Songs for bouncy music high to the ground

Bouncing music high to burst songs:

1, "GucciPrada"

GucciGucciPradaPrada, shaking goddess Wen Wan's famous BGM, once you hear it, you want to shake up.

2, "newsoul" dj version

Super beautiful head bobbing dance music, come together to pop a perma-di.

3, "TakeMyHand"

Very high, simply bouncy music, let everyone get high, you are the nightclub small public!

4, "bboombboom"

"bboombboom" This song feels like a very retro earthy disco, which is unique in the current slightly more recognizable four-generation girl group, the style is very unique. If it's good, it's good.

5, "TumDumDum"

Jittery finger bouncing music, also known as perma-di.

6. 'TocaToca'

Music that you can dance to by the name!