What do varicocele pictures look like?
1) The scrotum or testicles are swollen, crushed, and distended. Swollen blood vessels like earthworms can be felt or seen in the scrotum. The affected side of the scrotum or testicles have a feeling of swelling or pain, the scrotum is enlarged, the affected side of the scrotum and testicles are lower than the healthy side when standing, the surface of the scrotum can be seen dilated, tortuous veins. Symptoms are more obvious when standing for a long time or exerting oneself in the abdomen, and lying down can reduce or disappear the symptoms. Prolonged sitting will lead to localized temperature increase, swelling and pain in the spermatic cord.2) Infertility. Many men find out they have varicocele only after going to the hospital for examination because of infertility, and it is known that about two thirds of men suffering from varicocele will have semen abnormality, which will lead to infertility. Therefore, if you experience infertility, go to the hospital in time to check if you have varicocele.3) Symptoms of neurasthenia. Patients suffering from varicocele can have neurasthenia symptoms, such as headache, fatigue, nervousness, etc. 4) Sexual dysfunction. Some patients suffering from varicocele may have sexual dysfunction such as low libido, decreased sexual pleasure, sexual pain, erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation. Experts introduced the hospital to carry out the high spermatic vein ligation, combined with intelligent computer navigation imaging system and microscopic technology, only in the retroperitoneal inguinal canal in the ring mouth on the 2cm-3cm double silk ligation. It blocks the reflux of sperm-damaging substances while lowering the testicular temperature and venous pressure, thus improving semen quality and increasing the natural fertilization rate. Compared with traditional open surgery, minimally invasive spermatic vein ligation has more advantages: 1) safe and minimally invasive, fast recovery: minimally invasive surgery has small incision, less bleeding, fast recovery, avoiding the pain of open surgery. 2) intravenous anesthesia, less pain: the surgery adopts epidural compound intravenous anesthesia instead of endotracheal anesthesia, with shorter anesthesia time and lower cost, which not only reduces the effect of endotracheal anesthesia on the patient but also avoids the injury and pain caused by endotracheal intubation. (3) Thorough treatment, avoiding complications: minimally invasive surgery realizes fine separation of arterial and venous veins in the spermatic cord, with high ligation position, easy separation, more thorough ligation, less likely to damage the vas deferens and testicular arteries, and avoiding testicular atrophy, which is favorable for recovery and safer. (4) Microscopic and direct vision, not easy to be missed: magnifying the arterial and venous veins of the spermatic cord with microscopic equipment, completing the spermatic cord vein ligation under direct vision, and it is not easy to be missed. (5) Walk with the treatment, no need for hospitalization: it does not affect the patient's life and work, and reduces the patient's economic burden from the source, with the incomparable advantages of open surgery and laparoscopic high spermatic vein ligation.