There are lyrics of little buddy, little buddy, what song is it?

The English version of children's song is jambalaya. Song title: jambalaya Singing: Carpenter Lyrics: Good-byeJoe, Heggottago, meohmyoh Goodbye Joey, he's leaving, my God, Hegottago-Polethepilogue downtown Bayou, he's going to push the boat into the river, MyYvonnethesweetestone, Meohmyoh, My most beautiful Ivana, my God Sonofagu, we will have a wonderful time on the river, my Yvonnethesweetestone, Meohmyoh, my most beautiful Ivana, my God Sonofagu, we will have a wonderful time on the river, and twelve relatives will come to see Ivana's dress. Meow meow is wearing an unusual gorgeous costume. Oh, my God, Sonofago, we're going to make a big discovery. You're such silly children. We will have a good time on the river. Meohmyoh is wearing an unusually gorgeous costume. God, Sonofagu, we will have a good time at the estuary, silly boy. We will have a good time on the river, jambalayaaandakrawfishpie and filetgumbo, jambalaya and crayfish pie, as well as fish fillets and gumbo soup. I'm mgonnaseemymacherami-o, because tonight, I'm going to meet my Marshall, Pickguitar. Bring a guitar and fill a fruit jar. Cheer up, Sonofagu. We'll have a good time on the river, silly boy.