The second level fire protection engineer exam is about to start, quickly review up, the second level fire protection engineer column for all students? The second level fire engineers 2017 case study points: multi-storey cabaret entertainment place? , I hope to be helpful to all the candidates.
Case Multi-story song and dance entertainment screening amusement park building fire facilities configuration case study
I. Scenario description
A nightclub on the ground 3 floors, the floor area of each floor is 18m?60m = 1080 m2, brick mixed structure. The first floor for the lobby (190 m2), disco (810m2) and fire control room (80 m2), the second and third floor for the KTV room (each room has a floor area of not more than
200 m2). The total height of the building is 12 m. From the nightclub on both sides of the mountain wall 50 m each with an outdoor ground hydrant; the building each floor with three DN65 hydrant, using 25m fire hose, 19mm fire lance, hydrant spacing of 30m, and with the indoor ring fire water supply piping connected; the building is also equipped with a wet automatic sprinkler system, the choice of the standard spray nozzle, the nozzle spacing is not more than 3.60m, not more than 1.80m from the wall. indoor and outdoor fire water supply are taken to the municipal DN200 branch pipe network, the water pressure is not less than 0.35MPa. the building from two to three floors of the aisle (width of 2m, length of 60m) and the first disco does not have the natural conditions of smoke, with a mechanical smoke exhaust system, and set up a smoke machine room on the roof, the exhaust smoke machine air flow of 50,000m3 / h. The disco is divided into two smoke-proofing conditions, the smoke exhaust system and the smoke machine room, the smoke machine air volume of 50,000m3 / h. The disco is divided into two smoke-proofing conditions. Discotheque divided into two smoke partition, the largest smoke partition area of 410m2; in the KTV rooms, discotheque, aisles, stairwells, foyers and other parts of the emergency lighting and evacuation indicator lamps; fire hydrant at each level to set up 5kg ABC dry powder fire extinguishers two.
Second, the case description
This case contains or involves the following:
1) indoor and outdoor fire hydrant water supply system configuration.
2) Automatic sprinkler system configuration.
3) Smoke evacuation system configuration.
4) Automatic fire alarm system configuration.
5) the configuration of the building fire extinguishers.
6) the configuration of emergency lighting and evacuation signs.
Third, the key knowledge and based on
(a) outdoor fire hydrant
The volume of the building is 18m?60m?12m = 12960m3, according to the "Building Design Fire Code" (GB 50016 - 2006) of the regulations
civil buildings should be equipped with outdoor fire hydrant. Civil building volume of 5000 ~ 20000m3, its outdoor fire water consumption should not be less than 201 / s. Each outdoor hydrant flow 10 ~ 151 / s, therefore, in the nightclub around the 120m there should be two or more than two outdoor fire hydrants. When the outdoor fire fighting water consumption is more than 151/s, the fire fighting water supply pipe should be arranged into a ring, and the water supply pipe to the ring network should not be less than two. When the outdoor fire water supply using low-pressure water supply system, outdoor fire hydrant spigot water pressure from the outdoor design ground should not be less than 0.10MPa.
(ii) indoor fire hydrant
The volume of the building is greater than 10000m3, according to the "building design and fire prevention code" (GB 50016--2006) Article 8.3.1, paragraph 4 of the provisions of the building design and fire prevention code (GB 50016--2006), should be set up. DN65 indoor fire hydrant, its fire fighting water consumption should be based on the length of the fire hose filled water column and the number of fire hoses used at the same time by calculation to determine, and should not be less than 151 / s, and at the same time the use of fire hoses not less than three. The length of the fire hose filled water column should not be less than 7m, indoor fire hydrant arrangement should ensure that each fire partition on the same level there are two fire hose filled water column at the same time to reach any part. Fire hydrant should be arranged in the location of obvious and easy to operate parts, spigot height from the ground should be 1.10m, the direction of its water should be down or set up with the fire hydrant wall into a 90?angle, fire hydrant fire hose length should not be greater than 25m.
(C) automatic sprinkler system
According to the "Building Design and Fire Protection Act" (GB 50016-2006) regulations Set up on the ground one to three floors and each floor floor area greater than 300m2 of the dance entertainment projection amusement park should be equipped with automatic fire extinguishing system. According to "Automatic Sprinkler System Design Code (2005 Edition)" (GB 50084 - 2001), the place of the ambient temperature is greater than 4 ℃, and not higher than 70 ℃, should be used wet automatic sprinkler system. The fire hazard level of the system should be set up in the dangerous class Ⅰ, its spray intensity should not be less than 61/min?m2, the role of the area should not be less than 160m2.
(d) fire pools and fire pump room
The building indoor and outdoor fire hydrant system, sprinkler system and other fire fighting water from the municipal water supply network. According to the provisions of Article 8.6.1 of the Code for Fire Protection in Building Design (GB 50016-2006), if the municipal water supply pipe is branched or there is only one water inlet pipe, and the sum of indoor and outdoor fire fighting water consumption is more than 251/s, there should be a fire fighting pool. Therefore, the building should be provided with additional fire fighting pool and fire pump room. When the outdoor water supply pipe network can guarantee the outdoor fire fighting water consumption, the effective capacity of the fire fighting pool shall meet the requirement of indoor fire fighting water consumption during the fire extension time. When the outdoor water supply network can not guarantee the outdoor fire fighting water, the effective capacity of the fire pool should meet the fire in the continuation of the time indoor fire fighting water and outdoor fire fighting water shortage and the sum of the requirements. The fire pump room shall have not less than two outlet pipes directly connected to the fire water supply network. When one of the outlet pipe is shut down, the remaining outlet pipe should still be able to pass all the water consumption. Fire pumps should be set up standby pump, its working capacity should not be less than the largest one fire fighting pump.
