Liuzhou is the only city in the country where all the parks are free, so why doesn't anyone visit them?

Does this visit mean to visit the parks? Or does it mean visiting the city? If it means visiting the parks, then there really isn't anything worth visiting, because although the parks are free, there's nothing rare in them.

Perhaps it's because people nowadays have changed their way of entertaining themselves, and are less interested in the old park facilities, especially for the middle-aged older men and women, who prefer to have an open space where they can dance. Especially in the hot summer, you will rarely see people walking or hanging out in the park, but in the evening it's a different story.

Unlike other parks that are full of grandparents at night, most of the people in this Liuzhou Park are young and energetic night runners,many of the young people who love to run at night are starting to like this place a little bit,so that the Liuzhou Park has now become the first choice for night runners.

Liuzhou Park through the planning of the water system will be the organic combination of parks and houses, due to the natural form of the river, so that the park and the transition of the natural harmony of the house. There are scenic spots such as the center lake area, fitness and recreation area, children's play area and science education area. In the spring time, you will see fewer people flying kites in Liuzhou Park, but it is already very little compared to the night runners.

Liuzhou has more bridges and more parks, and most of the parks are free of admission. Liuzhou parks, you know what, have been to which parks, in the end humanistic Liu Hou Park, ethnic flavor and beautiful scenery of the integration of the large Longtan Park ......, but now the people's should not come to the Liuzhou Park