Symptoms of axillary lymph node enlargement

When it comes to lymph nodes, people always think of cancer first.

The breast is closest to the armpit. Is axillary lymph node breast cancer?

Does B-ultrasound or molybdenum target report show axillary lymph node enlargement?


Generally speaking, lymph nodes are a barrier against the invasion of foreign bodies, including bacteria, viruses and tumors.

Lymph node enlargement shows that the immune system in the body recognizes these foreign bodies and causes a series of pathological reactions, which is actually a protective effect on the body.

When the number and capacity of foreign bodies exceed the bearing capacity of lymph nodes, that is, lymph nodes are "occupied", they will attack the next target.

It can be said that lymph nodes are a barrier to the human body, which has both protective and warning functions.

Indeed, the breast is the closest human organ to the armpit, and some diseases of the breast will react in the axillary lymph nodes.

Therefore, surgical treatment of breast cancer includes treatment of axillary lymph nodes.

However, the "outsiders" who invade the armpit are not only from the breast, but also from other parts, such as upper limbs, lungs, digestive tract and so on.

"Never mind" axillary lymph nodes

"Never mind" here mainly refers to some benign lesions that have nothing to do with malignant tumors.

If axillary lymph nodes are swollen, and B-ultrasound, molybdenum target and magnetic resonance imaging all indicate that it is a benign breast disease of Bi-RADS grade 2/3, such as lobular hyperplasia of breast, lactation or non-lactation mastitis, postoperative breast lump, etc.

Such lymph nodes "don't matter", don't worry too much.

The reason is that bacterial and non-bacterial inflammatory stimulation of breast, decreased resistance or recent fatigue and poor sleep may all cause axillary lymph node enlargement.

Of course, traumatic inflammation of upper limbs and vaccination can also cause axillary lymph node enlargement.

In this case, as long as you pay more attention to rest, symptomatic treatment and treatment of inflammation.

"Important" axillary lymph nodes

If axillary lymph nodes are swollen, accompanied by breast lesions with BI-RADS grade 4 or above, you should be vigilant at this time.

It is suggested to operate or biopsy as soon as possible to determine whether it is metastatic lymph nodes of breast cancer.

But don't ignore the rare disease in clinic: occult breast cancer.

Mainly refers to this kind of breast cancer with axillary lymph node metastasis and no lesions found on the breast.

In addition, malignant lymphoma, lung cancer and gastric cancer may also cause axillary lymph node enlargement, but it is not common in clinic.