Nan Yangzhuang Xizhuang Village is an administrative village under the jurisdiction of Nan Yangzhuang Township, Weixian County, Zhangjiakou City, Hebei Province, with an urban and rural classification code of 210 for the township center. The zoning code is 130726202207, and the first 6 digits of the resident's identity card number is 130726. The postal code is 050000, the long-distance telephone area code is 0313, and the license plate number is JI G. Nanyangzhuang Xizhuang is adjacent to Nanliangzhuang, Nanbao, Dongdayuntong, Maizitong, Liuhekou, Niuzhongzhuang, Jiuxinzhuang, Gaodian, Jiugongkou, Xixiandeng and Dongnandongjiang villages, Beibao Village are adjacent to each other.
Nan Yangzhuang Xizhuang Village is near Northwest River Taishan Temple, Nuanquan Ancient Town, Xiguobao, Flying Fox Valley, Weizhou Department (Weizhou County Paper Cutting Museum) and other tourist attractions, and has specialties such as Weizhou Tribute Rice, Weizhou Peach Blossom Millet, Weizhou Millet, Weizhou Apricot Flat, and Weizhou Dried Papaya and Apricot.