How to walk fast with cfak47? And how to press the gun? How to improve the headshot rate.

⒈ fast step. Quick step is to jump. That is, jump forward, at the moment of landing, and then jump up. This has been a continuous jump is.

And the ghost jump is similar. If you don't know it, you can ask a ghost master.

You can also find in Baidu:CF jump video instruction.

Peak pressure gun.AK recoil is relatively large, continuous shooting will be too biased,

So you must point and shoot. You can only shoot 1-2 bullets at a time.

3. Headshot this thing. It's not hard to say it's not hard, and it's not easy to say it's not easy.

Simple is, headshot practice is quite easy. Difficulty lies in, you and your opponent, who reacts quickly,

who first burst whose head.

Headshots are about speed and accuracy. Shoot fast,

Burst your opponent's head before he bursts yours.

Shooting accurately, this need to practice, we recommend that you first play the transport ship. The line in the center of the box of the transport ship is called the headshot line, the two horizontal bars in the center of your asterisk and the headshot line coincide,

point and shoot,

can be shot in the head.

After practicing on the transporter, keep up the habit of having your collimator in that position,

and you'll be able to headshot.

With that said, the important thing is practice.

I'm from Beijing 2. You can find me.

My game name is:丿SuPer_小白