My World 1.7.10 Command Total*** includes the following commands:
1, ascend - Elevate yourself to the previous platform.
2, bind <KEYCODE value> <command> {command keyword} - Set up a one-click command.
3. clear - Clears the console.
4. damage - Turns damage off or on i.e. invincibility.
5. descend - Move yourself to the platform one below.
6. destroy [all] - Destroys the current thing (backpack).
7. defuse [all] - Defuse a bomb (disarms an ignited TNT explosive).
8. difficulty <VALUE> - Sets the difficulty of the game.
9. dropstore - Create a locker around you.
10, *drops - Switches item drops on and off, mining fights don't drop anything if you turn it off. Know
11, dupe [all] - Duplicates things.
12, duplicate [all] - Duplicates things in your hand and drops them.
13, explode [range] - Set a place to explode (use with caution in your own home).
14、extinguish [all] - Extinguish all surrounding fires.
15, ext [all] - Extinguish fires as well.
16, falldamage - Switches the overhead fall damage.
17, firedamage - Switch fire damage.
18, fly - Flight mode.
19, *freeze - Freezes monsters.
20, give <item > [quantity] - Gives one item.
21, goto <name> - Go to a place.
22, grow [all] - Make immediate wheat grow.
23, h [COMMAND] - Command list/help.
24, HEAL <HEALTH> - Replenish specified blood
25, HEALTH <MIN|MBERMAX|INFINITE> - Sets the value of ???life???.
26, help [COMMAND] - List of commands/help.
27. home Returns to the birth point.
28, i <ITEM CODE> [QUANTITY] - Swipe things.
29, instantmine - Switches instant mining (mining without delay).
30, item <item code|item name> [quantity] [cost] Gives the player the item, or the maximum amount if not specified.
31. itemname - Displays the name of the item currently in hand.
32, itemstack <item code> [quantity] - Gives the player a specified number of items.
33, kill Suicide is not explained.
34, jump - Transports to the place indicated by the mouse.
35, killnpc [all] - Kill all NPCs in the vicinity or kill all living creatures in the vicinity except yourself.
36, *light - Turns the light off permanently.
37. listwaypoints - Lists all waypoints.
38, macro <filename> {parameter} - Allows running macros.
39, maxstack [item id|item name|all] [number] - Maximum stack an item up.
40, *mobdamage - Monsters don't give you damage.
41, msg <message> - Adds a ???message??? to the console.
42, music [volume] - Plays music.
43, noclip - Goes through walls.
44, p - Show current coordinates.
45, pos Now the player's coordinates.
46, reach <DISTANCE> - Player goes to the specified place.
47, return - Teleports to the previously teleported place.
48, rem <NAME> - Remove the specified waypoint.
49, removedrops [all] - Remove items from the ground.
50, *rename <COMMANDNAME> <NEWNAME> - Changes the command name.
51, REPLENISH [all] - X.
52, REPAIR [all] - Repair current item durability.
53, reset - Restore default settings.
54, s <name> - Same as /set.
55, search <keyword> - Search for item names.
56, set <name> - Mark a path point in this world.
57, setjump [JUMP|reset] - Sets the height of the jump Landing damage and movement 1:1.
58, setspawn [<X> <Y> <Z>] Sets the current position X axis Y axis Z axis.
59, setspeed [speed|reset] - Sets the movement speed.
60, spawn <NAME|ID|random|list> [QTY] - Spawns a creature.
61, spawnstack <NAME|ID|random|list> {NAME|ID|random} - Spawns a merged monster NPC.
62, time [set|get|day|night [MINUTE|HOUR|DAY [TIME ]]] - Set a specific time to get an item.
63, unbind <KEYCODE value> - Unbind a command.
64, useportal - Teleport to hell.
65, waterdamage - Switches diving damage.
66, world <load|save|seed|new|exit|list> - World intelligence.
67. world load <FILENAME> - Load the specified file.
68, world save - Save to exit the game.
69, world seed [SEED] - Shows you how many squares are in your world.
70, world new [FILENAME] [SEED] - Creates a new map in the specified location.
71, world exit - Exit the game without saving.