As a dedicated people's teacher, you are usually asked to write lesson plans, with the help of which you can effectively improve your teaching skills. How do we go about writing lesson plans? The following is my collection of social lesson plans for large class "heart to heart", I hope it can help you.
1. Make a "heart to heart card" to express the feelings of care from the mother and what they can do for the mother.
2. Feel the love between mother and child.
1. With the children **** with the decision to make a "heart to heart card" for the mother (the front side of the child is the deepest impression of a mother caring for their own things, the reverse side of the child is the most want to do for their mother a thing).
2. Example of a "heart to heart card", heart-shaped card, a handful of paint sticks, colorful spikes.
1. Organize the children to observe the "heart to heart card".
Teacher: Please take a close look at what is drawn on my card.
Young: Mom is cooking for her children.
Teacher: Let's take a closer look at what's on the reverse side.
Young: The child is bringing water for the mother to drink.
Teacher: What is the expression on the mother's face at this time?
Young: The mom smiled and laughed a lot.
...... Teacher: Do you know why this card is made in the shape of a heart and double-sided?
Teacher: This card on behalf of the mother loves the child's heart, the other side on behalf of the child loves the mother's heart, we will name it "heart to heart card", okay?
2. Children share their ideas.
Teacher: We're going to make this card later. Please think and say what you will draw on both sides of the card.
(Many children expressed their ideas positively, some of them wanted to draw folding clothes for their mothers. Some want to draw to help mom wipe the floor, and some want to draw for mom back legs, and so on.)
3. Children make greeting cards. Teachers remind children to think about what they want to draw, highlight the main content, and pay attention to the layout.
4. Continue to add "love" to the "kiss mom love box".
Teacher: Let's hide the card quietly in the box, don't tell mom first, wait until Mother's Day and then give it to mom, give mom a surprise, okay? This is our secret.
Extension activities:
1. Discuss and make posters for Mother's Day activities.
2. Organize the children to decorate the activity environment in the dance room.
3. Children divide the work and prepare for the Mother's Day celebration.
Activity Reflection:
The teacher's labor is to "soul" to shape the "soul", to correct the students' psychological deviation, to achieve the ideal effect of pedagogy, the teacher first of all, should have a good psychological quality. To correct the psychological deviation of the students, to achieve the desired effect of the pedagogy, the teacher should have a good psychological quality, with their own educational behavior, educational emotion to influence the students, to find and guide the students' psychological and behavioral abnormalities.
In my teaching, I pay a lot of attention to explore the psychological education factors in the teaching materials, educate the students at the same time self-education, self-improvement, to achieve the purpose of the same progress. Here's how I improve their psychological quality, to do with the students heart to heart, teaching and learning.
Note respect, that is, mutual respect between teachers and students. The textbook points out: "self-esteem and self-confidence, know respect for others, and therefore can win the respect of others, on the contrary, do not know how to respect others, it is impossible to win the respect of others." My class Yang Xiaolu, Wang Xinli and other students, often do not hand in their homework, criticized and educated, but still repeatedly refused to change. After several individual conversations, he finally told the reason. Wang Xinli actually did the first two assignments, but failed to hand them in on time, and my `public criticism made him feel that he was no longer a good student in the eyes of the teacher and his classmates, so he simply did not write his homework. This incident made me understand that negligence in teachers' work and rough reprimands only hurt students' self-esteem and make them lose interest in learning. Teachers can not always to educators as their own, everywhere demanding students, must put down the frame, pay attention to respect for students, in order to ease, help, care and trust in the educational behavior to win the respect of students.
Mutual tolerance, that is, teachers and students should be tolerant of each other. The textbook points out that "tolerance to maintain friendship." Today's students are no longer "dead books, read dead books" of the "book", they not only hope that the teacher to become their guide into the hall of science, but also hope that the teacher can become their own sincere, frank, talk about their best friends. Maintaining the friendship between teachers and students requires teachers to have a generous mind and optimistic state of mind, and good quality to adapt to the psychological development and needs of students. Teachers should have a heart of tolerance, to understand the inadequacies of students, allow students to make mistakes, and more importantly, to help students solve problems and correct mistakes, thus promoting the continuous progress of students. Only in this way, students will treat teachers as friends, like teachers, teacher-student relationship can be long-lasting. Teacher-student relationship will cause students' interest in learning, and interest is the prerequisite for success. I remember Zhang Yi class desertion, did not pay attention to the class, I just finished the exercise, he immediately asked how to do, dry mouth, I was angry, immediately criticized him, who knows that the Zhang Yi students not only do not know the wrong, but instead of throwing the pen to the table, simply do not write. This behavior can be said to add fuel to the fire, but I also realized that at this time in order to "out of anger" "hate", with the authority and rights of teachers, continue to criticize and educate, is not a wise choice, I calmed down. I calmed down. Afterwards, I first helped Zhang Yi to make up for what he hadn't heard, and then talked with him. Through communication, I learned that when he did something wrong, his general psychology was always uneasy and somewhat regretful. If the teacher reprimanded at that time, it would free him from self-condemnation, which would lead to confrontation; resulting in adverse educational consequences; if the teacher took a tolerant and non-condemnatory attitude, instead, it would help the student to recognize his own problems, reflect on his own behavior, and provoke him to self-condemnation and self-education. I am grateful for my wise move, otherwise the conflict is bound to intensify, talk about teacher-student relationship.
To correct the psychological deviation of the students and achieve the desired results, we should be persistent, so that teachers and students can be heart to heart, teaching and learning, and the results achieved are self-evident!
Activity Objectives
1. Make a "heart to heart card" to express the feelings of care from the mother and what they can do for the mother.
2. Feel the love between mother and child.
Activity Preparation
1. With the children *** with the decision to make a "heart to heart card" for the mother (the front side of the child is the deepest impression of a mother caring for their own things, the reverse side of the child is the mother most want to do a thing for the mother).
2. Example of a "heart to heart card", heart-shaped card, a handful of paint sticks, a number of colorful spikes.
Activity process
1. Organize the children to observe the "heart to heart card".
Teacher: Please take a close look at what is drawn on my card.
Children: Mom is cooking for her child.
Teacher: Let's take a closer look at what's on the reverse side.
Young: The child is bringing water for the mother to drink.
Teacher: What is the expression on the mother's face at this time?
K: Mom smiled and laughed.
Teacher: Do you know why this card is made in the shape of a heart and double-sided?
Children: Because the mother loves the child, and the child loves the mother.
Teacher: This card represents the mother's love for the child's heart, the other side of the card represents the child's love for the mother's heart, we will name it "heart to heart card", okay?
2. Children share their ideas.
Teacher: We are going to make this card later. Please think and say what you will draw on each side of the card.
(Many children expressed their ideas positively, some of them wanted to draw folding clothes for their mothers. Some want to draw to help their mothers scrub the floor, and some want to draw for their mothers to pound their backs and legs, and so on.)
3. Children make greeting cards. Teachers remind children to think about what they want to draw, highlight the main content, and pay attention to the layout.
4. Continue to add "love" to the "Kiss Mom Love Box".
Teacher: Let's hide the card quietly in the box, don't tell mom, wait until Mother's Day and then give it to mom, give mom a surprise, okay? This is our secret.
Extension activities
1, discuss and make a poster for Mother's Day activities.
2. Organize the children to decorate the activity environment in the dance room.
3. Children divide the work and prepare for the Mother's Day celebration.