What is the general cheerleading dance called

Cheerleading, and the combination of Dance (dance), Cheer (slogan), Partner Stunts (partner stunts, refers to the difficulty of lifting action), Tumbling (skills), Basket Toss (sedan chair throw), Pyramid (stacked Luohan), Jump (jump) and other action techniques, with music, clothing, team changes and Marking objects (such as color balls, slogan boards, horns and flags) and other elements, to comply with the rules of the game on gender, number, time limits, safety rules and other provisions of the game for the competition of the sport, known as competitive cheerleading, can also be called cheerleading. Competitive cheerleading is divided into skill cheerleading and dance cheerleading. Skills cheerleading team including Mixed (mixed groups), All-Female (all women) and Partner stunts (dance partner stunts); dance cheerleading team includes Pom (flower ball), High kick (high kick), Jazz (Jazz) and Prop (props) four groups.