Second, classification
1. Primary immunodeficiency: genetic factor: organ hypoplasia of immune system.
(1) Humoral immune deficiency
(2) cellular immune deficiency
(3) combined immunodeficiency
(4) Nonspecific immune deficiency (phagocyte, complement system defect)
2. Secondary immunodeficiency: accompanied by other diseases.
(1) Insufficient nutrition
(2) Tumor
⑶ Infection: HIV, HTLV.
(4) Others: surgery, trauma, burns, splenectomy and treatment of other diseases.
(5) immunosuppressive therapy
Third, characteristics
1, allocation
(1) Primary immunodeficiency: Most of them are children, accounting for more than half. (2) Secondary immunodeficiency:
(3) AIDS: most adults, male >; Female.
2. Clinical manifestations
(1) infection: the most common manifestation and the main cause of death. Humoral immune response defect, prone to suppurative bacterial infection; The cellular immune response is insufficient, and it is easy to be infected by fungi, viruses and protozoa. (2) Malignant tumor and autoimmune diseases: abnormal defense, homeostasis, monitoring and regulation. Statistical report on tumor incidence: T cell immunodeficiency >; Normal people 100-300 times (lymphomas and leukemia). The incidence of autoimmune diseases (SLE, pernicious anemia, rheumatoid arthritis) is many times higher than that of normal people.
(3) Multi-system diseases: all systems of the whole body can be involved.