Is 25 years old old

New Concept of Older People

What is an older person? Gerontologists at home and abroad have more than a dozen views on the definition of the elderly. The World Health Organization and the Ministry of Health, China's 60 years of age or older for the elderly. But in real life, it is not difficult to find, the same is the flower of the people, the good but the difference is huge: some healthy, some disease; some twilight; some old and strong, some before the old first decline; some strong heart, some all thoughts. Obviously, it is very unscientific to classify the elderly simply by their age or superficial appearance. What exactly is the concept of the elderly? Indeed, it is a simple yet difficult question to answer. Here are four views of some current experts:

Determination of the elderly according to chronological age

The so-called chronological age, that is, the age of birth, refers to the time that an individual survives on earth after leaving the mother's body. Western countries refer to the age of 45-64 as the early old age, 65-89 as the old age, and 90 or more as the old life. Developing countries set 55 years of age for men and 50 years of age for women as the duration of old age. According to the actual situation in China, it is stipulated that 45-59 years old is the early old age period, 60-79 years old is the old age period, and 80 years old and above is the long life period.

According to the physiological age to determine the elderly

The so-called physiological age is to individual cells, tissues, organs, systems, physiological state, physiological function and response to these states and functions of the physiological indicators to determine the age of the individual. Physiological age can be divided into four periods: birth to 19 years old for growth and development, 20-39 years old for maturity, 40-59 years old for pre-senescence. 60 years old or more for aging. Therefore, people with a physiological age of 60 years or older are considered to be elderly. However, the meanings of physiological age and chronological age are different and often out of sync. Physiological age is determined using a number of physiological indicators such as blood pressure, respiratory output, vision, hearing, blood, grip strength, skin elasticity, and so on.

Determination of the elderly according to psychological age

The so-called psychological age is the age of an individual based on the degree of psychological activity of the individual. Psychological age is the consciousness and personality as its main measurement. Psychological age is divided into 3 periods: immaturity from birth to 19 years old, maturity from 20-59 years old, and senility from 60 years old and above. People with a mental age of 60 years or older are considered elderly. The meanings of mental age and chronological age are different and not synchronized. For example, a person with a chronological age of 60 years may have a mental age of only 40 or 50 years.

Elderly people according to social age

Social age is the age of an individual according to the role of the person in the interaction with other people. This means that the higher a person's social status and the greater the role they play, the more socially mature they are.

In summary, chronological age, physiological age, psychological age and social age, chronological age is subject to the parents, can not be changed, but physiological age, psychological age and social age can be changed through physical and mental exercise, personal efforts to delay aging, to make up for the shortcomings. Therefore, whether a person is aging, can not simply look at the age of birth, but also look at the physiological age, especially the psychological age, the psychological state of human life has a very strong reaction force. Therefore, the elderly as long as the strengthening of exercise, not only can make the physical health, but also in the psychological everlasting youth.

(Note: So 25 years old you do not have to be old, do not be so pessimistic! Otherwise those seventy years old and eighty years old have become a sperm!)