Northeast Qi Village belongs to which province which city

Northeast Qicun is an administrative village under the jurisdiction of Gaocun Township, Yixian County, Baoding City, Hebei Province, with an urban/rural classification code of 122, which is a township-village combination area. The zoning code is 130633108202, and the first 6 digits of the resident ID number is 130633. The postal code is 071000, the long-distance telephone area code is 0312, and the license plate number is Ji F. Northeast Qicun is located in the same area as Xigao Village, Nixiqi Village, Zhongbeibeiqi Village, Donggao Village, Beidongzhuang Village, Shenshizhuang Village, Paimujing Village, Beishilou Village, Dayanqiao Village, Bailizhuang Village, Fangcheng Village, Zhuojiazhuang Village, Jingeryu Village, and Dahu Xie Village are adjacent to each other.

North East Qi Village near the Qing Xiling, Wolf Tooth Mountain, Qing Chongling, Qing Muling, Yan Shimodu ruins and other tourist attractions, there are Deer's Tail, Yishui inkstone, Yizhou colored pottery, Yishui ancient inkstone, sour date juice and other specialties.