 3,000 Yan, and there are two people who are proficient in six arts" (Historical Records Confucius Family). In the spring of the sixteenth year of Aigong, Confucius died at the age of 73 and was buried in Surabaya, north of Qufu. Confucius' disciples "followed the words of the master" and compiled The Analects of Confucius, which recorded the main ideas of Confucius.
Confucius disciples related to Mount Tai
Many of Confucius' disciples are related to Mount Tai. The first disciple was Yan Hui. "Confucius' Family Language" contains: "Yan Zi and Confucius went up to Lushan Mountain, and there was a white horse outside the southeast gate of Confucius, which led Yan Yuan to show them: What if I saw Wuchang Gate? Yan Yuan said: Yes. Confucius said: What is outside the door? Yue: It's like practicing for nothing. Confucius closed his eyes. "The land is in front of the Daiding Confucius Temple, and the Ming people set up a stone workshop here. Also called Wang Wufeng and Ziyan Kong here. In Wenyangchang, southwest of Mount Tai and north of Wenshui, there is a "Swallow Slope", which was the place where master and apprentice went down the mountain. Yan Hui, who is knowledgeable and short-lived, evokes the memory of Taishan people.
Ceng Zi is the most effective scholar in studying loyalty and filial piety among Confucius' disciples. He is known as the Ceng Zi School, and has written The Book of Filial Piety and The University. And was regarded as a "saint" by later generations. Ceng Zi was also the author of early Taishan folk songs. It is said that once "plowed under Mount Tai, the rain and snow were freezing, and he couldn't return for ten days, thinking about his parents and writing Song of Songs". Its tunes are gloomy and desolate, full of sadness, and then spread widely. Later generations of Zhuge Liang and Li Bai were good at singing this song. This should be said to be Ceng Zi's contribution to Taishan culture.
If there is a son, it is also called a son, one of the twelve philosophers of Confucius. In the Analects of Confucius, Confucius disciples only called Zeng Shen, especially if he was a "son", which was enough to show his position at that time. According to Mencius on Teng Wengong, after Confucius died, his disciples missed him day and night. Because you ruo looks like Confucius, Xia Zi, Zhang Zi, Zi You and others asked each other for advice, made you ruo a teacher, and served and consulted respectfully as Confucius did before his death. Youzi's hometown is Youjiazhuang, Feicheng City, at the foot of Mount Tai, where there are descendants of Ruo. The tomb of Youzi is near Youjiazhuang. The stone tablet of the Song Dynasty was unearthed in the fifty years of Qing Qianlong (1785), which proves that this place is undoubtedly the graveyard of wanderers.
Rangeng, whose real name is Boniu, is one of the twelve philosophers. He is called Yan Hui, Min Ziqian and Zhong Gong with virtue. Sun Chou, a disciple of Mencius, believes that Ran Geng is roughly close to Confucius, but not as profound as Confucius. Later, when Rangeng was seriously ill, Confucius went to see him and sighed sadly: "If you die, you will die!" " ! Everyone has his own disease! Someone is sick! "Rangeng's hometown is in Feicheng Ranjiazhuang, and Ranshi's descendants live together. There is Ranzi Temple in the village, where people worship their ancestor Ranzi. In the 13th year of Yongzheng in Qing Dynasty (1735), a hereditary doctor of the Five Classics was specially set up for the Ran clan, who was born for twelve years to show his special care for this Tessa.
Fang Lin is a well-read scholar. "The Analects of Confucius. "Eight-part essay": "The origin of Fang Lin's courtesy. Confucius said,' What a big problem! Ceremony, not luxury, is quite frugal; It is better to mourn than to lose. When Ji Jia offered sacrifices to Mount Tai, Confucius said angrily, "Alas! I once said that Mount Tai is not as good as the forest? "Fang Lin's hometown is in the urban and rural areas of Xintai today. This place is named after Fang Lin. Sixty years of Qing Qianlong (1736). A cultural relic unearthed in the local area proves that this is Fang Lin's hometown. The local people call it "the release of Taishan forest". As an outstanding representative of Taishan people's "knowing ceremony", the ancestral forest release temple was specially built in his hometown for people to sacrifice and pay tribute.
"The rocks on Mount Tai are what Lubang expected". This is the admiration of Mount Tai in the Book of Songs edited by Confucius in his later years. The influence of Mount Tai on Confucius is enormous: learning etiquette and learning music, from which we can get a glimpse of the whole leopard in the meditation ceremony; Climb Mount Tai and be small in the world, and judge your virtue and knowledge with a broad vision and mind; On the deathbed of Confucius, Kong Li, Yan Hui and Luz died one after another. Knowing that the sun was dying, they sang "Mount Tai collapsed! The beams and columns are destroyed! The last song of "The Withering of Philosophers" links one's own life and death with Mount Tai, which shows the extraordinary position of Mount Tai in Confucius' mind.
