In winter, the snow-covered, withered reeds by the river were her birthplace.
It was cold and snowy - the day after she was born, and she was so, so small.
She was freezing and shivering, hungry and without any strength, and slept paralyzed in the reeds. No one knew why she was here, or maybe her mom and dad were playing with her siblings.
Perhaps that should not be her fate.
If no one came to help her again, then another wonderful, young life had left the world.
Finally, she was found by a little boy skiing, who gently cupped her cold, skinny body, the kitten was covered in snow, and as the snowflakes drifted down on her, she looked even whiter.
The little boy loved the little animal, and took her home, and fed her milk - milk from his cow, which was very kind.
"Mommy, it's alive, it opened its eyes! ~" the little boy exclaimed excitedly.
The first thing the kitten saw from birth was the little boy. The cat's eyes were so wide open and shining with fear because she didn't know yet that it was the little boy who saved her.
"You must be an angel cat! Because you have wings!" The little boy said happily to the kitten.
"What kind of angel cat?" The kitten asked him in return - but actually just meowed a few times, which was the language of the cats that the boy didn't understand.
"I don't know if you can fly though." The little boy said regretfully.
"Why wouldn't I be able to fly?" Cat purred, muttering to herself.
The cat, who grew up drinking cow's milk, was more active than the other cats, she was two and a half years old, but much smaller than the other cats her age, and people laughed at her for not being a cat, as she had wings.
She has also learned that she has a very pretty name, Princess Feifei, and everyone calls her Feifei.
FeiFei watched the birds flying in the sky and had a wonderful dream - "to fly in the sky"!
FeiFei told the cow about this idea.
"It's simply not possible. Which kitten have you heard of that can fly? You may have wings, but you're a cat after all! Besides, it's dangerous! ......" the cow mooed.
Fly knew that other animals, or people, must think the same way. It frustrated her, but she was determined to show all cats and people that cats could fly!
But she also understood that it would be hard to make her dream come true, but Fly wouldn't give up!
She practiced fluttering her wings, and then she practiced jumping and running ......
Often she was too tired to stand up, but she kept going, clinging to a dream that seemed silly to others.
She was five years old and still as big as she was when she was two and a half, so maybe she was just a little extra special that way, but that was a big advantage for her flying.
Fly had practiced wonderfully, and she just wanted to give it a try. But she understood better that a certain mistake could be a very serious danger
Fly came to the roof of the third floor. She ran up with light steps, then stood on her tiptoes and stirred her wings...--
Wow, Feifei really did fly!
The scene was seen by the little boy, who rushed to call the adults, and people came out of their homes, their mouths wide open in surprise, even the cows ran out to join in the fun, and the cows were more surprised than anyone else! ......
Fly proves it all with his actions -- only if you have wings, you can still fly just as well, despite being a cat! Effort is the most important thing though.
I was thinking the same thing: isn't it the same for people? Prove with actions that you can do it, even though others don't believe in you, and only if you have determination + hard work, you can make others look at you just the same!