Artistic beauty aside, it is a primal human instinct to dance for pleasure. I once talked to an American about the Chinese being a more introverted people, and he said, "Come on, you guys are square dancers, right?", and I replied, "I'm not a square dancer. To which I replied, "So, when have you ever seen just one Chinese lady dancing like nobody's business?" So it doesn't really matter if you're an amah or not. 1. amahs need an endorphin rush like everyone else. 2. dancing is the easiest exercise for amahs to perform. 3. chinese people are introverted, so amahs need to dance in piles. Finally, why do they have to dance in public? We can't rule out the possibility that some of them have an insidious desire to attract the opposite sex, but I think there's just no place for them to do it. The property owners in my neighborhood have built a 3-story activity center for the elderly, and the 3rd floor is a ballroom with good ventilation and excellent sound, and all of the older men and women in my neighborhood dance in it, so I think they must have a very superior feeling.
I hope to adopt