Jinan Municipal People's Government on strengthening the management of Quancheng Square Notice

All units and individuals who enter the square should comply with the provisions of this circular, consciously abide by social morality, caring for the square's public **** facilities, to maintain the square's public **** order. Second, the management of the Quancheng Square range: east to the west side of South Gate Street sidewalk (excluding the Shandong Provincial Science and Technology Museum); west to the Baotu South Road east side of the river; south to the north side of Lok Yuen Street sidewalk; north to the south side of Heihuquan West Road sidewalk green guardrail. Third, the tour area is strictly prohibited to build a variety of buildings (structures) and temporary facilities that have nothing to do with the management of the square. Fourth, it is strictly prohibited to set up stalls in the tour area, peddling goods, juggling or other business activities. Fifth, it is strictly prohibited to cut down, damage, carve trees or pick flowers, trampling on the lawn or in the green space piling up debris, digging pits for soil. Sixth, it is strictly prohibited to spit, spit bubble gum, feces, littering waste, burning leaves and garbage. Strictly prohibited in the moat, fountains and other ornamental water discharge, dumping sewage, swimming, washing clothes. Seven, it is strictly prohibited to deface, move, encroachment, destruction, theft of a variety of square public **** facilities. Eight, it is strictly prohibited alcoholism, gambling, fighting, provoking trouble or propaganda obscenity, pornography, superstition and rendering violent activities. Nine, it is strictly prohibited in the tour area lying around, camping, begging and other activities that hinder the appearance of the square. Ten, visitors are not allowed to bring dogs into the square, shall not catch, hurt the pigeons. XI, prohibit all kinds of vehicles into the tour area, motor vehicles and non-motorized vehicles are parked in the square underground parking lot or designated location. Twelve, Quancheng Plaza Management Office is responsible for the integrated management of the square, by the city of urban construction, environmental health, gardening and landscaping departments entrusted to violate the provisions of Articles 5, 6 and 7 of this circular, in accordance with relevant laws, rules and regulations to implement the penalties. Thirteen, administrative law enforcement officers in the performance of official duties, should be strict law enforcement, warm service. Neglect of duty, abuse of power, favoritism and malpractice, by their units or higher authorities to give administrative sanctions; constitutes a crime, shall be investigated for criminal responsibility. Fourteen, this notice shall come into force on the date of publication.