Falls in winter is not a small thing, how to prevent falls in winter seniors? How to exercise scientifically?

The elderly in the north in the winter is very difficult, now life is better, the cold is not a big problem, but the fall such things happen to the elderly is very dangerous. Falls threaten the ability of older people to live independently. Many people don't or won't tell their doctors that they've had a fall, and the fear of a fall may limit some seniors' activities, causing them to become progressively less active, become less able to socialize, physically decline, become more vulnerable, and become more depressed.

Enhance physical fitness and change sedentary habits. Because the most direct cause of falls in the elderly is the weakening of muscle strength and the decline in bone strength, and the reduction in activity will greatly contribute to the loss of muscle and bone, it is necessary to encourage the elderly to maintain a tolerance range of physical activity and physical exercise.

Some seniors suffer lumbar compression fractures after a fall, but the pain is not obvious; others suffer hip fractures after a fall, but because the pain is not obvious and they can still walk, they think they are fine. A problem that could have been solved by a minor surgery was ignored, and the most serious consequence was having to replace the artificial joint.

Balanced and adequate nutrition is also a must for the elderly, and inappropriate dieting is not beneficial. There is also the fact that the elderly tend to take too much medication, which can also increase the risk of falls. Blood pressure and blood sugar control are relatively low compared to age will also increase the risk of falls. Stretch enough before exercising. For example, lift your legs, bend at the waist, etc., and let your body gradually relax before you start formal exercise. Choose appropriate sports shoes and sportswear. Sports shoes and sportswear should be lightweight and not too heavy.

Pay attention to calcium and potassium to prevent osteoporosis. Two meals a day recipes pay attention to calcium, in the morning, such as eating eggs and drinking milk, drinking soybean milk at noon, frying vegetables with shrimp instead of salt, and eat more food with high calcium content. Pay attention to supplement potassium, increase physical strength, eat more oranges, grapefruit and other fruits containing more potassium. For the body is not flexible, slow action of the elderly, go out should be accompanied, do not let them walk alone. Use a walking stick as an aid. While environmental hazards are the primary cause of falls, walking gait and balance disorders are also important factors. Weak lower extremity strength quadruples the risk of falling. Strength training and balance activities can go a long way toward reducing the risk of falls.