Why Ulantoya's songs are sung by Ulantoya instead

Ulantoya and her former record company, Crescent Moon contract expired and was not renewed, losing the right to sing ten songs, including "Horse Trap Pole". After that, she released dozens of songs such as "Fire Red Sazirang", "Green Grassland", "Love from the Grassland", etc., which were adapted by the general public as square dances and widely spread. Her unique and sweet voice, a change from the rough and tumble song style of Inner Mongolia, she is the real heavenly voice of the grassland. Although Ulantuya instead of Ulantuya continue to sing lasso pole, but, no matter the tone, tune, than Ulantuya this original singer a lot worse, and the style has also changed a lot. In my opinion, without Ulantoya's secondary creation of the "Horse Pole" song, the Horse Pole is definitely not on fire.