When the building at the same time set up indoor fire hydrant system, automatic sprinkler system, water spray fire extinguishing system, foam fire extinguishing system or fixed fire artillery fire extinguishing system, its indoor fire fighting water should be required to turn on at the same time as the above system water consumption and calculation; when a variety of fire fighting systems need to be turned on at the same time, the indoor fire hydrant water consumption can be reduced by 50%, but shall not be less than 1O1/s. Therefore, the calculation of the above fire fighting water consumption shall be calculated according to the same time. Therefore, when calculating the total amount of water used for fire fighting, the amount of water used for indoor fire hydrant system can be reduced to 1O1/s.
(E) anti-smoke system
According to the provisions of the "Building Design and Fire Prevention Code" (GB 50016-2006), the nightclub building area of more than 200m2 rooms and length of more than 20m inside the aisle should be equipped with a mechanical smoke exhaust system. Therefore, a mechanical smoke exhaust system should be set up in the discotheque on the first floor and the aisles on the second and third floors. The floor area of the first floor discotheque is 810m2, at least two smoke partitions should be divided into two smoke partitions, each smoke partition with a smoke vent, and should ensure that the distance to the furthest point in the smoke partition is not more than 30 m. The discotheque with a smoke exhaust fan burden two smoke partitions exhaust smoke, the amount of exhaust smoke should not be less than 120m3/h?m2, the smoke volume is calculated to be 120m3/h?m2? 410m2=49200m3/h. The floor area of the second to third floor aisle is 2m?60m=120m2, and its smoke exhaust volume is 60m3/h?m2?120m2=7200m3/h. The smoke exhaust volume of the exhaust fan on the roof of the nightclub exhaust smoke room is 50,000m3/h, which is respectively larger than that required for the disco hall, 49200m3/h, and second to third floor aisle, 7200m3/h. The smoke exhaust volume of the roof exhaust fan is 50,000m3/h, respectively greater than that required for the disco hall, 49200m3/h, and second to third floor aisle. However, according to Article 9.4.8 of the Code for Fire Protection in Building Design (GB 50016-2006), the smoke exhaust volume of the smoke exhaust fan should also take into account 10% to 20% of the air leakage. Disco smoke volume plus air leakage should be 49200m3/h + 49200m3/h?20% = 59040m3/h, therefore, the roof exhaust fan smoke volume should be adjusted to not less than 59040m3/h.
(F) automatic fire alarm system
Based on the "Building Design and Fire Protection Act" (GB 50016 - 2006), the first to the first floor should be considered. (GB 50016-2006) of the provisions of the first three floors of the song and dance entertainment projection of amusement venues can not be set up automatic fire alarm system. In order to realize the automatic start of the mechanical smoke exhaust system, but also to further strengthen fire safety, the premises set up automatic fire alarm system, and the use of centralized fire alarm control system.
(VII) fire extinguishers
According to the "Building Design Fire Code" (GB 50016 - 2006) of the provisions of the civil building, in addition to residential, should be in accordance with the "Building Fire Extinguisher Configuration Design Code" (GB 50140 - 2005) of the provisions of the configuration of the fire extinguishers, residential is also appropriate to configure fire extinguishers. The nightclub fire extinguisher configuration of the place of the hazard class for the serious danger level, the fire type for the class A fire. Calculation unit of the minimum required to match the level of fire extinguishing calculation: Q = 1.3KS / U = 1.3?0.50?1080/50 = 14.04?15 (A). Calculate the minimum required level of fire suppression for each fire extinguisher set point in the unit: Qe=Q/N=15/3=5(A). The building in each of the three fire hydrants on each floor to set up two 5A level of ABC dry powder fire extinguishers, in line with the code requirements, but the A class fire place serious danger level of portable fire extinguishers maximum protection distance of 15m, the current arrangement of fire extinguishers have a leakage of protection, should be further adjusted.
(H) emergency lighting and evacuation signs
According to the "Building Design Fire Code" (GB 50016 - 2006), the song and dance entertainment screening amusement venues closed stairwells, aisles, first floor lobbies, discos, fire control rooms, power distribution rooms, smoke machine rooms, and other places should be equipped with emergency lighting. Building fire emergency lighting fixtures should be consistent with the following provisions:
1) evacuation aisles of the ground floor of the lowest level of illumination should not be less than 0.501x.
2) densely populated places of the ground floor should not be less than the lowest level of illumination 11x.
3) stairwells of the ground floor should not be less than 51x.
4) fire control room, fire pump room, distribution room, smoke extraction room and other places should be equipped with emergency lighting. Control room, fire pump room, self-contained generator room, power distribution room, smoke and smoke machine room and other rooms in the event of a fire still need to work properly fire emergency lighting, should still ensure that the illumination of normal lighting.
The place should be set along the evacuation aisle and in the safety exit, the evacuation door of a crowded place directly above the lighted evacuation indicator signs, and shall comply with the following provisions:
1) The safety exit and the evacuation door should be directly above the ? Safety exit? as the indication sign.
2) set along the evacuation aisle lighted evacuation indicator signs, should be set in the evacuation aisle and its corners from the ground height of 1m below the wall, and lighted evacuation indicator signs spacing should not be greater than 20m; for the pocket aisle, should not be greater than 10m; in the corner area of the aisle, should not be greater than 1m, and its indicator signs should be in line with the current national standards, "Fire Safety Signs" (GB 13495 - 1992) of the relevant provisions. Song and dance entertainment show entertainment venues should be in its evacuation aisles and the main evacuation routes on the ground to keep the visual continuity of the light evacuation indicator signs or light storage evacuation indicator signs.