Where is Harmony Village located?
Harmony Village in Houshan Town, Wanzhou District, Chongqing Harmony Village is an administrative village under the jurisdiction of Houshan Town, Wanzhou District, Chongqing. The urban-rural classification code is 220, which is a village. The zoning code is 500 10 1146206, and the first six digits of the resident ID number are 500101. The postal code is 404 100, the long-distance telephone area code is 023, and the license plate number is Chongqing F. Hemu Village is adjacent to Xinchang Community, Guihua Community, Tianshun Village, Yuanhe Village, Tianchi Village, Tianyuan Village, Tiechang Village, Macao Village, Shiguan Village, Ziyun Village, Zengjia Village and Dingyang Village.