Latin dance, Ri cha cha and a few more basic steps. Column: ....

Chacha cha cha is the newest of the Latin dances this dance first appeared in the early fifties in the United States in the ballroom, from a kind of dance called the mambo developed. With the advent of the mambo, another rhythm flourished and eventually took the world by storm: the cha-cha-cha-cha. Its music is a little slower than the mambo, and its rhythm is simpler and faster. The cha-cha-cha-cha brings people a happy, relaxed, amusing, and somewhat party atmosphere. It was later shortened to cha-cha-cha.

Bronze level: (Bronze)

1.Basic Movement

2.Fan Step


4.Hockey Stick Step

5.Three Cha Cha Cha Cha Three Cha Cha Cha Cha

6.Natural Top Right Gyroscopic Turn

7.Natural Opening Out Movement Right Opening Step

8.Closed Hip Twist

9.Hand to hand Hand to Hand

10.Spot Turn Spot Turn

11. Time Step Rhythmic Step

12. New York New York Step

Silver Level: (Silver)

13. Reverse Opening Out Movement

16.Aida Aida

17.Spiral Spiral Step

18.Open Hip Twist

Gold Medal Level: (Gold)

19.Rope Spining Lasso Step

20.Advanced Hip Twist

21.Cross Basic

22.Cuban Break

23.Turkish Towel

24. Heart Sweetheart Step

25. Follow Me Step