Confucius' influence on Mount Tai is far-reaching: the Oracle Bone Club is a successful example of Confucian politics, which proves that Confucianism is by no means an illusory person who is "putting on airs and arguing irrationally" and "knowledgeable but unable to show the world"; "Guishan Exercise" and "Qiuling Pavilion" lead to the eternal songs of Qu Yuan and Li Bai in "It's hard to walk"; The long-term trip to Qilu made me realize that "the wise enjoy water and the benevolent enjoy Leshan", which seems to involve the influence of cultural geography on people's personality; Careful observation is the effect of landscape appreciation on people's psychology and health, and it is undoubtedly the earliest enlightenment to tourism psychology and tourism aesthetics. If anyone has left the richest ideological and cultural heritage in traveling, then Confucius is well deserved. Later generations closely linked Confucius with Mount Tai and praised him as "Mount Tai among Confucius saints and Confucius in Mount Tai Yue" (Yan Ming Xiaoyun's Fu on Confucius Temple), which is quite meaningful.
About Confucius' architecture
Mount Tai also has buildings about Confucius. There are two Confucius temples, one in the southeast of Daimiao in Taicheng, which was built in Song Dynasty, and the other in the east of Daidingtian Street and the west of Bi Xia Temple, which was built in Jiajing period of Ming Dynasty. In addition to Confucius, Yan Hui, Ceng Zi, Mencius and Zisi are also enshrined in the temple, which is designed for the "Four Pairs" and "Twelve Mosses". Xu Zonggan, magistrate of Tai 'an County in Qing Dynasty, wrote an inscription: "The higher you raise, the stronger you drill, and you can speak;" It should be natural to surpass its class and excel. "
"Confucius Landing Place" archway. In front of the Red Gate Palace. In the thirty-ninth year of Jiajing in Ming Dynasty (1560), it was built by Zhu An and others. A couplet was inscribed on the square: "Wang Su passed down through the ages alone, and the Lord celebrated for thousands of years from afar. "But before the Han Dynasty, you had to climb Mount Tai East Road, and you had to go to Dajinkou Township in the mountains. The Ming people built workshops here with Confucian culture to remind tourists to "speak for the saints" and expand Confucius' influence in Mount Tai.
Visit the ruins
Confucius also visited Mount Tai to visit places of interest, broaden his horizons and improve his moral and cultural quality. There are many remains of Confucius visiting Mount Tai.
Zhan Lu station
Zhan Lu Terrace, south of Daiding, is the place where Confucius climbed the mountain and looked at Lu. Mencius devoted himself to writing a book: "Confucius climbed to Shandong and climbed to Mount Tai. Therefore, it is difficult for people who swim in the sea to swim in the water, and it is also difficult to swim at the gate of saints. That is to say, the realm of knowledge must be constantly improved in order to have a higher moral cultivation. " There was once a stone carving of Confucius in the world to commemorate it. "
Hushan. On the east side of Wang Mu pond at the southern foot of Mount Tai. The Book of Rites talks about the public: "Confucius crossed Mount Tai, and women cried at the tomb", lamenting that "tyranny is fiercer than tigers". However, the terrain here is open and Shan Ye is sparse, which seems to be a place where tigers and wolves don't haunt. The name "Tiger Mountain" may have been added by later generations. Emperor Qianlong of the Qing Dynasty erected a monument here, saying that he had personally shot tigers here. Many people think it is a historical fact, but it is actually arty and just an excuse to get rid of "tyranny".
Ji Zha Zi Tomb
Ji Zha's grave. Laiwu town east of Mount Tai. Ji Zha, the fourth son of King Shoumeng of Wu, gave up the throne for three times and traveled around the world to learn etiquette and music. He is a master of Wu culture. When Confucius was eight years old, Ji Zha made a special trip to Shandong to watch contemporary music and dance, and made a comprehensive and systematic evaluation. Later, in the state of Qi, the eldest son died at the foot of Mount Tai and had to be buried on the spot. According to the Book of Rites, Confucius thought he was the most familiar with the miscellaneous music system of the State of Wu, and made a special trip to watch the funeral of his eldest son. Next to Ji Zha's tomb, there is still a Confucius memorial tablet.
Pirate Spring Valley. In the south of Xintai Muchangyu Township, it was named after "stealing springs". "quotations from corpses" says: "as for Confucius, he didn't stay at dusk to steal springs, but he was thirsty and didn't drink, so he hated his name." Therefore, there is a saying that "people with lofty ideals don't drink water from stolen springs, and honest people don't eat their own food." Later generations changed "thief" to "Tao" because of its notoriety, and now they praise it.
Ryuichi In Dongzhuang Township, Ningyang County. "Liezi Tian Rui" contains: "Confucius visited Mount Tai, saw the glory period and went wild." Rong Qiqi is a hermit, 90 years old, dressed in deerskin and tied with a straw rope around his waist, playing the piano and singing. Confucius asked, "What makes Mr. Wang so happy?" Rong replied, "There are so many things that make me happy. Of all things in the world, only man is the noblest, and being born as a man is my first pleasure. People are divided into men and women, men are superior to women. I can be a man, which is the second pleasure; Some people have a short life span and even die in their mother's womb and infancy. It is the third greatest pleasure to live to be 90 years old. Living in poverty is a common situation of virtuous people, and death is the end of life. I am satisfied that I can spend my life under normal circumstances. What is there to worry about? " Confucius was deeply moved and said, "Great! How comforting! This incident has great inspiration and influence on Confucius.